c# Programming Glossary: distributionlist
What should be the correct response from web service to display the Jquery token input results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13558856/what-should-be-the-correct-response-from-web-service-to-display-the-jquery-token DataSet ds PSData ObjDl new PSData ds ObjDl.GetDistributionList q List DistributionList DLObj new List DistributionList foreach.. ObjDl new PSData ds ObjDl.GetDistributionList q List DistributionList DLObj new List DistributionList foreach DataRow datarow in ds.Tables.. q List DistributionList DLObj new List DistributionList foreach DataRow datarow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows DistributionList..
Sharepoint PeopleEditor: How to find out what kind of user/group is returned? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181056/sharepoint-peopleeditor-how-to-find-out-what-kind-of-user-group-is-returned Here you go Flags public enum SPPrincipalType None User 1 DistributionList 2 SecurityGroup 4 SharePointGroup 8 All SharePointGroup SecurityGroup..