c# Programming Glossary: dllimport
How do you get total amount of RAM the computer has? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105031/how-do-you-get-total-amount-of-ram-the-computer-has return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true static extern..
How to simulate Mouse Click in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2416748/how-to-simulate-mouse-click-in-c System.Runtime.InteropServices public class Form1 Form DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto CallingConvention CallingConvention.StdCall..
Natural Sort Order in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248603/natural-sort-order-in-c-sharp and use it as the comparison function in your IComparer DllImport shlwapi.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode private static extern int.. internal static class SafeNativeMethods DllImport shlwapi.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode public static extern int..
Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2563724/accessing-password-protected-network-drives-in-windows-in-c get extended error information call GetLastError. returns DllImport advapi32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return.. get extended error information call GetLastError. returns DllImport advapi32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return.. get extended error information call GetLastError. returns DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return..
Kill child process when parent process is killed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3342941/kill-child-process-when-parent-process-is-killed UInt32 PeakJobMemoryUsed public class Job IDisposable DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode static extern IntPtr CreateJobObject.. extern IntPtr CreateJobObject object a string lpName DllImport kernel32.dll static extern bool SetInformationJobObject IntPtr.. infoType IntPtr lpJobObjectInfo uint cbJobObjectInfoLength DllImport kernel32.dll SetLastError true static extern bool AssignProcessToJobObject..
How to detect Windows 64-bit platform with .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336633/how-to-detect-windows-64-bit-platform-with-net is64BitOperatingSystem is64BitProcess InternalCheckIsWow64 DllImport kernel32.dll SetLastError true CallingConvention CallingConvention.Winapi..
How do I suspend painting for a control and its children? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/487661/how-do-i-suspend-painting-for-a-control-and-its-children demonstrating how to use this message class DrawingControl DllImport user32.dll public static extern int SendMessage IntPtr hWnd..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions public static string RegData Software MyIEExtension DllImport ieframe.dll public static extern int IEGetWriteableHKCU ref..
Clipboard event C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621577/clipboard-event-c-sharp this question I think you'll have to use some p invoke DllImport User32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto public static extern IntPtr..
Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860656/using-c-how-does-one-figure-out-what-process-locked-a-file Marshal.SizeOf typeof IntPtr 8 internal class Win32API DllImport ntdll.dll public static extern int NtQueryObject IntPtr ObjectHandle.. int ObjectInformationLength ref int returnLength DllImport kernel32.dll SetLastError true public static extern uint QueryDosDevice.. lpDeviceName StringBuilder lpTargetPath int ucchMax DllImport ntdll.dll public static extern uint NtQuerySystemInformation..
DllNotFoundException with HRESULT 0x8007007E when loading 64-bit dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10774250/dllnotfoundexception-with-hresult-0x8007007e-when-loading-64-bit-dll help. How do I make it work c# visual studio 2008 pinvoke dllimport dllnotfoundexception share improve this question It is a..
Change C# DllImport target code depending on x64/x86 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11934570/change-c-sharp-dllimport-target-code-depending-on-x64-x86 share the child project in both versions. c# preprocessor dllimport windows 7 x64 share improve this question This is primarily..
Why doesn't .NET find the OpenSSL.NET dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1396164/why-doesnt-net-find-the-openssl-net-dll What am I doing wrong Why isn't the DLL found c# .net dll dllimport dllnotfoundexception share improve this question Try the..
How to set up a C++ function so that it can be used by p/invoke? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1533916/how-to-set-up-a-c-function-so-that-it-can-be-used-by-p-invoke C end that I just don't know the syntax for. c# c pinvoke dllimport extern share improve this question You'll want to use extern..
Trying to create a Math Input Panel in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1623378/trying-to-create-a-math-input-panel-in-c-sharp disappears right away. Any suggestions c# c dll windows 7 dllimport share improve this question In your C# project add a reference..
Read a Registry Key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1675864/read-a-registry-key How can I fix this c# asp.net visual studio registry dllimport share improve this question Reading the registry is pretty..
Pointers in C# to Retrieve Reference From DllImport Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2344929/pointers-in-c-sharp-to-retrieve-reference-from-dllimport-function unsigned char coupon4 c# c dll visual studio 2005 dllimport share improve this question Edit now that we have structures..
C# Struct No Parameterless Constructor? See what I need to accomplish http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2372061/c-sharp-struct-no-parameterless-constructor-see-what-i-need-to-accomplish How can I accomplish this c# dll constructor struct dllimport share improve this question You can use a fixed size buffer..
PInvokeStackImbalance C# call to unmanaged C++ function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2390407/pinvokestackimbalance-c-sharp-call-to-unmanaged-c-function unmanaged signature. c# c visual studio 2010 pinvoke dllimport share improve this question As mentioned by Dane Rose comment..
P/Invoke dynamic DLL search path http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411736/p-invoke-dynamic-dll-search-path in a subdirectory and debugged from there c# .net pinvoke dllimport share improve this question My condolences I've seen one..
Writing a DLL in C/C++ for .Net interoperability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3726829/writing-a-dll-in-c-c-for-net-interoperability returntype extern C returntype __stdcall __declspec dllimport and then you can define the macro differently for other compilers.. returntype extern C returntype __stdcall __declspec dllimport # endif #else # define MYPROJECTAPI returntype extern C returntype..
How do I DllExport a C++ Class for use in a C# Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4741035/how-do-i-dllexport-a-c-class-for-use-in-a-c-sharp-application that I followed the documentation properly in C c# c dll dllimport dllexport share improve this question C# cannot directly..
Call C# dll function from C++/CLI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4818136/call-c-sharp-dll-function-from-c-cli help me with this terrible error c# dll interop c cli dllimport share improve this question You must be using c CLI otherwise..
C# Marshalling double* from C++ DLL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5072340/c-sharp-marshalling-double-from-c-dll a MarshalDirectiveException. c# c interop marshalling dllimport share improve this question There are a few problems with..
Using pHash from .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6254447/using-phash-from-net Debug.WriteLine hash2 catch Exception ex c# .net c dllimport share improve this question The current Windows source code..
“Unable to find an entry point named [function] in dll” (c++ to c# type conversion) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653178/unable-to-find-an-entry-point-named-function-in-dll-c-to-c-sharp-type-con a type from C to C#. But where exactly ... c# c dll dllimport extern share improve this question First make sure the function..
Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/666799/embedding-unmanaged-dll-into-a-managed-c-sharp-dll en us library system.runtime.interopservices.dllimportattribute.dllimportattribute.aspx So I added the unmanaged dll.. library system.runtime.interopservices.dllimportattribute.dllimportattribute.aspx So I added the unmanaged dll file to my managed.. suzcook that's supposed to be possible... c# unmanaged dllimport managed share improve this question You can embed the unmanaged..
How can I add a reference to a C-based DLL in my C# application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8624004/how-can-i-add-a-reference-to-a-c-based-dll-in-my-c-sharp-application my C# application in Visual Studio 2008 c# c dll pinvoke dllimport share improve this question You cannot add a reference to..
How can I specify a [DllImport] path at runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8836093/how-can-i-specify-a-dllimport-path-at-runtime is What could be done in this case c# c dll constants dllimport share improve this question Contrary to the suggestions..
Change C# DllImport target code depending on x64/x86 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11934570/change-c-sharp-dllimport-target-code-depending-on-x64-x86 C# I have an external c dll to import using DLLImport. If my application is compiling in x64 I need to import the..
Why does closing a console that was started with AllocConsole cause my whole application to exit? Can I change this behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11959643/why-does-closing-a-console-that-was-started-with-allocconsole-cause-my-whole-app on this question. The example code is bugged in that the DLLImport needs to be kernel32.dll or kernel32 not Kernel32 . After making..
Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15660722/why-are-cdecl-calls-often-mismatched-in-the-standard-p-invoke-convention en us library 2x8kf7zx 28v vs.100 29.aspx explicit DLLImport needed here to use P Invoke marshalling DllImport msvcrt.dll.. CallingConvention Cdecl CharSet CharSet Ansi Implicit DLLImport specifying calling convention extern C int __stdcall MessageBeep..
Problems with office automation in asp.net. I can use alternatives such as open-office, if I knew how http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2653740/problems-with-office-automation-in-asp-net-i-can-use-alternatives-such-as-open but I couldn't find anything about it. I don't mind using DLLImport to do what I have to do and I can install open office on the..
Compiling Quantlib via SWIG for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3334011/compiling-quantlib-via-swig-for-c-sharp needs to be placed in a location that is readable by the DLLImport attribute. See Dynamic Link Library Search Order on MSDN for..
How to programmatically get the current audio level? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992798/how-to-programmatically-get-the-current-audio-level extern method prototypes public class MyAudioWrapper DLLImport winmm.dll EntryPoint waveOutGetVolume public extern void GetWaveVolume..
Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/666799/embedding-unmanaged-dll-into-a-managed-c-sharp-dll I have a managed C# dll that uses an unmanaged C dll using DLLImport. All is working great. However I want to embed that unmanaged.. set the property to 'Embedded Resource' and modify the DLLImport to something like DllImport Unmanaged Driver.dll Wrapper Engine..
Meaning of text between square brackets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/771772/meaning-of-text-between-square-brackets and then the code follows another classic example is DLLImport . I know what STATThread means but my question is what is the..