

c# Programming Glossary: disposition

C# Asp.net write file to client


buffer 0 buffer.Length Response.AddHeader Content Disposition attachment filename yourfile.txt This of course works if you..

Multipart forms from C# client


sb.AppendLine string.Format Content Disposition file name 0 filename 1 p.Name p.FileName sb.AppendLine Content.. p.Value else sb.AppendLine string.Format Content Disposition form data name 0 p.Name sb.AppendLine sb.AppendLine p.Value..

Response.AddHeader(“Content-Disposition”) not opening file in IE6


&ldquo Content Disposition&rdquo not opening file in IE6 I'm using Response.AddHeader.. opening file in IE6 I'm using Response.AddHeader Content Disposition attachment filename Server.HtmlEncode FileName to pop a 'open.. through the net and found that Response.AddHeader Content Disposition inline filename Server.HtmlEncode FileName should be provide..

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


var propFormat boundary newLine Content Disposition form data name 0 newLine newLine 1 newLine newLine var fileHeaderFormat.. newLine var fileHeaderFormat boundary newLine Content Disposition form data name 0 filename 1 newLine var req HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest.Create.. something like WebKitFormBoundarySkAQdHysJKel8YBM Content Disposition form data name key KeyValueGoesHere WebKitFormBoundarySkAQdHysJKel8YBM..

Download/Stream file from URL - asp.net


application octet stream Response.AddHeader Content Disposition String.Format attachment filename 0 filePath Response.AddHeader.. octet stream Name the file resp.AddHeader Content Disposition attachment filename fileName resp.AddHeader Content Length..

ASP.NET How To Stream File To User


HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader content Disposition attachment filename this.ReportFileName GetReportExtension HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType..

Reading file input from a multipart/form-data POST


server contains the following WebKitFormBoundary Content Disposition form data name data filename DSCF0001.JPG Content Type image..

Convert Dataset to XML


text xml charset utf 8 Response.AddHeader Content Disposition attachment filename test.xml Response.End I've been trying all..

Force download of a file on web server - ASP .NET C#


Response.ContentType text plain Response.AddHeader Content Disposition attachment filename Backup.sql Response.Write sql Response.End.. myfile.sql var r context.Response r.AddHeader Content Disposition attachment filename fileName r.ContentType text plain r.WriteFile..

Inserting data into an excel sheet from a DataTable


Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename NameOfExcelFile.xlsx Response.BinaryWrite..

How to play audio and video files in web browser?


.ItemArray.GetValue 2 .ToString Response.AddHeader content disposition string.Format File_Path filename 0 input Response.OutputStream.Write..

C# MailTo with Attachment?


time stamp information for the file. ContentDisposition disposition data.ContentDisposition disposition.CreationDate System.IO.File.GetCreationTime.. ContentDisposition disposition data.ContentDisposition disposition.CreationDate System.IO.File.GetCreationTime file disposition.ModificationDate.. System.IO.File.GetCreationTime file disposition.ModificationDate System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime file disposition.ReadDate..

Html to pdf some characters are missing (itextsharp)


System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename FileName.pdf Response.Cache.SetCacheability..

How to render an ASP.NET MVC View in PDF format


renderedView HttpContext.Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename report.pdf return new FileStreamResult byteStream.. byteStream context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename report.pdf context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader..

How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#?


Questions.xlsx Name or Sheet response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename Questions.xlsx response.ContentType application..

Error handling when downloading file from ASP.NET Web Handler (.ashx)


application pdf context.Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename GetPDFFileName context.Response.AddHeader..

Export DataTable to Excel File


city.xls Response.ClearContent Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment Response.ContentType application vnd.ms excel string..

When is it OK to catch an OutOfMemoryException and how to handle it?


do that it does not mean that no single byte left at our disposition But not all people were agree with that and speculated about..

Non Unicode in Content-Disposition header


Idea how this can be fixed c# .net http headers content disposition share improve this question I had similar problem. You have.. fileName Response.Clear Response.AddHeader content disposition String.Format attachment filename 0 fileName Response.AddHeader..

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird


MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet ContentDisposition disposition attachment.ContentDisposition disposition.CreationDate File.GetCreationTime.. disposition attachment.ContentDisposition disposition.CreationDate File.GetCreationTime attachmentFilename disposition.ModificationDate.. File.GetCreationTime attachmentFilename disposition.ModificationDate File.GetLastWriteTime attachmentFilename disposition.ReadDate..

Write to CSV file and export it?


HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType text csv..

Get filename while downloading it


full code required assuming the server has applied content disposition header using WebClient client new WebClient using Stream rawStream.. string contentDisposition client.ResponseHeaders content disposition if string.IsNullOrEmpty contentDisposition string lookFor filename..

Reading a binary file and using Response.BinaryWrite()


Response.Buffer true Response.AddHeader content disposition String.Format attachment filename 0 Path.GetFileName path Response.ContentType..

iTextSharp generated PDF: How to send the pdf to the client and add a prompt?


HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader content disposition attachment filename my_report.pdf HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType..

Using EPPlus, I am trying to export a gridview to an Excel Sheet


Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename MailingList.xlsx Response.BinaryWrite pck.GetAsByteArray.. Response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename MailingList.xlsx Response.BinaryWrite pck.GetAsByteArray..