

c# Programming Glossary: distribute

Merge DLL into EXE?


I'd like to include in my EXE file to make it easier to distribute it. I've read a bit here and there how to do this even found..

Attach debugger in C# to another process


Keep this in mind going forward if you are planning to distribute your program. First of all add a reference to EnvDTE to your..

How to pass the smart screen on Win8 when install a signed application?


are offering EV code signing certificates. Don ™t sign or distribute malicious code Distributing code detected as malicious will..

How to convert a simple .Net console project a into portable exe with Mono and mkbundle?


your program Well it would be much more handy if you could distribute your applications without nagging your clients to install additional..

How to embed a satellite assembly into the EXE file


into the EXE file I got the problem that I need to distribute a C# project as a single EXE file which is not an installer..

Generic type parameter covariance and multiple interface implementations


no classes implementing IGeneric T in your assembly. You distribute this and many others implement this interface only once and.. compiler throw an error Surely the already compiled and distributed assembly containing the call to GetName can't produce a compiler..

Embedding DLLs in a compiled executable


a compiled C# executable so that you only have one file to distribute If it is possible how would one go about doing it Normally I'm..

get unique machine id


id Like Processor serial number of the computer for distribute a software with out copying. I tried with processor serial number..

Embedding mercurial revision information in Visual Studio c# projects automatically


better thing to do is build the dll as you want it then distribute ONLY the dll with your code ensuring that the dll's location..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


sessions can be shared by different callers. My goal is distribute the usage across multiple sessions as opposed to 1 single session...

How can I play compressed sound files in C# in a portable way?


a fully managed decoder player it wouldn't be free to redistribute. The best format available would seem to be OGG Vorbis but I.. I don't know how to play it afterwards . I neither want to distribute any binaries with my application nor depend on P Invoke as the..

An effective method for encrypting a license file?


itself. Thus ensuring you dont have another key to distribute and even if someone tampers with the assembly the .net framework..

Linking statically in C#


in C# I'm working on a module for a CMS. This module is distributed as a class library DLL. I have several utility libraries I'd.. I can link these libraries statically so I won't have to distribute several DLL's thereby distributing my utility libraries separately..

How can I create a Product Key for my C# App


Then you just verify it within your program. One way to distribute the license file on windows is to provide it as a file which.. will simply patch your program to skip that check and distribute the patched version. Or they will work out a key that passes.. Or they will work out a key that passes all checks and distribute that or backdate the clock etc. It doesn't matter how convoluted..

AppFabric caching examples using c# [closed]


in your cache setup you'll need to re compile and re distribute your application. The important thing to remember about the..

Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Factory.StartNew


Parallel.ForEach internally uses a Partitioner T to distribute your collection into work items. It will not do one task per..

Ways to synchronize interface and implementation comments in C#


the actual XML file it uses for input which means you can distribute this modified version along with your library DLL instead of..