

c# Programming Glossary: displayname

Query Local IP Address


Note that HostName has properties CanonicalName DisplayName and RawName but they all seem to return the same string. We..

Is there an Attribute I can use in my class to tell DataGridView not to create a column for it when bound to a List<MyClass>


MyClass I have a class like this private class MyClass DisplayName Foo Bar public string FooBar get private set public string Baz.. but that's not ideal. Is there an attribute similar to DisplayName that I can tag a property with Something like Visible false..

How do I save/serialize a custom class to the settings file?


class ReportType private string displayName public string DisplayName get return displayName private string reportName public string.. System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs.Xml public string DisplayName get return displayName .............. and then once you have..

TextBoxFor rendering to HTML with prefix on the ID attribute


text value Field in the model is Required ErrorMessage DisplayName Login public string Login get set Can I made id and name attribute..

databind the Source property of the WebBrowser in WPF


FontWeight Bold Foreground Blue TextBox Text Binding Path DisplayName FontWeight Bold StackPanel TextBox Text Binding Path Street..

using XAML to bind to a System.Drawing.Image into a System.Windows.Image control


binding to an object which declares two properties string DisplayName get System.Drawing.Image Image get set I want to populate a.. Source Binding Path Image TextBlock Text Binding Path DisplayName StackPanel The text appears but the image does not. What am..

Localization of DisplayNameAttribute


of DisplayNameAttribute I am looking for a way to localize properties names.. The property's name may be overriden using the DisplayNameAttribute attribute. Unfortunately attributes can not have non.. a look around and found some suggestion to inherit from DisplayNameAttribute to be able to use resource. I would end up up with..

WPF/MVVM - how to handle double-click on TreeViewItems in the ViewModel?


3 0 Source Images Region.png TextBlock Text Binding DisplayName StackPanel HierarchicalDataTemplate HierarchicalDataTemplate..

get the value of DisplayName attribute


the value of DisplayName attribute public class Class1 DisplayName Something To Name.. the value of DisplayName attribute public class Class1 DisplayName Something To Name public virtual string Name get set How to.. public virtual string Name get set How to get the value of DisplayName attribute in C# c# share improve this question Try these..

WPF MVVM Modal Overlay Dialog only over a View (not Window)


Same number of buttons and commands expected base.DisplayName ModalDialog this.DialogMessage message this.DialogHeader header.. false #endregion ViewModelBase has public virtual string DisplayName get protected set and implements INotifyPropertyChanged Some.. 4 HorizontalAlignment Right TextBlock Text Binding Path DisplayName Margin 2 TextBlock Button DataTemplate ItemsControl.ItemTemplate..

Troubleshooting BadImageFormatException


log follows. Pre bind state information LOG User XXX LOG DisplayName XxxDevices Version Culture neutral PublicKeyToken null..

Get installed applications in a system


subkey_name Console.WriteLine subkey.GetValue DisplayName Alternatively you can use WMI as has been mentioned ManagementObjectSearcher..

Prism assembly reference failure: System.Windows.Interactivity


Pre bind state information LOG User aricebo array me LOG DisplayName System.Windows.Interactivity PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35..

Understanding the Running Object Table


0 IBindCtx bindCtx CreateBindCtx 0 out bindCtx string displayName moniker 0 .GetDisplayName bindCtx null out displayName Console.WriteLine.. displayName moniker 0 .GetDisplayName bindCtx null out displayName Console.WriteLine Display Name 0 displayName DllImport ole32.dll.. null out displayName Console.WriteLine Display Name 0 displayName DllImport ole32.dll private static extern void CreateBindCtx..

How do I save/serialize a custom class to the settings file?


strings as follows public class ReportType private string displayName public string DisplayName get return displayName private string.. string displayName public string DisplayName get return displayName private string reportName public string ReportName get return.. get return reportName public ReportType string displayName string reportName this.displayName displayName this.reportName..

Can we define implicit conversions of enums in c#?


field.GetAttribute DescriptionAttribute var displayName field.Name.ToPhrase _isInitialized true #endregion #region..

How can I add my attributes to Code-Generated Linq2Sql classes properties?


prop in properties add custom attributes here... string displayName prop.DisplayName if string.IsNullOrEmpty displayName displayName.. displayName prop.DisplayName if string.IsNullOrEmpty displayName displayName prop.Name list.Add new ChainedPropertyDescriptor.. prop.DisplayName if string.IsNullOrEmpty displayName displayName prop.Name list.Add new ChainedPropertyDescriptor prop new DisplayNameAttribute..

get the value of DisplayName attribute


return memberExpr.Member return null Usage would be string displayName ReflectionExtensions.GetPropertyDisplayName SomeClass i i.SomeProperty..

Get List of Users From Active Directory In A Given AD Group


new DirectorySearcher LdapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add displayName LdapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add cn LdapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add..