

c# Programming Glossary: displaytext

C# Winforms Combobox with Label and Value


to return Name Id ditto but with a TypeConverter add a DisplayText property that return the same and use DisplayMember build a..

Extending Enums, Overkill?


with custom attributes applied. public enum RoofStyle DisplayText Glass Top StringValue GTR Glass DisplayText Convertible Soft.. enum RoofStyle DisplayText Glass Top StringValue GTR Glass DisplayText Convertible Soft Top StringValue CST ConvertibleSoft DisplayText.. Convertible Soft Top StringValue CST ConvertibleSoft DisplayText Hard Top StringValue HT HardTop DisplayText Targa Top StringValue..

ComboBox: Adding Text and Value to an Item (no Binding Source)


program... How can I do something like this combo1.Item 1 DisplayText combo1.Item 1 .Value useful Value c# winforms combobox share..