c# Programming Glossary: dllexport
C# performance - Using unsafe pointers instead of IntPtr and Marshal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17549123/c-sharp-performance-using-unsafe-pointers-instead-of-intptr-and-marshal struct MyData int length unsigned char bytes __declspec dllexport void CreateMyData struct MyData myData int length __declspec.. CreateMyData struct MyData myData int length __declspec dllexport void DestroyMyData struct MyData myData #endif _MY_LIB_H_ MyLib.c..
Howto implement callback interface from unmanaged DLL to .net app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2167895/howto-implement-callback-interface-from-unmanaged-dll-to-net-app const char text Callback Handler 0 extern C __declspec dllexport void __stdcall SetCallback Callback handler Handler handler.. Callback handler Handler handler extern C __declspec dllexport void __stdcall TestCallback int retval Handler hello world That's..
PInvoke for C function that returns char * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370079/pinvoke-for-c-function-that-returns-char for the function in the dll is extern C __declspec dllexport char foo void In C# I first used DllImport _dllLocation public..
Writing a DLL in C/C++ for .Net interoperability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3726829/writing-a-dll-in-c-c-for-net-interoperability your functions as extern C returntype __stdcall __declspec dllexport func params ... You should also use a caller provides the buffer.. And there is one thing absolutely NOT to do use __declspec dllexport on C classes. EDIT I want to also explain some good practices.. returntype extern C returntype __stdcall __declspec dllexport In consumer projects #define MYPROJECTAPI returntype extern..
Unbalanced Stack! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4171790/unbalanced-stack of the methods in the dll is as follows extern C _declspec dllexport void startIt int number capture cvCaptureFromCAM number I use..
Is is possible to export functions from a C# DLL like in VS C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4818850/is-is-possible-to-export-functions-from-a-c-sharp-dll-like-in-vs-c like in VS C In VS C C you could use extern C __declspec dllexport function declaration . How do I accomplish this in a C# dll.. answers below is the only way for C#. c# c notepad dllexport share improve this question I've seen people do this before..
C# Marshalling double* from C++ DLL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5072340/c-sharp-marshalling-double-from-c-dll have a C DLL with an exported function extern C __declspec dllexport double fft double dataReal double dataImag ... The function.. that I now pass some extra information extern C __declspec dllexport void fft double dataReal double dataImag int length double output.. would be to define fft this way extern C __declspec dllexport void __stdcall fft double const dataReal int dataRealLength..
Using pHash from .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6254447/using-phash-from-net the DLL. You will need to add these yourself by __declspec dllexport at the beginning of the line in pHash.h like so __declspec dllexport.. at the beginning of the line in pHash.h like so __declspec dllexport int ph_dct_imagehash const char file ulong64 hash You should..
Interop sending string from C# to C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/683013/interop-sending-string-from-c-sharp-to-c getString tstStr BufSize C side extern C __declspec dllexport void getString char str int bufferSize strcpy_s str bufferSize..
std::string in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/874551/stdstring-in-c but I tried this C Function in C dll bool __declspec dllexport OpenA std string file return true C# code DllImport pk2.dll..
Use a C library from C# code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9093292/use-a-c-library-from-c-sharp-code is likely declared like this #define DllExport __declspec dllexport DllExport bool Beep unsigned int frequency unsigned int duration..