

c# Programming Glossary: distinction

Why do both the abstract class and interface exist in .Net?


Personally I don't get hung up on the whole is a vs can do distinction for inheritance. It never gives me as good an intuition about..

What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large


application based on our applications layout. We use this distinction extensively for display purposes when managing permissions and..

How do ValueTypes derive from Object (ReferenceType) and still be ValueTypes?


but all ValueTypes derive from Object. Where is this distinction made How does the CLR handle this c# .net clr value type reference.. And all enums derive from System.Enum. Where is this distinction made It's made everywhere in the world that the compiler runs...

Expression Versus Statement


general purpose programming languages like FORTRAN the distinction was crystal clear. In FORTRAN a statement was one unit of execution.. of the definition of Algol 60. At that point the semantic distinction have a value versus do something was enshrined in syntax one.. tell them apart. Designers of later languages blurred the distinction they allowed syntactic expressions to do things and they allowed..

What exactly is an “open generic type” in .NET? [duplicate]


and Dictionary are unbound types. To clarify the subtle distinction between an open type and an unbound type class Program static..

foreach vs someList.Foreach(){}


improve this question There is one important and useful distinction between the two. Because .ForEach uses a for loop to iterate..

Creating safe SQL statements as strings


and get that to call into SQL Server still maintaining the distinction between the SQL itself and the parameter values. As long as..

What do 'statically linked' and 'dynamically linked' mean?


object modules together to form an executable. The distinction is made for among other things allowing third party libraries..

C# Field Naming Guidelines?


referring to class members within the class to make the distinction clear. EDIT 2 I've adopted the convention used at my current..

GetHashCode Guidelines in C#


Update I've made a couple of changes above I made a distinction between guideline and rule. I struck through for the lifetime..

Show Console in Windows Application?


In practice I'm not even sure how the console vs gui mode distinction would be made from a double click... string mode args.Length..

Differences between IQueryable, List, IEnumerator?


freely. With LINQ to SQL Going hand in hand with the distinction above it's also important to bear in mind how this works out.. Edit after comments I just want to be clear about the distinction between when things are done client side and when they're done..

How are arrays created and accessed


stack which then confuses others Besides the stack heap distinction is an implementation detail ... See my article on memory for..

Why are structs stored on the stack while classes get stored on the heap(.NET)?


Does anybody know the difference for this particular distinction c# .net share improve this question edited to cover points..

How do you manage .NET app.config files for large applications?


easy to use code it generates and the application vs. user distinction meets most of our needs. BUT.... It is very tedious to copy..