

c# Programming Glossary: disposable

Am I implementing IDisposable correctly?


FileStream manually Is Dispose bool written correctly c# idisposable share improve this question You don't need to use this extensive.. my answer here stands . Here is why The premise behind the disposable implementation pattern by that I mean the protected virtual.. I have a Person type which for sake of argument has a disposable type in one of its fields and hence ought to be disposable itself..

Does garbage collector call Dispose()?


call Dispose I do follow the standard pattern when using disposable objects. My question arises because I'm trying to track down..

High Quality Image Scaling C#


@ C myimage.jpeg resized 90 Note Remember that images are disposable so you need to assign the result of your resize to a using declaration..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


T lock itemStore while itemStore.Count 0 IDisposable disposable IDisposable itemStore.Fetch disposable.Dispose sync.Close.. 0 IDisposable disposable IDisposable itemStore.Fetch disposable.Dispose sync.Close public bool IsDisposed get return isDisposed.. Hello from Foo # 0 num Here's our pretend disposable Foo resource which implements IFoo and has some boilerplate..

Image.Save(..) throws a GDI+ exception because the memory stream is closed


obviously it's good practice to dispose anything that's disposable anyway. See this question for more on this. However you should..

Disposing WPF User Controls


by a third party. My control has a private member which is disposable and I would like to ensure that its dispose method will always.. window application is closed. However UserControl is not disposable. I tried implementing the IDisposable interface and subscribing..

Unity 2.0 and handling IDisposable types (especially with PerThreadLifetimeManager)


this.key newValue So disposing container does not dispose disposable instances created with this lifetime manager. Thread completion.. construct. Also do I understand it correctly that handling disposable objects is dependent on lifetime manager So the application.. I read that in other IoC containers dealing with temporary disposable objects is handled by subcontainers but I didn't find example..

Calling null on a class vs Dispose()


a Finalize method Why would I want to use that c# .net disposable share improve this question It's important to separate disposal..

returning in the middle of a using block


middle of a using block Something like using IDisposable disposable GetSomeDisposable ..... ...... return Stg I believe it is not.. a proper place for a return statement is it c# dispose idisposable using statement share improve this question As several others..

What are best practices for using SmtpClient, SendAsync and Dispose under .NET 4.0


a bit perplexed on how to manage SmtpClient now that it is disposable especially if I make calls using SendAsync. Presumably I should..

Finalize vs Dispose


finalize method comes in handy. Some types encapsulates disposable resources in a manner where it is easy to use and dispose of..

Call a stored procedure with parameter in c#


instead of da.InsertCommand . Also use a using for all disposable objects so that you are sure that they are disposed properly..

C# https login and download file


HttpWebRequest not the other way around. Does not cleanup disposable objects. Failing to dispose an object can result in the object..