

c# Programming Glossary: directory.getfiles

Writing C# Plugin System


KB cs c__plugin_architecture.aspx String pluginFiles Directory.GetFiles Plugins.PluginsDirectory .dll foreach var plugin in pluginFiles.. catch Exception public static void LoadAll String files Directory.GetFiles . Plugins .dll foreach var s in files Load Path.Combine Environment.CurrentDirectory..

UnauthorizedAccessException cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure


cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure Directory.GetFiles method fails on the first encounter.. cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure Directory.GetFiles method fails on the first encounter with a folder it has no.. and returns the path of all files found getFiles Directory.GetFiles @directoryToSearch filetype SearchOption.AllDirectories catch..

Can you call Directory.GetFiles() with multiple filters?


you call Directory.GetFiles with multiple filters I am trying to use the Directory.GetFiles.. with multiple filters I am trying to use the Directory.GetFiles method to retrieve a list of files of multiple types such as.. jpg 's. I have tried both of the following with no luck Directory.GetFiles C path .mp3 .jpg SearchOption.AllDirectories Directory.GetFiles..

Ignore folders/files when Directory.GetFiles() is denied access


folders files when Directory.GetFiles is denied access I am trying to display a list of all files.. the list try if cbSubFolders.Checked false string files Directory.GetFiles folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath foreach string fileName in.. fileName in files ProcessFile fileName else string files Directory.GetFiles folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath . SearchOption.AllDirectories..

What to use: var or object name type? [duplicate]


wonder What to use when we are writting code var myFiles Directory.GetFiles fullPath or string myFiles Directory.GetFiles fullPath var is.. var myFiles Directory.GetFiles fullPath or string myFiles Directory.GetFiles fullPath var is new and is a Implicitly Typed Local Variables..

Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)


void DeleteDirectory string target_dir string files Directory.GetFiles target_dir string dirs Directory.GetDirectories target_dir foreach..

GetFiles with multiple extentions [duplicate]


extentions duplicate Possible Duplicate Can you call Directory.GetFiles with multiple filters How do you filter on more than one extension..

Best way to copy the entire contents of a directory in C#


Copy all the files foreach string newPath in Directory.GetFiles SourcePath . SearchOption.AllDirectories File.Copy newPath newPath.Replace..

How to recursively list all the files in a directory in C#?


d in Directory.GetDirectories sDir foreach string f in Directory.GetFiles d Console.WriteLine f DirSearch d catch System.Exception..