

c# Programming Glossary: dimension

Cannot find the memory leak


consumption is constant I am using .jpg files with approx dimension 1280 x 2000 for testing I am not resizing images. c# image..

Can a PictureBox show animated GIF in Windows Application?


Public Class GifImage Private gifImage As Image Private dimension As FrameDimension Private frameCount As Integer Private currentFrame.. path As String gifImage Image.FromFile path 'initialize dimension New FrameDimension gifImage.FrameDimensionsList 0 'gets the.. frames in the animation frameCount gifImage.GetFrameCount dimension End Sub Public Property ReverseAtEnd As Boolean 'whether the..

.NET Asynchronous stream read/write


FileStream file byte buffer new byte 4096 buffer with 4 kB dimension int offset 0 read write offset int nBytesRead 0 number of bytes.. NetworkStream net FileStream file buffer with same dimension as file stream data buffer new byte file.Length start asynchronous..

Why do C# Multidimensional arrays not implement IEnumerable<T>?


do C# Multidimensional arrays not implement IEnumerable T I have just noticed that.. implement IEnumerable T I have just noticed that a multidimensional array in C# does not implement IEnumerable T while it does.. T while it does implement IEnumerable . For single dimensional arrays both IEnumerable T and IEnumerable are implemented...

What's the difference between “groups” and “captures” in .NET regular expressions?


Depending on your view it either adds an interesting new dimension to the match results or adds confusion and bloat. And further..

Marshal C++ int array to C#


it has either nonzero lower bounds or more than one dimension. What array type should I be using Or is there a bettery way..

How do I determine the true pixel size of my Monitor in .NET?


using any OS services. The OS doesn't know the actual dimensions of the monitor or how the user has it calibrated. Some of this.. user tell you how many inches centimeters it is in each dimension. No matter what you do don't expect your results to be 100 accurate...

Why we have both jagged array and multidimentional array?


But What is the difference between jagged array and Multidimensional array. Is there a benefit of one on another And why would.. lengths and occupy their own block in memory. A multidimensional array int is a single block of memory essentially a matrix.. Bear in mind that the CLR is heavily optimized for single dimension array access so using a jagged array will likely be faster than..

Any faster way of copying arrays in C#?


I have three arrays that need to be combined in one three dimension array. The following code shows slow performance in Performance.. but that's the documentation. It also works on multidimensional arrays just make sure that you're always specifying how many..

Serializing an array of integers using XmlSerializer


encountering a problem while trying to serialize a multi dimensioned array of integers via XmlSerializer for an XNA project I'm.. claim that XmlSerializer will natively handle single dimensioned arrays of integers as well. Is there a limitation regarding.. of integers as well. Is there a limitation regarding multi dimensioned arrays or is something else going on here Here's the relevant..

What is the fastest way to convert a float[] to a byte[]?


for a byte array 4 time longer than the float array the dimension of the byte array will be 4 times that of the float array since..

Is the size of a Form in Visual Studio designer limited to screen resolution?


value cannot be greater than 12 pixels over each screen dimension horizontal 12 and vertical 12 . and again at Microsoft Connect.. value cannot be greater than 12 pixels over each screen dimension horizontal 12 and vertical 12 . Therefore we can't enlarge our..

How to proportional resize image of any type in .NET?


800 400 .5 Now take that ratio and multiply by the second dimension 600 .5 300 . Your new size is 400 x 300. Here's a PHP example..

How to find the actual printable area? (PrintDocument)


current page size in software and reflect the actual page dimension portrait or landscape. PrintableArea is also known as hard margins.. available width and height was just inside the available dimensions. I'm failing safe here if you wanted to you could maintain..