

c# Programming Glossary: dimensions

multidimensional array [][] vs [,] [duplicate]


of those are also arrays so then you can specify their dimensions which can be different hence the term jagged array ServicePoint..

Why doesn't Array class expose its indexer directly?


needs to be able to represent an array with any number of dimensions. The indexer for a two dimensional array has a different signature..

Resizing an image in asp.net without losing the image quality


either jpeg gif bmp or png images. If the uploaded image dimensions are greater then 103 x 32 the I want to resize the uploaded..

How can I get the active screen dimensions?


can I get the active screen dimensions What I am looking for is the equivalent of System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea..

C# Drawing Arc with 3 Points


box for the circle to use with DrawArc using the min max dimensions center radius . Now calculate your start and stop angles by..

GetMethod for generic method [duplicate]


and array types refs are ignored for matching but arrays dimensions must match . So that's how Microsoft should have done it. It's..

How do I determine the true pixel size of my Monitor in .NET?


using any OS services. The OS doesn't know the actual dimensions of the monitor or how the user has it calibrated. Some of this..

Curve fitting points in 3D space


HTH Edit A few examples with abrupt velocity change in two dimensions in 3D is exactly the same . If the initial and final speeds..

Charting in ASP.Net MVC 3


that explains how to assign values and specify basic dimensions. I understand that no books have been published yet on MVC 3.. new Chart var area new ChartArea configure your chart area dimensions etc here. chart.ChartAreas.Add area create and customize your..

How to draw gridline on WPF Canvas?


another brush where you draw a rectangle with the desired dimensions filled with your tiles. So to have a starting position of 30..

Combine two Images into one new Image


into one new Image I have two JPEG files with different dimensions Image1 Width1 Height1 Image2 Width2 Height2 I want to create..

Capturing webpage as image in c#, ensuring javascript rendered elements are visible


mshtml.IHTMLElement2 docs3.documentElement Determine dimensions for the image we could add minWidth here to ensure that we..

How to find the actual printable area? (PrintDocument)


available width and height was just inside the available dimensions. I'm failing safe here if you wanted to you could maintain float..

Practical usage of virtual functions in c#


virtual keyword. using System class TestClass public class Dimensions public const double pi Math.PI protected double x y public Dimensions.. public const double pi Math.PI protected double x y public Dimensions public Dimensions double x double y this.x x this.y y public.. pi Math.PI protected double x y public Dimensions public Dimensions double x double y this.x x this.y y public virtual double..

C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure


Entities.Geometry.SdoGeometryType SdoGType 100 public int Dimensions get return int SdoGType 1000 public int LrsDimensions get.. Dimensions get return int SdoGType 1000 public int LrsDimensions get return int SdoGType 100 10 OracleObjectMappingAttribute..