

c# Programming Glossary: directories

c# Find a file within all possible folders?


a specific file example cheese.exe within all possible directories And then store the path to the directory it found it in Any..

C# HttpWebRequest command to get directory listing


the code The HTTP Server has to be configured to allow directories listing for the directories you want Because directory listings.. has to be configured to allow directories listing for the directories you want Because directory listings are normal HTML pages there..

Better way to check if Path is a File or a Directory ? (C#, .NET)


File or a Directory C# .NET I am processing a TreeView of directories and files users can select either a file or a directory and..

Unique file identifier in windows


Is there are way to uniquely identify a file and possibly directories for the lifetime of the file regardless of moves renames and..

Can I show file copy progress using FileInfo.CopyTo() in .NET?


a copy utility in c# .NET 2.0 Framework that copies files directories and recursive sub directories etc. The program has a GUI that.. Framework that copies files directories and recursive sub directories etc. The program has a GUI that shows the current file being..

Fixing “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.”


Load Information. You'll get a dialog that lists all the directories where it looked for the .pdb file for the assembly. Verify that..

Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)


all the files within the directory structure then all the directories before removing the directory itself. I know this goes against..

Can I load a .NET assembly at runtime and instantiate a type knowing only the name?


try catch so that if it fails you can perform a search of directories where you may specifically store additional assemblies that..

What's the best way to calculate the size of a directory in .NET?


the folder size is proportional to the number of files sub directories it contains. Your routine seems fairly neat simple. Bear in..

Access to the path is denied when using Directory.GetFiles(…)


function in try catch or is there other way to get all directories recursively I could write my own recursive function to get files.. @ C SearchOption.AllDirectories get all sub directories var dirs Directory.GetDirectories @ C SearchOption.AllDirectories..

Best way to copy the entire contents of a directory in C#


improve this question Much easier Now Create all of the directories foreach string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories SourcePath..

Best way to get application folder path


to the Excel executable. The others may return different directories depending on your environment for example see @Vimvq1987's answer...

populate treeview from list of file paths in wpf


List Item I created a recursive method to load up some directories files... using System.Collections.Generic using System.IO using.. HierarchicalDataTemplate for any items with hierarchy i.e. directories . NOTE 1 I haven't extensively tested this. It hasn't been profiled.. makes sense on your system. Here is a screenshot showing directories and files at different levels... share improve this answer..

using ITextSharp to extract and update links in an existing PDF


writing an app using itextsharp to read through the directories and files find the PDFs and iterate through each page. What..

How to recursively list all the files in a directory in C#?


to recursively list all the files in a directory and child directories in C# c# .net share improve this question This article covers..