

c# Programming Glossary: digit

Double to string conversion without scientific notation


format also doesn't seem to allow having an open number of digits after the decimal separator. This is not a duplicate of How.. in this question was to use a fixed point such as 20 digits which is not what I want. A fixed point formatting and trimming.. Update The tests of the conversions only include single digit whole numbers which is the norm but the algorithm also works..

\d is less efficient than [0-9]


. I said it was probably more efficient to use a range or digit specifier than a character set. I decided to test that out today.. of 1000 random characters with 5077 actually containing a digit Regular expression d took 00 00 00.2141226 result 5077 10000.. char 'a' rand.Next 26 In roughly 50 of them put a digit if rand.Next 2 0 Replace one character with a digit 0 9 ..

Recommend an Open Source .NET Barcode Reader Library [closed]


a function that re scans the barcode and uses a checksum digit which is great if you control the printing of the original barcode..

How to convert a gi-normous integer (in string format) to hex format? (C#)


apply here as we are talking arbitrarily large numbers 50 digits or more. The techniques I've seen which use a technique like.. s int val int c '0' for int i 0 i result.Count i int digit result i 10 val result i byte digit 0x0F val digit 4 if val.. result.Count i int digit result i 10 val result i byte digit 0x0F val digit 4 if val 0 result.Add byte val var hex foreach..

Regex for numbers only


new Regex @ ^ d Use ^ d if you need to match more than one digit. Note that d will match 0 9 and other digit characters like.. more than one digit. Note that d will match 0 9 and other digit characters like the Eastern Arabic numerals ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ . Use.. to include any numeric representations other than just digits like decimal values for starters then see @tchrist 's comprehensive..

Round a double to x significant figures


etc. I would like to round this to x significant digits in C# So far I can only find ways to round to x decimal places.. like it to stay 0.08. Thanks c# math rounding significant digits share improve this question The framework doesn't have.. or truncate as in your example to a number of significant digits. One way you can do this though is to scale your number so..

Listing all permutations of a string/integer


if length permutation required length for i min digit to max digit if i not in permutation makePermutations permutation.. length permutation required length for i min digit to max digit if i not in permutation makePermutations permutation i else..

What are some popular OCR algorithms?


a good example of a distance metric that is was used in digit recognition. You're going to need some data to play with so..

How to convert hex to a byte array?


return c 'a' 10 throw new ArgumentException Invalid hex digit c EDIT Now slightly more efficient no substrings required..... return c 'a' 10 throw new ArgumentException Invalid hex digit c or possibly a lookup array Omitted for brevity... I'm sure.. char c if c 'f' throw new ArgumentException Invalid hex digit c int ret NybbleLookup c if ret 1 throw new ArgumentException..

Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET?


this method is roughly three times faster. However for 1 digit numbers i.e. 1 digit in the target base IntToString will be.. three times faster. However for 1 digit numbers i.e. 1 digit in the target base IntToString will be faster. share improve..

Regular expression for decimal number


and can only allow decimal inputs like X XXX only one digit before decimal sign and a precision of 3 I'm using C# Should..