c# Programming Glossary: directcast
Can a PictureBox show animated GIF in Windows Application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13485477/can-a-picturebox-show-animated-gif-in-windows-application dimension index 'find the frame Return DirectCast gifImage.Clone Image 'return a copy of it End Function End Class..
Get a list of members of a WinNT group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/252882/get-a-list-of-members-of-a-winnt-group WinNT . GroupName group For Each member As Object In DirectCast search.Invoke Members IEnumerable Dim memberEntry As New DirectoryEntry..
How to get status code from webclient? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3574659/how-to-get-status-code-from-webclient If TypeOf wex.Response Is HttpWebResponse Then msgbox DirectCast wex.Response HttpWebResponse .StatusCode End If However if the..
Show Validation Error in UserControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4168438/show-validation-error-in-usercontrol As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs DirectCast dependencyObject MyUserControl .NotifyErrorsChanged Value End..
ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670577/observablecollection-doesnt-support-addrange-method-so-i-get-notified-for-each If TypeOf i Is INotifyPropertyChanged Then AddHandler DirectCast i INotifyPropertyChanged .PropertyChanged AddressOf Item_PropertyChanged..
How to achieve the C# 'as' keyword for value types in vb.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/746767/how-to-achieve-the-c-sharp-as-keyword-for-value-types-in-vb-net Next' so that all database fields can be read with a DirectCast and any DBNull values are just ignored. The current code would.. code would be On Error GoTo error_code oObject.Name DirectCast oReader.Item Name String oObject.Value DirectCast oReader.Item.. DirectCast oReader.Item Name String oObject.Value DirectCast oReader.Item Value Integer error_code Resume Next C# code to..
How to create Encrypted PayNow button “on the fly” for Third-party customers, using Paypal NVP API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939960/how-to-create-encrypted-paynow-button-on-the-fly-for-third-party-customers-us server sandbox live Dim wrWebRequest As HttpWebRequest DirectCast WebRequest.Create strNVPSandboxServer HttpWebRequest wrWebRequest.Method.. server sandbox live Dim wrWebRequest As HttpWebRequest DirectCast WebRequest.Create paypalApiServerUrl HttpWebRequest wrWebRequest.Method..