

c# Programming Glossary: dir

Using Side-by-Side assemblies to load the x64 or x32 version of a DLL


the custom resolver we determine current platform and use directory based lookup to load appropriate DLL. To demonstrate this.. and run command line or powershell whose current working directory is set to this location e.g. cmd.exe C mkdir TEMP CrossPlatformTest.. working directory is set to this location e.g. cmd.exe C mkdir TEMP CrossPlatformTest cd TEMP CrossPlatformTest Step 1 The..

C# find most recent file in dir


find most recent file in dir I need to find the most recently modified file in a directory... dir I need to find the most recently modified file in a directory. I know I can loop through every file in a folder and.. this question how about something like this... var directory new DirectoryInfo C MyDirectory var myFile from f in directory.GetFiles..

How to convert a simple .Net console project a into portable exe with Mono and mkbundle?


Mono 2.4 bin' to PATH PATH C PROGRA~1 Mono 2.4 bin PATH chdir C cygwin bin bash login i Bundle an application with Mono So.. mode. Notice that this is not a DOS prompt anymore and dir won't work anymore. To list files use linux command ls . The..

Why am I getting this error:“Cross-thread operation not valid: Control lbFolders accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.”?


I comment out that line the very next line foreach string dir in lbFolders.SelectedItems executes just fine. Edit As usual..

git mv and only change case of directory


mv and only change case of directory While I found similar question I didn't find an answer.. find an answer to my problem When I try to rename the directory from FOO to foo via git mv FOO foo I get fatal renaming.. files present use git add to track When I add the directory via git add foo nothing changes and git commit . gives..

Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)


delete directory with Directory.Delete path true I'm using .NET 3.5 trying.. true I'm using .NET 3.5 trying to recursively delete a directory using Directory.Delete myPath true My understanding is.. a permissions problem but otherwise it should delete the directory and all of its contents. However I occasionally get this..

GetFiles with multiple extentions [duplicate]


FileInfo GetFilesByExtensions this DirectoryInfo dir params string extensions if extensions null throw new ArgumentNullException.. foreach string ext in extensions files files.Concat dir.GetFiles ext return files EDIT a more efficient version public.. FileInfo GetFilesByExtensions this DirectoryInfo dir params string extensions if extensions null throw new ArgumentNullException..

C# Service cannot execute batch file?


the path and the postgresql path is fine. THe output directory exist... and it works outside the service. Any idea Update.. event log some trace and execute a batch file that contain dir in it. It still hang at proc.Start I have change the Account.. files proc.StartInfo.FileName target proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError true proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput true..

Show Console in Windows Application?


console mode start a cmd shell and enter c path to Debug dir WindowsApplication.exe console To run in gui mode EITHER just.. exe OR start it from the cmd prompt with c path to Debug dir WindowsApplication.exe or pass the gui argument . To start in..

Access a Remote Directory from C#


asp.net. What I need is something like function download dirname directory This is the part I don't know how to do for dir.. What I need is something like function download dirname directory This is the part I don't know how to do for dir in directory.. directory This is the part I don't know how to do for dir in directory download dir for file in directory copyfile file..

How to Load assembly to AppDomain with all references recursively?


and I have to load them manually. So when I do string dir @ SomePath different from AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.. string path System.IO.Path.Combine dir MyDll.dll AppDomainSetup setup AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.. setup.ApplicationBase dir AppDomain domain AppDomain.CreateDomain SomeAppDomain null setup..

Is there a faster way to scan through a directory recursively in .NET?


there a faster way to scan through a directory recursively in .NET I am writing a directory scanner.. through a directory recursively in .NET I am writing a directory scanner in .NET. For each File Dir I need the following.. string path var info new List Info var dirInfo new DirectoryInfo path foreach var dir in dirInfo.GetDirectories..

How to Run a C# console application with the console hidden


new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo start.FileName dir @ Myprocesstostart.exe start.WindowStyle System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden..