

c# Programming Glossary: directory.createdirectory

c# and excel automation - ending the running instance


12 data value .ToString iRowCount DirectoryInfo saveTo Directory.CreateDirectory excelTemplatePath _report.FolderGuid.ToString _report.ReportLocation..

Creating Virtual directory in IIS with c#


Root make sure folder exists if Directory.Exists path Directory.CreateDirectory path pathCreated true If the virtual directory already exists..

How to create multiple directories from a single full path in C#?


c# .net bcl share improve this question I would call Directory.CreateDirectory @ C dir0 dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4 . Contrary to popular belief Directory.CreateDirectory.. @ C dir0 dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4 . Contrary to popular belief Directory.CreateDirectory will automatically create whichever parent directories do not..

Extract a ZIP file programmatically by DotNetZip library?


outputDirectory ZipFile zip ZipFile.Read zipFileName Directory.CreateDirectory outputDirectory zip.ExtractAll outputDirectory ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently.. outputDirectory ZipFile zip ZipFile.Read zipFileName Directory.CreateDirectory outputDirectory foreach ZipEntry e in zip check if you want..

Creating a temporary directory in Windows?


Path.Combine Path.GetTempPath Path.GetRandomFileName Directory.CreateDirectory tempDirectory return tempDirectory share improve this answer..

C# Sanitize File Name


not supported. This was generated by either File.Copy or Directory.CreateDirectory . It didn't take long to realize that my file names needed to..

C# - FileStream and creating folders


c# filestream share improve this question Use Directory.CreateDirectory Directory.CreateDirectory Method String Creates all directories.. improve this question Use Directory.CreateDirectory Directory.CreateDirectory Method String Creates all directories and subdirectories as.. @ C Users SomeUser My Documents Foo Bar Baz text1.txt Directory.CreateDirectory Path.GetDirectoryName fileName using FileStream fs new FileStream..

Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes


_file Suras.serverNar if Directory.Exists c ASGAQuraan Directory.CreateDirectory c ASGAQuraan while counter 4 _serverFiles null if Download..

Best way to copy the entire contents of a directory in C#


SourcePath SearchOption.AllDirectories Directory.CreateDirectory dirPath.Replace SourcePath DestinationPath Copy all the files..

What is the best way to recursively copy contents in C#?


exists if Directory.Exists target.FullName false Directory.CreateDirectory target.FullName copy all the files into the new directory..

Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll


.GetName .Version.ToString if Directory.Exists dirName Directory.CreateDirectory dirName string dllPath Path.Combine dirName MyAssembly.Unmanaged.dll..

How to retrieve a downloaded file programatically in Windows Phone 7?


file online. For this I first created a directory using Directory.CreateDirectory then downloaded the file using following code. WebClient webClient.. share improve this question 1 You should not use Directory.CreateDirectory on Windows Phone. Instead since you are operating on Isolated..

System crashing when the print button is clicked


ddreportdoc if Directory.Exists exportpath Directory.CreateDirectory exportpath pdfRenderer.RenderDocument if paymentmethod All..

using ITextSharp to extract and update links in an existing PDF


Create our output directory if it does not exist Directory.CreateDirectory WorkingFolder Create our sample PDF using iTextSharp.text.Document..

C# Check if folder exist in directory and create them
