

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:38

android Programming Glossary: math.asin

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


x 360 x double brng Math.toRadians x double latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng..

How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL


multiplied in x y z order Rx Ry Rz resultingAngles 2 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 2 final float cosB float Math.cos resultingAngles.. matrices are multiplied in z y x resultingAngles 2 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 8 final float cosB float Math.cos resultingAngles.. rotationMatrix 9 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 4 cosB rad2deg if MODUS 9 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


double trueCourse Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin..

BufferedImage in Android


float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle float angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle.. y2 z2 angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


PolylineOptions options new PolylineOptions for int x 0 x 360 x double brng Math.toRadians x double latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad lon1 Math.atan2 Math.sin brng Math.sin..

How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL


rotationMatrix this assumes that the rotation matrices are multiplied in x y z order Rx Ry Rz resultingAngles 2 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 2 final float cosB float Math.cos resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles.. transpose rotationMatrix this assumes that the rotation matrices are multiplied in z y x resultingAngles 2 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 8 final float cosB float Math.cos resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles.. 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 9 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 4 cosB rad2deg if MODUS 9 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix rotationMatrix null accelGData magnetData rotationMatrix..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.toRadians point.y double angularDistance range EarthRadius double trueCourse Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2..

BufferedImage in Android


float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos dx Math.sqrt x2 z2 float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle float angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle angle2 out 0 x float Math.tan angle2 z float yAngle float Math.acos.. float Math.tan angle2 z float yAngle float Math.acos dy Math.sqrt y2 z2 angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 out 1 y float Math.tan angle2 z public String toString..