android Programming Glossary: masyncrunner
upload video to facebook in android param.putByteArray video data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me videos.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new SampleUploadListener null ..
Upload image to facebook from SD card in android and proceed private void postToWall AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook ByteArrayOutputStream stream.. filename TEst param.putByteArray image byteArray mAsyncRunner.request me photos param POST new fbRequestListener null public..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] else postImgGallery.putString caption finalStatusMessage mAsyncRunner.request me photos postImgGallery POST new PhotoUploadListener.. postImgGallery POST new PhotoUploadListener null Here mAsyncRunner is an instance of the AsyncFacebookRunner Class that is part..
Post to facebook after login fails Android is my full postToFacebook code. public void postToFacebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook loginToFacebook Function to.. Logout user from Facebook public void logoutFromFacebook mAsyncRunner.logout this new RequestListener @Override public void onComplete.. params new Bundle params.putString link http mAsyncRunner.request me feed params POST new RequestListener @Override public..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null share..
android facebook api post me private Facebook mFacebook private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner.. private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook SessionEvents.addAuthListener.. picture This is the image to appear in the post mAsyncRunner.request me feed params POST new RequestListener public void..
android facebook publish photo baos.toByteArray params.putByteArray picture imgData mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener But it doent.. params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null EDIT..
Android post picture to Facebook wall .getExtras .getByteArray data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null The Toast.. picture caption param.putByteArray picture ImageBytes mAsyncRunner.request me photos param POST new SampleUploadListener According..
Is it possible to “Like” a “fan page” using the Facebook SDK? new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle.. AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle mAsyncRunner.request COMMENT_ID likes parameters POST new MyRequestListener..
Android: get facebook friends list new Facebook Constants.FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? param facebook new Facebook FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook InputStream is null try is.. message dataMsg param.putByteArray video data mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new fbRequestListener null catch..
Upload Video to Facebook dataName Mobile.wmv Bundle param AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner API InputStream is null try is new FileInputStream.. filename dataName param.putByteArray video data mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new fbRequestListener null catch..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id mFacebook new Facebook 141118172662401 AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle params.putString.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Throws Error in this line mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me photos.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me photos params POST new SampleUploadListener null.. params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null..
upload video to facebook in android filename test1.mp4 param.putString method video.upload param.putByteArray video data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new SampleUploadListener null catch FileNotFoundException.. method video.upload param.putByteArray video data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new SampleUploadListener null catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
Upload image to facebook from SD card in android for Post Image from SDCard Convert your image to bitmap and proceed private void postToWall AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG.. Bundle param new Bundle param.putString message All param.putString filename TEst param.putByteArray image byteArray mAsyncRunner.request me photos param POST new fbRequestListener null public class fbRequestListener implements RequestListener @Override..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] TO THE BUNDLE if finalStatusMessage.equals DO NOTHING HERE else postImgGallery.putString caption finalStatusMessage mAsyncRunner.request me photos postImgGallery POST new PhotoUploadListener null Here mAsyncRunner is an instance of the AsyncFacebookRunner.. caption finalStatusMessage mAsyncRunner.request me photos postImgGallery POST new PhotoUploadListener null Here mAsyncRunner is an instance of the AsyncFacebookRunner Class that is part of the Facebook SDK. bmpImageGallery is an instance of a Bitmap..
Post to facebook after login fails Android login and i post then it is posted. Any help please. Here is my full postToFacebook code. public void postToFacebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook loginToFacebook Function to login into facebook public void loginToFacebook mPrefs getPreferences.. Token access_token Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Function to Logout user from Facebook public void logoutFromFacebook mAsyncRunner.logout this new RequestListener @Override public void onComplete String response Object state Log.d Logout from Facebook.. deprecation public void postOWall String msg Bundle params new Bundle params.putString link http mAsyncRunner.request me feed params POST new RequestListener @Override public void onComplete String response Object state TODO Auto..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null share improve this..
android facebook api post user successfully authenticates This bit of code worked for me private Facebook mFacebook private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook SessionEvents.addAuthListener.. Facebook mFacebook private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook SessionEvents.addAuthListener new SampleAuthListener SessionEvents.addLogoutListener new.. description This will appear under the caption params.putString picture This is the image to appear in the post mAsyncRunner.request me feed params POST new RequestListener public void onMalformedURLException MalformedURLException e public void..
android facebook publish photo temp.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos byte imgData baos.toByteArray params.putByteArray picture imgData mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener But it doent work I went through the links in this forum too like Looking.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null EDIT When making the.. photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null EDIT When making the Intent result is the path to the image on the..
Android post picture to Facebook wall Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null The Toast shows 8733.. picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null The Toast shows 8733 which means the byte array isn't empty NB. Logcat.. following code Bundle param new Bundle param.putString message picture caption param.putByteArray picture ImageBytes mAsyncRunner.request me photos param POST new SampleUploadListener According to error message it looks like its giving errors in getting..
Is it possible to “Like” a “fan page” using the Facebook SDK? objects such as wall comments using code like this mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle mAsyncRunner.request COMMENT_ID likes parameters POST new.. APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle mAsyncRunner.request COMMENT_ID likes parameters POST new MyRequestListener However if I put in a page id rather than a comment id I..
Android: get facebook friends list list. Can anybody help me with this Edit try Facebook mFacebook new Facebook Constants.FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request me friends..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? String dataMsg Your video description here. Bundle param facebook new Facebook FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook InputStream is null try is new FileInputStream dataPath data readBytes is param new Bundle.. dataPath data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putByteArray video data mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new fbRequestListener null catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
Upload Video to Facebook byte data null String dataMsg Your video description here. String dataName Mobile.wmv Bundle param AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner API InputStream is null try is new FileInputStream videoPath data readBytes is param new Bundle.. is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putString filename dataName param.putByteArray video data mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST new fbRequestListener null catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id from Facebook. I have implemented code like this Facebook mFacebook new Facebook 141118172662401 AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener null public class FriendListRequestListener public void onComplete.. Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Error occurred _error Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Throws Error in this line mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener null What is wrong in this also added Asyncronous class.. If..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall Bundle params new Bundle params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me photos params POST new SampleUploadListener null private void.. byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me photos params POST new SampleUploadListener null private void uploadImageToWallAndAlbums byte byteArray String.. method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null params POST new SampleUploadListener null share improve this..