android Programming Glossary: mark
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android class in android how to select row item using Tick mark like iphone in android iam using imageview in list_row.xml.when.. last row only.please help me how to select item using tickmark image. public class DistanceArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter..
Question mark (?) in XML attributes for Android mark in XML attributes for Android Can anyone explain the question.. attributes for Android Can anyone explain the question mark means in Android XML attributes TextView style android attr.. xml android share improve this question The question mark means it's a reference to a resource value in the currently..
Change icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android for Checkbox for Android Instead of having a check mark for the icon I want a custom star I have checked and unchecked..
Android and MJPEG public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER..
Android Swipe on List I wanted to detect a swipe action in ListView item and mark it as swiped while continue to support OnItemClick and OnItemLongClick...
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector strategy in the Dalvik garbage collector is to keep mark bits or the bits that indicate that a particular object is œreachable..
How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications? SDK Manager under Android SDK Tools Choose everything and mark Accept All and install. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA The..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] below works please comment so on the answer and I'll mark it as correct. android share improve this question I suppose..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] if I look at the GoogleMail app this is possible. I can mark several messages with the checkbox and then select an action.. view. Of course if you do this you need to manually handle marking the CheckBox as checked unchecked if the list item is clicked..
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website a web browser i get a quicktime logo with a question mark in the middle. Below is my code for playing the file. header.. has an appropriate browser plugin the broken quicktime mark indicates quicktime doesn't have a codec for it. EDIT 2 You..
What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>? Not all types are always used by an asynchronous task. To mark a type as unused simply use the type Void private class MyTask..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database the copied database so SQLiteHelper will cache it and mark it as created. getWritableDatabase .close return true return..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders String names However android does not replace the question mark with the correct values. I could do the following however this.. String makePlaceholders int len which returns len question marks separated with commas then String names name1 name2 do whatever..
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market and a release key when uploading your app to the market you can check for the signature that the app was signed with..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' Hear is my.. location showing the current lat long.But I'm not able to mark my current position in android. Thnx in advance. @Override public..
what exactly Activity.finish() method is doing? post Quitting an application is that frowned upon and read Mark Murphy's answer. it made me a bit confused about what the finish..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup improve this question Excellent answers from Luc and Mark however a good code sample is missing Dummy item to prevent..
OnClickListener - x,y location of event?
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? I'm attempting to use AsyncTask and Timer as per Mark Murphy's suggestion . I get the following error 01 07 16 11..
Custom Fonts in Android This example was taken from the ComonsWare book written by Mark Murphy . You can download the full example from GitHub . share..
What is a Sticky Intent? android intent share improve this question Please read Mark Murphy's explanation here what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast..
How to retrieve a list of available/installed fonts in android? android fonts share improve this question Taken from Mark Murphy's answer on the Android Developers mailing list http..
Android ListView Text Color type since its generic. I hope this explains everything. Mark my answer accepted if you agree. Messy Way But a Good quick..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? es share improve this question The solution from Mark is almost good but not entirely correct. The problem is that..
Can SharedPreferences be shared among different Android applications? multiple processes. This will be added later. Moreover in Mark L. Murphy book beginning Android 2 he mentioned Eventually preferences..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector VM indeed does use a tracing garbage collector using a Mark and Sweep approach. According to The Dalvik Virtual Machine..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? share improve this question Both you @Matthias and Mark Murphy @CommonsWare are correct in what you say but the gist..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] to HTML5 is the online book Dive Into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim . This is a work in progress but sufficiently complete..
Wake locks android service recurring share improve this question Follow the pattern Mark Murphy provides with the WakefulIntentService . I would suggest..
SoftReference gets garbage collected too early not cached . I've also researched this topic. According to Mark Murphy in this article it seems that there is or was a bug with..
Eclipse: won't let me use Android SDK, wrongly claims my ADT is out of date An item named Developer tools will appear in the list. Mark it for install press Next and follow the steps to install the..
How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error) idea what could cause this Thanks a lot and best regards. Markus Neuenschwander android google app engine gwt gwt rpc requestfactory.. share improve this question You are right Mark this is an class loader issue. It happens in the requestfactory..
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace? is also different so I can publish both on the Android Market at the same time. Ever since I did this about every 10 times.. publish wizard to export both projects and update Android Market and other places we keep the APK files So I'd like those steps.. done. The additional Android way Two steps are necessary Mark the project you want to use as library project Reference the..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android listview using arrayadapter class in android how to select row item using Tick mark like iphone in android iam using imageview in list_row.xml.when i click the list row item then i show image in row imageview... imagenull iam using this but image display in last row only.please help me how to select item using tickmark image. public class DistanceArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Constant public static String category state miles public..
Question mark (?) in XML attributes for Android mark in XML attributes for Android Can anyone explain the question mark means in Android XML attributes TextView style android.. mark in XML attributes for Android Can anyone explain the question mark means in Android XML attributes TextView style android attr windowTitleStyle More attributes xml android share improve.. TextView style android attr windowTitleStyle More attributes xml android share improve this question The question mark means it's a reference to a resource value in the currently applied theme. See the linuxtopia Android Dev Guide or the
Change icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android Instead of having a check mark for the icon I want a custom star I have checked and unchecked icons . Can this be done through a property Or must I declare..
Android and MJPEG headerIn return Integer.parseInt props.getProperty CONTENT_LENGTH public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header..
Android Swipe on List I had the same problem and I didn't find my answer here. I wanted to detect a swipe action in ListView item and mark it as swiped while continue to support OnItemClick and OnItemLongClick. Here is me solution 1st The SwipeDetector class..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector According to The Dalvik Virtual Machine Architecture The current strategy in the Dalvik garbage collector is to keep mark bits or the bits that indicate that a particular object is œreachable and therefore should not be garbage collected separate..
How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications? is recommended After android SD finishes installing open SDK Manager under Android SDK Tools Choose everything and mark Accept All and install. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA The community edition is free Wait for all downloads and installations..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] a long time ago so I didn't get to implement this. If the answer below works please comment so on the answer and I'll mark it as correct. android share improve this question I suppose you want a transaction like this Ok let's say you have..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] some then you won't be able to click on the ListItems. But if I look at the GoogleMail app this is possible. I can mark several messages with the checkbox and then select an action for them or i can click on the ListItem or scroll with the.. layout. Otherwise it will steal click events from the list view. Of course if you do this you need to manually handle marking the CheckBox as checked unchecked if the list item is clicked instead of the CheckBox but you probably want that anyway...
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website quicktime or real player. When i attempt to play the file through a web browser i get a quicktime logo with a question mark in the middle. Below is my code for playing the file. header 'Content type audio amr' query mysql_query SELECT FROM media.. harder frankly . Good luck. EDIT or you could hope the client has an appropriate browser plugin the broken quicktime mark indicates quicktime doesn't have a codec for it. EDIT 2 You probably need to set a content type for the plugin so it knows..
What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>? Result the type of the result of the background computation. Not all types are always used by an asynchronous task. To mark a type as unused simply use the type Void private class MyTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void ... You Can further refer..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database new FileInputStream newDb new FileOutputStream oldDb Access the copied database so SQLiteHelper will cache it and mark it as created. getWritableDatabase .close return true return false FileUtils public class FileUtils Creates the specified..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders table WHERE name IN Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query new String names However android does not replace the question mark with the correct values. I could do the following however this does not protect against sql injection String query SELECT.. the placeholders can be used as normal. Consider a function String makePlaceholders int len which returns len question marks separated with commas then String names name1 name2 do whatever is needed first String query SELECT FROM table WHERE name..
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market for that. If you use a debug key to sign your app during development and a release key when uploading your app to the market you can check for the signature that the app was signed with and based on that use test or production server. Here is..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' Hear is my project In my project I am showing my current location showing.. Hear is my project In my project I am showing my current location showing the current lat long.But I'm not able to mark my current position in android. Thnx in advance. @Override public void onLocationChanged Location location TODO Auto generated..
what exactly Activity.finish() method is doing? when it find it a good time doing so.... I came to this post Quitting an application is that frowned upon and read Mark Murphy's answer. it made me a bit confused about what the finish method actually doing. what exactly finish method is doind..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? styles textview share improve this question In case anyone is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b title b br small description small br small DateAdded small..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup when the Activity starts android listview edittext share improve this question Excellent answers from Luc and Mark however a good code sample is missing Dummy item to prevent AutoCompleteTextView from receiving focus LinearLayout android..
OnClickListener - x,y location of event?
How to get XML using AsyncTask and Timer? and Timer In order to get XML data from a server repeatedly I'm attempting to use AsyncTask and Timer as per Mark Murphy's suggestion . I get the following error 01 07 16 11 26.705 ERROR AndroidRuntime 729 Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException..
Custom Fonts in Android
What is a Sticky Intent? Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents. android android intent share improve this question Please read Mark Murphy's explanation here what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android Here's an abstract..
How to retrieve a list of available/installed fonts in android? fonts ge.getAllFonts is there an Android equivalent java android fonts share improve this question Taken from Mark Murphy's answer on the Android Developers mailing list http reference android graphics Typeface.html..
Android ListView Text Color ID we declared. I have also changed ArrayAdapter to String type since its generic. I hope this explains everything. Mark my answer accepted if you agree. Messy Way But a Good quick fix You can also do this with a quick fix if you do not want..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? hiding in the API Any reliable way to do this android opengl es share improve this question The solution from Mark is almost good but not entirely correct. The problem is that the swap itself takes a considerable amount of time especially..
Can SharedPreferences be shared among different Android applications? does not support use across multiple processes. This will be added later. Moreover in Mark L. Murphy book beginning Android 2 he mentioned Eventually preferences might be shareable across applications but that is..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector this question To answer one of your questions the Dalvik VM indeed does use a tracing garbage collector using a Mark and Sweep approach. According to The Dalvik Virtual Machine Architecture The current strategy in the Dalvik garbage collector..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? this. java android garbage collection singleton classloader share improve this question Both you @Matthias and Mark Murphy @CommonsWare are correct in what you say but the gist seems lost. The use of volatile is correct and classes are..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed]
Wake locks android service recurring 1 android service handler android service wakelock share improve this question Follow the pattern Mark Murphy provides with the WakefulIntentService . I would suggest picking up his books not only for the detailed explanation..
SoftReference gets garbage collected too early before I have to download the images once again they're not cached . I've also researched this topic. According to Mark Murphy in this article it seems that there is or was a bug with the SoftReference . Some other results indicates the same..
Eclipse: won't let me use Android SDK, wrongly claims my ADT is out of date and press ENTER. Wait for Eclipse to fetch the repository. An item named Developer tools will appear in the list. Mark it for install press Next and follow the steps to install the ADT tools. When finished it will ask to restart Eclipse. Make..
How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error) wiki RequestFactoryInterfaceValidation Does anybody have an idea what could cause this Thanks a lot and best regards. Markus Neuenschwander android google app engine gwt gwt rpc requestfactory share improve this question You are right Mark.. Neuenschwander android google app engine gwt gwt rpc requestfactory share improve this question You are right Mark this is an class loader issue. It happens in the requestfactory client.jar here the relevant source class InProcessRequestFactory..
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace? minor text icon changes between the 2. The application name is also different so I can publish both on the Android Market at the same time. Ever since I did this about every 10 times I compile maybe once every day or two I get dalvik error.. is Make a minor update bug fix in the LIB project Use the publish wizard to export both projects and update Android Market and other places we keep the APK files So I'd like those steps to stay simple without having to open close multiple workspaces.. the Projects tab. Click Add... on the right side and you are done. The additional Android way Two steps are necessary Mark the project you want to use as library project Reference the marked project Mark the library project Right click your project..