

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:40

android Programming Glossary: math.pi

Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4)


Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch


m_pitch_radians 0 if the device if flat m_pitch_radians Math.PI 2 means the device is upright. float m_pitch_axis_radians angle.. 0 break case Surface.ROTATION_90 screen_adjustment float Math.PI 2 break case Surface.ROTATION_180 screen_adjustment float Math.PI.. 2 break case Surface.ROTATION_180 screen_adjustment float Math.PI break case Surface.ROTATION_270 screen_adjustment 3 float Math.PI..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


getInterpolation float input return float Math.sin input Math.PI as.setInterpolator i layer0.startLayerAnimation as a new.. input float output float Math.sin Math.pow input 2.5f 12 Math.PI return 1 input output a.setInterpolator i layer1.startLayerAnimation.. float input return float 1 Math.sin input Math.PI a.setInterpolator i a.setDuration 2000 layer2.startLayerAnimation..

TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long


x n 360 180 double lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y n double latitudeMin lat_rad 180 Math.PI double longitudeMax.. Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y n double latitudeMin lat_rad 180 Math.PI double longitudeMax x 1 n 360 180 lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh.. longitudeMax x 1 n 360 180 lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y 1 n double latitudeMax lat_rad 180 Math.PI References..

Playing an arbitrary tone with Android


the array for int i 0 i numSamples i sample i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i sampleRate freqOfTone convert to 16 bit pcm sound array assumes..

How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android?


method on the canvas passed to it passing in either 180 or Math.PI depending on whether it works in degrees or radians. share..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees.. Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF.. latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint..

Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue


cm float value value cleanValue value 180f 180f float Math.PI if value 0 return float cosVal float Math.cos value float sinVal..

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value


return dist private double deg2rad double deg return deg Math.PI 180.0 private double rad2deg double rad return rad 180.0 Math.PI..

FFT library in android Sdk


2 sin new double n 2 for int i 0 i n 2 i cos i Math.cos 2 Math.PI i n sin i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i n public void fft double x double.. i 0 i n 2 i cos i Math.cos 2 Math.PI i n sin i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i n public void fft double x double y int i j k n1 n2 a double..

Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4)


Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch


m_pitch_radians tilt angle of the device from the horizontal. m_pitch_radians 0 if the device if flat m_pitch_radians Math.PI 2 means the device is upright. float m_pitch_axis_radians angle which defines the axis for the rotation m_pitch_radians.. switch rotation case Surface.ROTATION_0 screen_adjustment 0 break case Surface.ROTATION_90 screen_adjustment float Math.PI 2 break case Surface.ROTATION_180 screen_adjustment float Math.PI break case Surface.ROTATION_270 screen_adjustment 3.. case Surface.ROTATION_90 screen_adjustment float Math.PI 2 break case Surface.ROTATION_180 screen_adjustment float Math.PI break case Surface.ROTATION_270 screen_adjustment 3 float Math.PI 2 break NB the rotation matrix has now effectively..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


a Interpolator i i new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input return float Math.sin input Math.PI as.setInterpolator i layer0.startLayerAnimation as a new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 100 a.setDuration 3000 i new Interpolator.. Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input float output float Math.sin Math.pow input 2.5f 12 Math.PI return 1 input output a.setInterpolator i layer1.startLayerAnimation a a new AlphaAnimation 0 1 i new Interpolator .. 0 1 i new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input return float 1 Math.sin input Math.PI a.setInterpolator i a.setDuration 2000 layer2.startLayerAnimation a OnClickListener l1 new OnClickListener @Override..

TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long


This worked for me double n Math.pow 2 zoom double longitudeMin x n 360 180 double lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y n double latitudeMin lat_rad 180 Math.PI double longitudeMax x 1 n 360 180 lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2.. zoom double longitudeMin x n 360 180 double lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y n double latitudeMin lat_rad 180 Math.PI double longitudeMax x 1 n 360 180 lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y 1 n double latitudeMax lat_rad 180 Math.PI References.. Math.PI 1 2 y n double latitudeMin lat_rad 180 Math.PI double longitudeMax x 1 n 360 180 lat_rad Math.atan Math.sinh Math.PI 1 2 y 1 n double latitudeMax lat_rad 180 Math.PI References http wiki.openstreetmap.org wiki Slippy_map_tilenames share..

Playing an arbitrary tone with Android


void run playSound thread.start void genTone fill out the array for int i 0 i numSamples i sample i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i sampleRate freqOfTone convert to 16 bit pcm sound array assumes the sample buffer is normalised. int idx 0 for final..

How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android?


Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint.. angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint And.. Math.cos latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint And now create..

Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue


@param cm @param value public static void adjustHue ColorMatrix cm float value value cleanValue value 180f 180f float Math.PI if value 0 return float cosVal float Math.cos value float sinVal float Math.sin value float lumR 0.213f float lumG 0.715f..

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value


FFT library in android Sdk


must be power of 2 precompute tables cos new double n 2 sin new double n 2 for int i 0 i n 2 i cos i Math.cos 2 Math.PI i n sin i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i n public void fft double x double y int i j k n1 n2 a double c s t1 t2 Bit reverse j 0 n2.. tables cos new double n 2 sin new double n 2 for int i 0 i n 2 i cos i Math.cos 2 Math.PI i n sin i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i n public void fft double x double y int i j k n1 n2 a double c s t1 t2 Bit reverse j 0 n2 n 2 for i 1 i n 1 i n1 n2..