android Programming Glossary: math.sqrt
How to make view resizable on touch event from the touch to the center of the ball double radCircle Math.sqrt double centerX X centerX X centerY Y centerY Y canvas.drawLine..
How do I apply a force to a body in the direction it is traveling (Box2D)? .x vy body.getLinearVelocity .y vr float Math.sqrt vx vx vy vy float t float Math.atan Math.abs vy vx if vr destroyerVelocity..
Detect 7 inch and 10 inch tablet programmatically plus the width in inches squared. double diagonalInches Math.sqrt widthInches widthInches heightInches heightInches From this..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch 0 m_NormGravityVector.length m_Norm_Gravity float Math.sqrt m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector.. 0 m_NormMagFieldValues.length m_Norm_MagField float Math.sqrt m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues.. 1 m_NormGravityVector 0 float norm_East float Math.sqrt East_x East_x East_y East_y East_z East_z if m_Norm_Gravity..
Rotate MapView in Android float h this.getHeight final float scaleFactor float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches? y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen inches screenInches share improve this..
Android: I want to shake it z se.values 2 mAccelLast mAccelCurrent mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) dLon 2 Math.cos lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Enjoy I used and customized.. lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Enjoy I used and customized this reference..
BufferedImage in Android else float rRefraction 1.0f refractionIndex float z float Math.sqrt 1.0f x2 a2 y2 b2 a b float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos.. a2 y2 b2 a b float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos dx Math.sqrt x2 z2 float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle float angle2 float.. x float Math.tan angle2 z float yAngle float Math.acos dy Math.sqrt y2 z2 angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 float Math.asin..
Looking for fast image distortion algorithms int trueY y mid.y theta Math.atan2 trueY trueX radius Math.sqrt trueX trueX trueY trueY double newRadius radius radius Math.max..
How to get screen size of device? [duplicate] y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen inches screenInches share improve this..
Android OpenGL 3D picking 1 double diffZ nearCoords 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println..
How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android share.. dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android share improve this..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 1 int Math.ceil Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED..
How to make view resizable on touch event 25 paint.setColor Color.CYAN calculate the radius from the touch to the center of the ball double radCircle Math.sqrt double centerX X centerX X centerY Y centerY Y canvas.drawLine point1.x point1.y point2.x point2.y paint if the radius..
How do I apply a force to a body in the direction it is traveling (Box2D)? new Vector2 body.getWorldCenter float vx body.getLinearVelocity .x vy body.getLinearVelocity .y vr float Math.sqrt vx vx vy vy float t float Math.atan Math.abs vy vx if vr destroyerVelocity if vx 0 vy 0 body.applyForce float destroyerVelocity..
Detect 7 inch and 10 inch tablet programmatically is equal to the square root of the height in inches squared plus the width in inches squared. double diagonalInches Math.sqrt widthInches widthInches heightInches heightInches From this we can work out whether the device is a tablet or not if diagonalInches..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch new float 3 System.arraycopy evnt.values 0 m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector.length m_Norm_Gravity float Math.sqrt m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector 1 m_NormGravityVector 1 m_NormGravityVector 2 m_NormGravityVector.. new float 3 System.arraycopy evnt.values 0 m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues.length m_Norm_MagField float Math.sqrt m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues 1 m_NormMagFieldValues 1 m_NormMagFieldValues 2 m_NormMagFieldValues.. East_z m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormGravityVector 1 m_NormMagFieldValues 1 m_NormGravityVector 0 float norm_East float Math.sqrt East_x East_x East_y East_y East_z East_z if m_Norm_Gravity m_Norm_MagField norm_East 0.1f Typical values are 100. m_OrientationOK..
Rotate MapView in Android if compass final float w this.getWidth final float h this.getHeight final float scaleFactor float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches?
Android: I want to shake it se float x se.values 0 float y se.values 1 float z se.values 2 mAccelLast mAccelCurrent mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.cos lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Enjoy I used and customized this reference and completed it. share improve this answer..
BufferedImage in Android x2 dx dx float y2 dy dy if y2 b2 b2 x2 a2 out 0 x out 1 y else float rRefraction 1.0f refractionIndex float z float Math.sqrt 1.0f x2 a2 y2 b2 a b float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos dx Math.sqrt x2 z2 float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle.. 1.0f refractionIndex float z float Math.sqrt 1.0f x2 a2 y2 b2 a b float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos dx Math.sqrt x2 z2 float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle float angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI.. rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle angle2 out 0 x float Math.tan angle2 z float yAngle float Math.acos dy Math.sqrt y2 z2 angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle..
Looking for fast image distortion algorithms int x 0 x nWidth x for int y 0 y nHeight y int trueX x mid.x int trueY y mid.y theta Math.atan2 trueY trueX radius Math.sqrt trueX trueX trueY trueY double newRadius radius radius Math.max mid.x mid.y newX mid.x newRadius Math.cos theta if newX..
How to get screen size of device? [duplicate]
Android OpenGL 3D picking nearCoords 0 farCoords 0 double diffY nearCoords 1 farCoords 1 double diffZ nearCoords 2 farCoords 2 double rayLength Math.sqrt Math.pow diffX 2 Math.pow diffY 2 Math.pow diffZ 2 System.out.println rayLength rayLength pickPointTrigger false Changing..
How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android share improve this question private double distance double lat1.. Math.toRadians lat2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android share improve this question private double distance double lat1 double lon1..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget w options.outWidth double h options.outHeight int lowerBound maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 1 int Math.ceil Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor..