android Programming Glossary: marker.showinfowindow
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps pressed true handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground bgDrawablePressed if marker null marker.showInfoWindow private boolean endPress if pressed this.pressed false handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground.. this.pressed false handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground bgDrawableNormal if marker null marker.showInfoWindow return true else return false private final Runnable confirmClickRunnable new Runnable public void run if endPress onClickConfirmed..
Don't snap to marker after click in android map v2 lastOpened null Return so that the info window isn't opened again return true Open the info window for the marker marker.showInfoWindow Re assign the last opened such that we can close it later lastOpened marker Event was handled by our code do not launch..
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow is not being updated. How can I notify the InfoWindow to reload itself when the imageLoader has finished When I put marker.showInfoWindow into onLoadingComplete it created an infinite loop where the marker will pop up start loading the image pop itself up etc...
How to center the camera so that marker is at the bottom of screen? (Google map api V2 Android) is for the camera to move such that the marker is centered and for the marker's info window to open if it has one . marker.showInfoWindow CameraUpdate center CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng XXXX XXXX mMap.moveCamera center my question is how to.. markerScreenPosition.y container_height 2 LatLng aboveMarkerLatLng projection .fromScreenLocation pointHalfScreenAbove marker.showInfoWindow CameraUpdate center CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng aboveMarkerLatLng mMap.moveCamera center return true Thanks for helping..