android Programming Glossary: matcher
Android : Search from Large Arraylist sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.containsString a This will return a complete filtered ArrayList.. was case sensitive so to work around you can add Multiple Matchers . Like this you can add Multiple Matchers ArrayList String.. can add Multiple Matchers . Like this you can add Multiple Matchers ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically try find all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView Pattern.compile h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface.. Pattern.compile h2 Direct Down. h2 div . . Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML String displayHTML null while..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android content PROVIDER_NAME sampleuri2 Then you expand your URI Matcher private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher static uriMatcher.. Then you expand your URI Matcher private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher static uriMatcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH.. expand your URI Matcher private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher static uriMatcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH uriMatcher.addURI..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] return else Pattern regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView new TransformFilter public final String transformUrl final Matcher match String url return 1 Match @mentions and capture.. new TransformFilter public final String transformUrl final Matcher match String url return Pattern mentionPattern Pattern.compile..
Android: Linkify TextView @Override public String transformUrl Matcher match String url return link Linkify.addLinks textView Pattern.compile..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText source int start int end Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return..
how to check edittext's text is email address or not? Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid..
how retrieve metadata from shoutcast on android? a stream Pattern p Pattern.compile r n icy metaint s . r n Matcher m p.matcher strHeaders.toString if m.find metaDataOffset Integer.parseInt.. Pattern p Pattern.compile ^ a zA Z ' ^ ' ' Matcher m for int i 0 i metaParts.length i m p.matcher metaParts i if..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist A UPDATE Even better way is to use filter Matcher matcher T...array Here is how you can do that ArrayList String sortedArrayList.. the filter working public static T List T filter Matcher matcher Iterable T iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T.. collected while iterator.hasNext T item if matcher.matches item collected.add item return collected So you can..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap.. Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap smiley BitmapFactory.decodeResource.. matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap smiley BitmapFactory.decodeResource ch.getResources..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i.. . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG Key Name..
How to use QuickSearchBox in my Android application? SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA Sets up a uri matcher for search suggestion and shortcut refresh queries. private.. private static UriMatcher buildUriMatcher UriMatcher matcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH matcher.addURI AUTHORITY.. UriMatcher matcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH matcher.addURI AUTHORITY SearchManager.SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY SEARCH_SUGGEST..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never.. Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never called html android.. Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never called html android webview share..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] else Pattern regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK.. regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK Formato.. . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK Formato e mail inválido..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern a XML or JSON no matter i create a processor based on the matcher and pass the response. The processor It's in charged of parsing..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText int start int end Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null.. Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null To use it do editText.setFilters.. dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null To use it do editText.setFilters..
how to check edittext's text is email address or not? expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return.. Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass.. Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string..
How Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work? and matched them using the knnMatch function from openCV matcher.knnMatch features1.descriptors features2.descriptors pair_matches.. SIFT SURF uchar descriptors ORB BRIEF And corresponding matchers for float descriptors FlannBased BruteForce L2 float BruteForce.. to modify your code to use for example BruteForce Hamming matcher for ORB descriptors. It is possible to use L2 or L1 distance..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist for using lambdaj for filtering ArrayList . ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.containsString a This will return a complete filtered ArrayList with which you want to populate your ListView . You can.. is the best way to filter a Collection UPDATE Above solution was case sensitive so to work around you can add Multiple Matchers . Like this you can add Multiple Matchers ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.anyOf.. Above solution was case sensitive so to work around you can add Multiple Matchers . Like this you can add Multiple Matchers ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.anyOf Matchers.containsString a Matchers.containsString..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap smiley BitmapFactory.decodeResource ch.getResources..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically arg1 hashMap.put arg2 arg2 StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer try find all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG Key Name keyName String keyValue..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' Pattern pattern Pattern.compile h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never called html android webview share improve this.. generated catch block e.printStackTrace Pattern pattern Pattern.compile h2 Direct Down. h2 div . . Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML String displayHTML null while matcher.find displayHTML return displayHTML..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android sampleuri1 public static final Uri CONTENT_URI2 Uri.parse content PROVIDER_NAME sampleuri2 Then you expand your URI Matcher private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher static uriMatcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH uriMatcher.addURI PROVIDER_NAME.. Uri CONTENT_URI2 Uri.parse content PROVIDER_NAME sampleuri2 Then you expand your URI Matcher private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher static uriMatcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH uriMatcher.addURI PROVIDER_NAME sampleuri1 SAMPLE1 uriMatcher.addURI.. Uri.parse content PROVIDER_NAME sampleuri2 Then you expand your URI Matcher private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher static uriMatcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH uriMatcher.addURI PROVIDER_NAME sampleuri1 SAMPLE1 uriMatcher.addURI..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] obrigatórios para autenticação do Anototudo. LoginActivity.this return else Pattern regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK Formato e mail inválido O formato do campo..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView two seperate Linkify.addLinks calls like this mentionFilter new TransformFilter public final String transformUrl final Matcher match String url return 1 Match @mentions and capture just the username portion of the text. pattern Pattern.compile.. TextView findViewById TransformFilter filter new TransformFilter public final String transformUrl final Matcher match String url return Pattern mentionPattern Pattern.compile @ A Za z0 9_ String mentionScheme http
Android: Linkify TextView final String link Linkify.TransformFilter filter new Linkify.TransformFilter @Override public String transformUrl Matcher match String url return link Linkify.addLinks textView Pattern.compile patternToMatch null null filter And the OP could..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText 1 . @Override public CharSequence filter CharSequence source int start int end Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null To use it do editText.setFilters new InputFilter..
how to check edittext's text is email address or not? ^ w . @ w . A Z 2 4 CharSequence inputStr email Pattern pattern Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string in this function..
how retrieve metadata from shoutcast on android? break Match headers to get metadata offset within a stream Pattern p Pattern.compile r n icy metaint s . r n Matcher m p.matcher strHeaders.toString if m.find metaDataOffset Integer.parseInt 2 In case no data was sent if metaDataOffset.. Map String String metadata new HashMap String metaParts metaString.split Pattern p Pattern.compile ^ a zA Z ' ^ ' ' Matcher m for int i 0 i metaParts.length i m p.matcher metaParts i if m.find metadata.put String 1 String 2 return..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist Matchers.anyOf Matchers.containsString a Matchers.containsString A UPDATE Even better way is to use filter Matcher matcher T...array Here is how you can do that ArrayList String sortedArrayList filter Matchers.anyOf Matchers.containsString a Matchers.containsString.. download hamcrest all 1.0.jar 63 kb and add below code to get the filter working public static T List T filter Matcher matcher Iterable T iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator.. T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext T item if matcher.matches item collected.add item return collected So you can just sort out the least from lambdaj source and integrate..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work pairs Map.Entry Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap smiley BitmapFactory.decodeResource ch.getResources Integer.. Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap smiley BitmapFactory.decodeResource ch.getResources Integer pairs.getValue.. String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message while matcher.find Bitmap smiley BitmapFactory.decodeResource ch.getResources Integer pairs.getValue Object spans builder.getSpans matcher.start..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically arg2 arg2 StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer try find all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG Key Name keyName String keyValue hashMap.get.. arg2 StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer try find all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG Key Name keyName String keyValue hashMap.get keyName.. sb new StringBuffer try find all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG Key Name keyName String keyValue hashMap.get keyName if keyValue null..
How to use QuickSearchBox in my Android application? SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2 SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA Sets up a uri matcher for search suggestion and shortcut refresh queries. private static UriMatcher buildUriMatcher UriMatcher matcher new UriMatcher.. a uri matcher for search suggestion and shortcut refresh queries. private static UriMatcher buildUriMatcher UriMatcher matcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH matcher.addURI AUTHORITY SearchManager.SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY SEARCH_SUGGEST matcher.addURI.. refresh queries. private static UriMatcher buildUriMatcher UriMatcher matcher new UriMatcher UriMatcher.NO_MATCH matcher.addURI AUTHORITY SearchManager.SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY SEARCH_SUGGEST matcher.addURI AUTHORITY SearchManager.SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' Pattern pattern Pattern.compile h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never called html android webview share improve this question.. ' head ' Pattern pattern Pattern.compile h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never called html android webview share improve this question Had to use HttpClient... Pattern pattern Pattern.compile h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher pattern.matcher pageHTML matcher.find The interface is never called html android webview share improve this question Had to use HttpClient. no cookies..
How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate] para autenticação do Anototudo. LoginActivity.this return else Pattern regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK Formato e mail inválido O formato do campo e mail.. do Anototudo. LoginActivity.this return else Pattern regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK Formato e mail inválido O formato do campo e mail está inválido.. LoginActivity.this return else Pattern regEx Pattern.compile . @. . a z Matcher matcher regEx.matcher sLogin if matcher.matches Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK Formato e mail inválido O formato do campo e mail está inválido LoginActivity.this..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern to get a new token. Finally the RESTMethod gives me either a XML or JSON no matter i create a processor based on the matcher and pass the response. The processor It's in charged of parsing the response and insert it locally. A Sample Application..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText . @Override public CharSequence filter CharSequence source int start int end Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null To use it do editText.setFilters new InputFilter new DecimalDigitsInputFilter.. CharSequence filter CharSequence source int start int end Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null To use it do editText.setFilters new InputFilter new DecimalDigitsInputFilter.. CharSequence source int start int end Spanned dest int dstart int dend Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher dest if matcher.matches return return null To use it do editText.setFilters new InputFilter new DecimalDigitsInputFilter 5 2 share improve..
how to check edittext's text is email address or not? @ w . A Z 2 4 CharSequence inputStr email Pattern pattern Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string in this function . for.. inputStr email Pattern pattern Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string in this function . for right email verification.. email Pattern pattern Pattern.compile expression Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher pattern.matcher inputStr if matcher.matches isValid true return isValid Pass your edit text string in this function . for right email verification you need..
How Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work? orb gray_image Mat features.keypoints features.descriptors and matched them using the knnMatch function from openCV matcher.knnMatch features1.descriptors features2.descriptors pair_matches 2 After that I am trying to find a homography using findHomography.. actually OpenCV has Two types of descriptors float descriptors SIFT SURF uchar descriptors ORB BRIEF And corresponding matchers for float descriptors FlannBased BruteForce L2 float BruteForce SL2 float since 2.3.1 BruteForce L1 float for uchar descriptors.. HammingLUT FlannBased with LSH index since 2.4.0 So you need to modify your code to use for example BruteForce Hamming matcher for ORB descriptors. It is possible to use L2 or L1 distance for matching uchar descriptors but results will be incorrect..