android Programming Glossary: math.ceil
How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView? if characters 75 scalingFactor 5 System.out.println int Math.ceil currentWidth tv.getWidth scalingFactor the scalingFactor is.. is important... increase this if nec. later while int Math.ceil currentWidth tv.getWidth scalingFactor tv.getTextSize tv.getHeight.. tv.getPaint .measureText s System.out.println int Math.ceil currentWidth tv.getWidth scalingFactor tv.setText s Thanks...
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper BitmapFactory.decodeFile imageBg options SampleSize int Math.ceil options.outWidth this.visibleWidth 2 2 options.inJustDecodeBounds..
url connection returning negative value byte imageData new byte length int buffersize int Math.ceil length double 100 int downloaded 0 int read while downloaded.. byte imageData new byte length int buffersize int Math.ceil length double 100 int downloaded 0 int read while downloaded..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width width MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height int Math.ceil float width float d.getIntrinsicHeight float d.getIntrinsicWidth..
GridView inside Expandable list in android 2 SPACING COL_WIDTH SPACING final int rowCount int Math.ceil intValues.size 0d colCount calculate the height for the current..
Android Convert Px to Dp (Video Aspect Ratio) [duplicate]
How to get the screen size of the device? and the calculation for them is like this int widthPix int Math.ceil dm.widthPixels dm.densityDpi 160.0 now the widthPix is 480 ..
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers .getDisplayMetrics .density cellWidthFactor int Math.ceil fontSize scale fontSize 10 0.9 0.7 Button backButton Button.. row.getChildAt i int replacementWidth widths i 1 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 2 widths i 3 int Math.ceil widths.. int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 2 widths i 3 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 1.7 widths i 5 int Math.ceil widths..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget int lowerBound maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 1 int Math.ceil Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED..
How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView? else if characters 70 characters 75 scalingFactor 3 else if characters 75 scalingFactor 5 System.out.println int Math.ceil currentWidth tv.getWidth scalingFactor the scalingFactor is important... increase this if nec. later while int Math.ceil.. currentWidth tv.getWidth scalingFactor the scalingFactor is important... increase this if nec. later while int Math.ceil currentWidth tv.getWidth scalingFactor tv.getTextSize tv.getHeight tv.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP tv.getTextSize..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true bg BitmapFactory.decodeFile imageBg options SampleSize int Math.ceil options.outWidth this.visibleWidth 2 2 options.inJustDecodeBounds false try options.inSampleSize SampleSize bg BitmapFactory.decodeFile..
url connection returning negative value i get negetive length InputStream is InputStream url.getContent byte imageData new byte length int buffersize int Math.ceil length double 100 int downloaded 0 int read while downloaded length if length buffersize read imageData downloaded.. InputStream is InputStream url.getContent byte imageData new byte length int buffersize int Math.ceil length double 100 int downloaded 0 int read while downloaded length if length buffersize read imageData downloaded..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width avoid thin vertical gaps along the left right edges int width MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height int Math.ceil float width float d.getIntrinsicHeight float d.getIntrinsicWidth setMeasuredDimension width height else super.onMeasure..
GridView inside Expandable list in android your display final int colCount int Math.floor parentView.getWidth 2 SPACING COL_WIDTH SPACING final int rowCount int Math.ceil intValues.size 0d colCount calculate the height for the current grid final int GRID_HEIGHT Math.round rowCount ROW_HEIGHT..
Android Convert Px to Dp (Video Aspect Ratio) [duplicate]
How to get the screen size of the device?
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers is removed for clarity final float scale getBaseContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density cellWidthFactor int Math.ceil fontSize scale fontSize 10 0.9 0.7 Button backButton Button findViewById frozenTable TableLayout findViewById.. return for int i 0 i row.getChildCount i TextView cell TextView row.getChildAt i int replacementWidth widths i 1 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 2 widths i 3 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 1.7 widths i 5 int Math.ceil widths.. TextView row.getChildAt i int replacementWidth widths i 1 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 2 widths i 3 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 1.7 widths i 5 int Math.ceil widths i cellWidthFactor 1.2 widths i cellWidthFactor cell.setMinimumWidth..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget double w options.outWidth double h options.outHeight int lowerBound maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 1 int Math.ceil Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength..