android Programming Glossary: marketintent
Android licensing application not works? void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http details id getPackageName startActivity marketIntent builder.setNegativeButton Quit new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
How to handle app dependencies to 3d party new Intent Intent marketIntent new Intent ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id e try show a prompt here startActivity marketIntent catch ActivityNotFoundException e Toast.makeText this Market..
Download app if intent not installed list.size 0 To open Google Market via Intent Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market search q pname..
Android, How to read QR code in my application? market details id Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketUri startActivity marketIntent.. new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketUri startActivity marketIntent and in onActivityResult @Override protected void onActivityResult..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketIntent .setData Uri .. which Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketIntent .setData Uri .parse market details id com.adobe.reader .. .parse market details id com.adobe.reader startActivity marketIntent builder.setNegativeButton No Thanks null builder.create..
Android licensing application not works? Buy Now new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http details id getPackageName startActivity marketIntent .. marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http details id getPackageName startActivity marketIntent builder.setNegativeButton Quit new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which..
How to handle app dependencies to 3d party Android Market or some other source manually. Intent scanIntent new Intent Intent marketIntent new Intent ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id try startActivityForResult scanIntent.. try startActivityForResult scanIntent catch ActivityNotFoundException e try show a prompt here startActivity marketIntent catch ActivityNotFoundException e Toast.makeText this Market not installed. LENGTH_SHORT .show So you try to launch the..
Download app if intent not installed intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY final boolean isAvailable list.size 0 To open Google Market via Intent Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market search q pname startActivity marketIntent share improve..
Android, How to read QR code in my application? intent 0 catch Exception e Uri marketUri Uri.parse market details id Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketUri startActivity marketIntent and in onActivityResult @Override protected void onActivityResult.. details id Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketUri startActivity marketIntent and in onActivityResult @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists Please new DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketIntent .setData Uri .parse market details id com.adobe.reader startActivity marketIntent.. @Override public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Intent marketIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW marketIntent .setData Uri .parse market details id com.adobe.reader startActivity marketIntent builder.setNegativeButton No..