android Programming Glossary: marked
RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application and find that the previous opened activity view which are marked as died state get killed and the newly re installed one get..
I can't figure the issue with a stacktrace error here There is mention of the galaxy in the post. Both are marked for future release. UPDATED djmedic has found a workaround here..
Google Drive SDK Exception to the line files request.execute in my code above I have marked it with asterisks . I have enabled both the Drive SDK and the..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? . Printers interpret data streamed to them as either a marked up document in a similar way to how browser interpret HTML ...
Android permissions: Phone Calls: read phone state and identity p android issues detail id 4101 but it's marked working as intended with a note about permissions being correct..
Android ImageView Animation its url it marks itself as visible and the imageview is marked as hidden. When the imageview is shown I would like it to rotate..
android: quality of the images resized in runtime like to delete this answer but I am unable to since it's marked as accepted. Note that Android when this answer was originally..
Vertical line using XML drawable UPDATE I found no other way other than the one that I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus..
Android 2.2 wifi hotspot API and invoke it through the WifiManager object These API are marked as @hide so currently you cannot use them directly but they..
How to wait for all tasks in an ThreadPoolExecutor to finish without shutting down the Executor? worked better for me in this case. I'll keep the answer marked because it applies more to what I asked. java android multithreading..
Android: AsyncTask recommendations: private class or public class?
where to place videos to stream android website share improve this question If they are MP4s marked as safe for streaming MOOV atom is before the first MDAT atom..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission ... function there. The bad news is that it's marked with @hide. This means it's not directly available you won't..
Store orientation to an array - and compare most similar array is Array 2. The best warping path is marked gray. This is only a sketch of DTW. There are a number of issues..
What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity? method addPreferencesFromResource int preferencesResId is marked deprecated in android's documentation Reference Entry . Unfortunately..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? to build an SDK that includes methods and fields that are marked as hidden using @hide. Is this possible What I want to do is..
Android invalid key and Facebook Connect
Two launcher activities launcher activities I have two activities marked with intent filter manifest xmlns android http
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace? project you want to use as library project Reference the marked project Mark the library project Right click your project and.. left and tick the checkbox IsLibrary . Done. Reference the marked project Right click your project and select Properties . Select.. Properties . Select Android on the left and Add... your marked project. It will be added to the list and is ready to use. Now..
RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application
I can't figure the issue with a stacktrace error
Google Drive SDK Exception at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method which traces to the line files request.execute in my code above I have marked it with asterisks . I have enabled both the Drive SDK and the Drive API in my Google APIs Console. Here are a couple of..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? This as you note support the ESC POS Page Description Language . Printers interpret data streamed to them as either a marked up document in a similar way to how browser interpret HTML . In some cases the printer literally runs the document as a..
Android permissions: Phone Calls: read phone state and identity remove that permission required. I found this bug report http p android issues detail id 4101 but it's marked working as intended with a note about permissions being correct from the market but not otherwise. Is this other people's..
Android ImageView Animation image view first and when the web view has finished loading its url it marks itself as visible and the imageview is marked as hidden. When the imageview is shown I would like it to rotate repeatedly just for a little added pizazz. I have never..
android: quality of the images resized in runtime question Please refer to Romain's answer below. I would like to delete this answer but I am unable to since it's marked as accepted. Note that Android when this answer was originally written without explicitly requesting 32 bit colour would..
Vertical line using XML drawable crusade you might find this useful Missing Android XML Manual UPDATE I found no other way other than the one that I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus if you happen to know the answer don't forget to share android..
Android 2.2 wifi hotspot API declared methods look for this method name setWifiApEnabled and invoke it through the WifiManager object These API are marked as @hide so currently you cannot use them directly but they appear on the AIDL for the WifiManager so their are accessible..
How to wait for all tasks in an ThreadPoolExecutor to finish without shutting down the Executor? revisiting this I discovered that a modified CountDownLatch worked better for me in this case. I'll keep the answer marked because it applies more to what I asked. java android multithreading wait share improve this question If you are interested..
Android: AsyncTask recommendations: private class or public class?
where to place videos to stream android this question is not out of topic. Thanks in advance android website share improve this question If they are MP4s marked as safe for streaming MOOV atom is before the first MDAT atom such as via MP4Box hint you can host them on any Web server...
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission PackageManager which is abstract class. You'll find installPackage ... function there. The bad news is that it's marked with @hide. This means it's not directly available you won't be able to compile with call to this method . @hide .... public..
Store orientation to an array - and compare 13 as score for Array 2 we have 5. The lower score wins so the most similar array is Array 2. The best warping path is marked gray. This is only a sketch of DTW. There are a number of issues you have to address in a real world application. For example..
What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity? in a PreferenceActivity I just noticed the fact that the method addPreferencesFromResource int preferencesResId is marked deprecated in android's documentation Reference Entry . Unfortunately no alternative method is provided in the method's..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? cm7. Now I read that make SDK will build the SDK but I want to build an SDK that includes methods and fields that are marked as hidden using @hide. Is this possible What I want to do is make changes to an application that uses hidden API and in..
Android invalid key and Facebook Connect
Two launcher activities launcher activities I have two activities marked with intent filter manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.package android versionCode..
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace? The additional Android way Two steps are necessary Mark the project you want to use as library project Reference the marked project Mark the library project Right click your project and select Properties . Select Android on the left and tick the.. your project and select Properties . Select Android on the left and tick the checkbox IsLibrary . Done. Reference the marked project Right click your project and select Properties . Select Android on the left and Add... your marked project. It will.. the marked project Right click your project and select Properties . Select Android on the left and Add... your marked project. It will be added to the list and is ready to use. Now you are able to access all classes and ressources e.g. drawables..