android Programming Glossary: marker
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] of the XML tags protected static final String MARKERS markers protected static final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl.. MARKERS markers protected static final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl protected XMLParser final String feedUrl..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps I am trying to a make custom InfoWindow after a click on a marker with the new Google Maps API v2. I want it to look like in the.. and then show a custom PopupWindow above the marker. Some other guys here on StackOverflow suggested this solution.. pixels between the bottom edge of our InfoWindow and the marker position by default it's bottom edge too . It's a good idea..
How to get IP address of the device? 0xBF isUTF8 true baos.write bytes 3 read 3 drop UTF8 bom marker else baos.write bytes 0 read count read return isUTF8 new..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 I need to get a reference to GoogleMap to place a Marker but the getMap method returns null as the fragment's onCreateView.. setUpMapIfNeeded XXX Here getMap returns null so the Marker can't be added The map is shown with the previous options. private.. successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005..
Google Maps Android api v2 and current location import import import.. import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent.. coordinate.longitude Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Marker startPerc map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position coordinate..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps It's quite easy one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener and then show a custom PopupWindow above the marker... import import android.content.Context import bottomOffsetPixels A currently selected marker private Marker marker Our custom view which is returned from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] i need to show user location on map with custom marker. Marker will show picture of user that will load from URL. Image must.. this question In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how a custom Image is.. is set to a GoogleMap. Uses a custom icon. mSydney mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position SYDNEY .title Sydney .snippet Population..
Android map v2 zoom to show all the markers LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder for Marker marker markers builder.include marker.getPosition LatLngBounds..
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow null @Override public View getInfoContents Marker marker Item i items.get marker.getId TextView tv1 TextView v.findViewById.. method stub return v @Override public View getInfoWindow Marker marker TODO Auto generated method stub return null I have 2.. image no matter if that image belongs to that ImageWindow Marker . Any suggestions on how to propperly implement this android..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] a fine example of this is indie game Max and the Magic Marker a 2D physics based side scroller written in Unity. If you don't..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling audioData 0 numShortsRead @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub.. recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time 160 frames are..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] public Route parse public class XMLParser names of the XML tags protected static final String MARKERS markers protected static final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl protected XMLParser final String feedUrl try this.feedUrl.. XMLParser names of the XML tags protected static final String MARKERS markers protected static final String MARKER marker protected URL feedUrl protected XMLParser final String feedUrl try this.feedUrl new URL feedUrl catch MalformedURLException..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps I am trying to a make custom InfoWindow after a click on a marker with the new Google Maps API v2. I want it to look like in the original maps application by Google. Like this When I have.. It's quite easy one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener and then show a custom PopupWindow above the marker. Some other guys here on StackOverflow suggested this solution and it actually looks quite good at first glance. But the.. a GoogleMap object private GoogleMap map Vertical offset in pixels between the bottom edge of our InfoWindow and the marker position by default it's bottom edge too . It's a good idea to use custom markers and also the InfoWindow frame because..
How to get IP address of the device? if count 0 bytes 0 byte 0xEF bytes 1 byte 0xBB bytes 2 byte 0xBF isUTF8 true baos.write bytes 3 read 3 drop UTF8 bom marker else baos.write bytes 0 read count read return isUTF8 new String baos.toByteArray UTF 8 new String baos.toByteArray..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 so far so good. The problem is that after attaching the MapFragment I need to get a reference to GoogleMap to place a Marker but the getMap method returns null as the fragment's onCreateView hasn't been called yet . I looked at the demo example.. is available because Google Play services might not be available. setUpMapIfNeeded XXX Here getMap returns null so the Marker can't be added The map is shown with the previous options. private void closeMap FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.. SupportMapFragment. mMap mMapFragment.getMap Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 .title Marker Thanks android google maps android..
Google Maps Android api v2 and current location import import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import.. import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.location.Criteria import android.location.Location.. new LatLng lat lng Toast.makeText this Location coordinate.latitude coordinate.longitude Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Marker startPerc map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position coordinate .title Start .snippet Inizio del percorso .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps in English The first thing I tried was to use a good old PopupWindow. It's quite easy one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener and then show a custom PopupWindow above the marker. Some other guys here on StackOverflow suggested this solution.. import import import android.content.Context import import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.MotionEvent.. rely on the sizes of the default marker and frame. private int bottomOffsetPixels A currently selected marker private Marker marker Our custom view which is returned from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents or InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoWindow..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] an Android Application where i used Google map api v2 . And i need to show user location on map with custom marker. Marker will show picture of user that will load from URL. Image must be download in Asynchronous mode from server. Please follow.. urgent. android google maps android api 2 share improve this question In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how a custom Image is set to a GoogleMap. Uses a custom icon. mSydney mMap.addMarker.. class in which you can see how a custom Image is set to a GoogleMap. Uses a custom icon. mSydney mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position SYDNEY .title Sydney .snippet Population 4 627 300 .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource..
Android map v2 zoom to show all the markers this first calculate the bounds of all the markers like so LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder for Marker marker markers builder.include marker.getPosition LatLngBounds bounds Then obtain a movement description object..
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow v MyInfoWindowAdapter v getLayoutInflater .inflate R.layout.infowindow_map null @Override public View getInfoContents Marker marker Item i items.get marker.getId TextView tv1 TextView v.findViewById ImageView iv ImageView v.findViewById.. String imageUri View view TODO Auto generated method stub return v @Override public View getInfoWindow Marker marker TODO Auto generated method stub return null I have 2 problems with this As we know the InfoWindow is drawn and later.. in the InfoWindow will always display the last loaded image no matter if that image belongs to that ImageWindow Marker . Any suggestions on how to propperly implement this android google maps infowindow universal image loader share improve..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] the tool for you. You can also write 2D games using 3D assets a fine example of this is indie game Max and the Magic Marker a 2D physics based side scroller written in Unity. If you don't know it I recommend checking it out especially if there..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling numShortsRead audioData 0 audioData.length player.write audioData 0 numShortsRead @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every.. @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time 160 frames are reached recorder.setPositionNotificationPeriod 160 recorder.setRecordPositionUpdateListener..