android Programming Glossary: maspecty
How to crop image in android circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri.. getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt aspectX mAspectY extras.getInt aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX mOutputY.. mImageMatrix imageRect faceRect mCircleCrop mAspectX 0 mAspectY 0 mImageView.add hv Create a default HightlightView if we found..
How to crop image in android Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null if extras.getString circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt.. image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt aspectX mAspectY extras.getInt aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true.. imageRect.bottom faceRect.bottom imageRect.bottom hv.setup mImageMatrix imageRect faceRect mCircleCrop mAspectX 0 mAspectY 0 mImageView.add hv Create a default HightlightView if we found no face in the picture. private void makeDefault HighlightView..