android Programming Glossary: mathematical
Why to use sqlite Database in Android? corresponds to some 40X40 table data on which some heavy mathematical processing is to be done and then displayed on the UI similar..
MathML and Java and Java I've been doing some research for a mathematical Android related project I'd like to embark upon and I stumbled.. things Parse MathML Output MathML by parsing standard mathematical notation Render MathML particularly important Do any other cool..
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java? [closed] a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java closed I'm an Android Developer and as.. I will need to evaluate a large variety of user created mathematical expressions and equations. I am looking for a good java library.. a good java library that is lightweight and can evaluate mathematical expressions using user defined variables and constants trig..
Dalvik Memory Allocation - How to change the default limits? my process applying filters transforms and other types of mathematical operations I would like to know if it is possible to change..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION vector and magnetometer vector can be combined mathematically through SensorManager.getRotationMatrix which returns a 3x3.. use of Euler angles falls apart. This is a degenerate case mathematically. In this realm how is the device supposed to know if you're.. acceleromter magnetometer gyro are combined together in a mathematical black box typically a Kalman filter but depends on vendor ...
Android phone orientation overview including compass the sky the rotation matrix is identity matrix the matrix mathematical equivalent of 1 which means no mapping is necessary as the device..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates obtaing the values of acceleration in real world is just a mathematical transformation away from those data. I just can't figure it.. share improve this question Oki I have worked this out mathematically myself so please bear with me. If you want to translate an..
Why to use sqlite Database in Android? one will be better and why Why to involve sqlite DB The data corresponds to some 40X40 table data on which some heavy mathematical processing is to be done and then displayed on the UI similar to Stock market application and data needs to be cleared after..
MathML and Java and Java I've been doing some research for a mathematical Android related project I'd like to embark upon and I stumbled across for the first time MathML. Does anyone know of any.. Java libraries which can do any preferably all of the following things Parse MathML Output MathML by parsing standard mathematical notation Render MathML particularly important Do any other cool maths ey things like re arrange equations in terms of different..
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java? [closed] a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java closed I'm an Android Developer and as part of my next app I will need to evaluate a large variety.. closed I'm an Android Developer and as part of my next app I will need to evaluate a large variety of user created mathematical expressions and equations. I am looking for a good java library that is lightweight and can evaluate mathematical expressions.. mathematical expressions and equations. I am looking for a good java library that is lightweight and can evaluate mathematical expressions using user defined variables and constants trig and exponential functions etc. I've looked around and Jep seems..
Dalvik Memory Allocation - How to change the default limits? to process for example 3 photos taken with the camera in my process applying filters transforms and other types of mathematical operations I would like to know if it is possible to change the default value of memory allocated by the Dalvik VM for each..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION this tends to point downward due to magnetic dip . The accelerometer vector and magnetometer vector can be combined mathematically through SensorManager.getRotationMatrix which returns a 3x3 matrix which will map vectors in device coordinates to world.. If the device is tilted up at 90° or near it then the use of Euler angles falls apart. This is a degenerate case mathematically. In this realm how is the device supposed to know if you're changing azimuth or roll The function SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem.. fusion which basically means that all available inputs acceleromter magnetometer gyro are combined together in a mathematical black box typically a Kalman filter but depends on vendor . All of the different sensors acceleration magnetic field gyros..
Android phone orientation overview including compass that correspond to figure C. When the phone is pointed to the sky the rotation matrix is identity matrix the matrix mathematical equivalent of 1 which means no mapping is necessary as the device is aligned with the world's coordinate system. Ok. I think..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates vector inside the devices coordinates. It seems to me that obtaing the values of acceleration in real world is just a mathematical transformation away from those data. I just can't figure it out. Thanks in advance. Edited I have tried directly multipliying.. am I doing wrong android coordinates device accelerometer share improve this question Oki I have worked this out mathematically myself so please bear with me. If you want to translate an acceleration vector accelerationvalues into an acceleration..