android Programming Glossary: match_method
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android Source Image char result_window Result window int match_method int max_Trackbar 5 Function Headers void MatchingMethod int.. TM COEFF NORMED createTrackbar trackbar_label image_window match_method max_Trackbar MatchingMethod MatchingMethod 0 0 waitKey 0 return.. the Matching and Normalize matchTemplate img templ result match_method normalize result result 0 1 NORM_MINMAX 1 Mat Localizing the..
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android cv Global Variables Mat img Mat templ Mat result char image_window Source Image char result_window Result window int match_method int max_Trackbar 5 Function Headers void MatchingMethod int void @function main int main int argc char argv Load image and.. NORMED n 2 TM CCORR n 3 TM CCORR NORMED n 4 TM COEFF n 5 TM COEFF NORMED createTrackbar trackbar_label image_window match_method max_Trackbar MatchingMethod MatchingMethod 0 0 waitKey 0 return 0 @function MatchingMethod @brief Trackbar callback void.. 1 result.create result_cols result_rows CV_32FC1 Do the Matching and Normalize matchTemplate img templ result match_method normalize result result 0 1 NORM_MINMAX 1 Mat Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc double minVal double maxVal Point..