android Programming Glossary: math.acos
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch sin 0 cos 0 Math.atan2 sin cos 0 m_pitch_radians float Math.acos m_NormGravityVector 2 sin m_NormEastVector 1 m_NormNorthVector..
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance) b2 float t3 FloatMath.sin a1 FloatMath.sin b1 double tt Math.acos t1 t2 t3 double dist 6366000 tt For example a MySQL select could..
How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 0 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos.. rotationMatrix 0 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 10 cosB rad2deg if MODUS 8 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix.. 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 9 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.asin..
BufferedImage in Android 1.0f x2 a2 y2 b2 a b float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos dx Math.sqrt x2 z2 float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle float.. angle2 out 0 x float Math.tan angle2 z float yAngle float Math.acos dy Math.sqrt y2 z2 angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 float..
How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad theta dist Math.acos dist dist rad2deg dist dist dist 60 1.1515 return dist private..
Calculating distance between two geographic locations
Using gps get the distance a person has walked Math.cos lonB lonA Math.sin latA Math.sin latB double ang Math.acos cosAng double dist ang 6371 return dist share improve this..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch 0 m_NormNorthVector 1 m_azimuth_radians float sin 0 cos 0 Math.atan2 sin cos 0 m_pitch_radians float Math.acos m_NormGravityVector 2 sin m_NormEastVector 1 m_NormNorthVector 0 cos m_NormEastVector 0 m_NormNorthVector 1 float aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians..
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance) a1 FloatMath.sin a2 FloatMath.cos b1 FloatMath.sin b2 float t3 FloatMath.sin a1 FloatMath.sin b1 double tt Math.acos t1 t2 t3 double dist 6366000 tt For example a MySQL select could be taken from www.movable Select Lat Lon acos..
How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL final float cosB float Math.cos resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 0 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 10 cosB rad2deg if MODUS 8 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix.. 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 0 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 10 cosB rad2deg if MODUS 8 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix rotationMatrix null accelGData magnetData rotationMatrix.. final float cosB float Math.cos resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 resultingAngles 2 rad2deg resultingAngles 1 float Math.acos rotationMatrix 9 cosB rad2deg resultingAngles 0 float Math.asin rotationMatrix 4 cosB rad2deg if MODUS 9 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix..
BufferedImage in Android float rRefraction 1.0f refractionIndex float z float Math.sqrt 1.0f x2 a2 y2 b2 a b float z2 z z float xAngle float Math.acos dx Math.sqrt x2 z2 float angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle float angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2.. Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI xAngle angle2 out 0 x float Math.tan angle2 z float yAngle float Math.acos dy Math.sqrt y2 z2 angle1 ImageMath.HALF_PI yAngle angle2 float Math.asin Math.sin angle1 rRefraction angle2 ImageMath.HALF_PI..
How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad theta dist Math.acos dist dist rad2deg dist dist dist 60 1.1515 return dist private double deg2rad double deg return deg Math.PI 180.0 private..
Calculating distance between two geographic locations
Using gps get the distance a person has walked