android Programming Glossary: math.todegrees
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results Rmat orientation mAngle0_azimuth float Math.toDegrees double orientation 0 orientation contains azimut pitch and roll.. contains azimut pitch and roll mAngle1_pitch float Math.toDegrees double orientation 1 pitch mAngle2_roll float Math.toDegrees.. double orientation 1 pitch mAngle2_roll float Math.toDegrees double orientation 2 roll mAngle0_filtered_azimuth calculateFilteredAngle..
Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android
Android Maps API v2 draw circle Math.sin lat1 Math.sin latitudeRad options.add new LatLng Math.toDegrees latitudeRad Math.toDegrees longitudeRad mMap.addPolyline options.color.. options.add new LatLng Math.toDegrees latitudeRad Math.toDegrees longitudeRad mMap.addPolyline options.color Color.BLACK .width..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float.. dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION R orientationValues orientationValues 0 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 0 orientationValues 1 float Math.toDegrees.. orientationValues 0 orientationValues 1 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 1 orientationValues 2 float Math.toDegrees.. orientationValues 1 orientationValues 2 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 2 azimuthText.setText azimuth orientationValues..
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) rotationMatrix values double degrees Math.toDegrees values 0 My problem is that the positioning of the ImageView..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination between the sprite and the destination spriteToDestAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 spriteX destX spriteY destY Now all you need to do..
android compass seems unreliable m_vfinR m_vforientVals m_fCompBearing float Math.round Math.toDegrees m_vforientVals 0 2 2 convert to 0 360 from 180 180 if m_fCompBearing..
Android - Rotate Dial [duplicate] posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees r android share improve this question Create Matrix then..
Android - Rotate image around center point? posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees r android share improve this question Create Matrix then..
rotation and scaling using multi touch in android event.getX 400 2 400 2 event.getY int rotation int Math.toDegrees r float newRot new Float rotation switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delta_x ## delta_y ## radians ## Math.toDegrees radians return float Math.toDegrees radians Try this code but.. delta_y ## radians ## Math.toDegrees radians return float Math.toDegrees radians Try this code but remember some old phone have problem..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results Rmat Imat mGravity mGeomagnetic if success SensorManager.getOrientation Rmat orientation mAngle0_azimuth float Math.toDegrees double orientation 0 orientation contains azimut pitch and roll mAngle1_pitch float Math.toDegrees double orientation 1.. float Math.toDegrees double orientation 0 orientation contains azimut pitch and roll mAngle1_pitch float Math.toDegrees double orientation 1 pitch mAngle2_roll float Math.toDegrees double orientation 2 roll mAngle0_filtered_azimuth calculateFilteredAngle.. contains azimut pitch and roll mAngle1_pitch float Math.toDegrees double orientation 1 pitch mAngle2_roll float Math.toDegrees double orientation 2 roll mAngle0_filtered_azimuth calculateFilteredAngle mAngle0_azimuth mAngle0_filtered_azimuth mAngle1_filtered_pitch..
Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android
Android Maps API v2 draw circle Math.sin brng Math.sin d Math.cos lat1 Math.cos d Math.sin lat1 Math.sin latitudeRad options.add new LatLng Math.toDegrees latitudeRad Math.toDegrees longitudeRad mMap.addPolyline options.color Color.BLACK .width 2 However anti aliasing of.. d Math.cos lat1 Math.cos d Math.sin lat1 Math.sin latitudeRad options.add new LatLng Math.toDegrees latitudeRad Math.toDegrees longitudeRad mMap.addPolyline options.color Color.BLACK .width 2 However anti aliasing of circle I guess is somewhat..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) Math.cos latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint And now create your query PointF.. angularDistance Math.sin latA Math.sin lat double lon lonA dlon Math.PI Math.PI 2 Math.PI lat Math.toDegrees lat lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint And now create your query PointF center new PointF x..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION R null aValues mValues SensorManager.getOrientation R orientationValues orientationValues 0 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 0 orientationValues 1 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 1 orientationValues 2 float Math.toDegrees.. R orientationValues orientationValues 0 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 0 orientationValues 1 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 1 orientationValues 2 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 2 azimuthText.setText azimuth orientationValues.. orientationValues 0 orientationValues 1 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 1 orientationValues 2 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 2 azimuthText.setText azimuth orientationValues 0 pitchText.setText pitch orientationValues 1 rollText.setText..
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) null accelerometerValues magneticFieldValues SensorManager.getOrientation rotationMatrix values double degrees Math.toDegrees values 0 My problem is that the positioning of the ImageView is very sensitive to changes in the orientation. Making the..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination To turn it towards a destination you need to know the angle between the sprite and the destination spriteToDestAngle Math.toDegrees Math.atan2 spriteX destX spriteY destY Now all you need to do is to use this angle for the sprite rotation plus ajust it..
android compass seems unreliable m_vfI m_vfgravity m_vfgeomag SensorManager.getOrientation m_vfinR m_vforientVals m_fCompBearing float Math.round Math.toDegrees m_vforientVals 0 2 2 convert to 0 360 from 180 180 if m_fCompBearing 0.0 m_fCompBearing 360 m_fCompBearing mCompHead.setText..
Android - Rotate Dial [duplicate] and none appear to work. So far I have double r Math.atan2 posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees r android share improve this question Create Matrix then set rotate via setRotate degrees . Then use this matrix when..
Android - Rotate image around center point? and none appear to work. So far I have double r Math.atan2 posX dial.getWidth 2 dial.getHeight 2 posY rotation int Math.toDegrees r android share improve this question Create Matrix then set rotate via setRotate degrees . Then use this matrix when..
rotation and scaling using multi touch in android log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... double r Math.atan2 event.getX 400 2 400 2 event.getY int rotation int Math.toDegrees r float newRot new Float rotation switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN savedMatrix.set.. Math.atan2 delta_y delta_x if Constant.TRACE Log.d Rotation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delta_x ## delta_y ## radians ## Math.toDegrees radians return float Math.toDegrees radians Try this code but remember some old phone have problem with rotation.. share..