android Programming Glossary: car
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method class CarDetail implements Parcelable private String carId private String carName private String imageUrl private String.. implements Parcelable private String carId private String carName private String imageUrl private String thumbUrl private.. String fuelType private String transmission private String carType private String model private String description private..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View the animation had finished. For example I might have a car facing North. If I wanted to animate it so that it faces South.. long currentTime float elapsedRatio 0 Bitmap bufferBitmap carBitmap Matrix matrix new Matrix while elapsedRatio 1 matrix.setRotate.. while elapsedRatio 1 matrix.setRotate elapsedRatio degrees carBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bufferBitmap 0 0 width height matrix..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse j.put engineer me j.put date today j.put fuel full j.put car mine j.put distance miles Next I pass the object over for sending..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? route calculation first if it fails fall back to car route if mode MODE_ANY mode MODE_WALKING navSet MapService.getNavigationDataSet..
How my app can unlock screen programatically? screen programatically My application is launched on car docking event i want to wake up phone done by system and unlock.. FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON This is how the standard car dock and desk dock app implements this behavior. share improve..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? YEAR year private static final String DATABASE_TABLE cars private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper private SQLiteDatabase mDb.. public CarsDBAdapter Context ctx this.mCtx ctx Open the cars database. If it cannot be opened try to create a new instance.. void public void close this.mDbHelper.close Create a new car. If the car is successfully created return the new rowId for..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? sensor what does it show I am developing application for car acceleration tracking. I used standard accelerometer calibrating.. specified time and calculating move parameters one of them car speed at the end of test. It works almost good on strait horizontal..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? private void addMarkersToMap mMap.clear for int i 0 i Cars.size i LatLng ll new LatLng Cars.get i .getPos .getLat Cars.get.. mMap.clear for int i 0 i Cars.size i LatLng ll new LatLng Cars.get i .getPos .getLat Cars.get i .getPos .getLon BitmapDescriptor.. i LatLng ll new LatLng Cars.get i .getPos .getLat Cars.get i .getPos .getLon BitmapDescriptor bitmapMarker switch..
Overriding Home button for a Car Home replacement app Home button for a Car Home replacement app I have been working on a replacement for.. app I have been working on a replacement for the stock Car Home app for a bit and I am completely stumped on how to override.. whenever the phone is docked. This is the way that Car Home works so there must be a way. It seems that BroadcastReceivers..
Android Overriding home key into emulator of android 2.2 you will see an application Car Home it has overridden the most of the keys like Home end cal... You can't override the behaviour of home button. What the Car Home app does it has defined itself as a launcher. You can also..
Android - How can I disable home button temporarily and recreate what Car Home and Toddler Lock have done? can I disable home button temporarily and recreate what Car Home and Toddler Lock have done So I'm trying to do what many.. on temporarily or and turned off when the app is exited Car Home also does a similar thing and actually does it better than..
Android Contacts - Update Note String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_CALLBACK else if type.equals Car selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_CAR..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way) you can use etc. When comparing objects like String Car etc you need to use the .equals method. See also this page...
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method This is the class where asynctask is written public class CarDetail implements Parcelable private String carId private String carName private String imageUrl private String thumbUrl private String dailyPrice private String weeklyPrice.. the class where asynctask is written public class CarDetail implements Parcelable private String carId private String carName private String imageUrl private String thumbUrl private String dailyPrice private String weeklyPrice private String.. private String location private String bodyType private String fuelType private String transmission private String carType private String model private String description private Bitmap image private Bitmap thumbImage private CarListAdapter..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View a SurfaceView . Ideally I would like to also be notified once the animation had finished. For example I might have a car facing North. If I wanted to animate it so that it faces South for a duration of 500ms how could I do that I am using a.. long startTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime long currentTime float elapsedRatio 0 Bitmap bufferBitmap carBitmap Matrix matrix new Matrix while elapsedRatio 1 matrix.setRotate elapsedRatio degrees carBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap.. 0 Bitmap bufferBitmap carBitmap Matrix matrix new Matrix while elapsedRatio 1 matrix.setRotate elapsedRatio degrees carBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bufferBitmap 0 0 width height matrix true draw your canvas here using whatever method you've defined..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse cut it down here for this example JSONObject j new JSONObject j.put engineer me j.put date today j.put fuel full j.put car mine j.put distance miles Next I pass the object over for sending and receive the response String url http
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? urlCarMode NavigationDataSet navSet null for mode_any try pedestrian route calculation first if it fails fall back to car route if mode MODE_ANY mode MODE_WALKING navSet MapService.getNavigationDataSet urlPedestrianMode if mode MODE_ANY navSet..
How my app can unlock screen programatically? my app can unlock screen programatically My application is launched on car docking event i want to wake up phone done by system and unlock screen when i plug my device. Is it posssible android locking..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? public static final String MODEL model public static final String YEAR year private static final String DATABASE_TABLE cars private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper private SQLiteDatabase mDb private final Context mCtx private static class DatabaseHelper.. opened created @param ctx the Context within which to work public CarsDBAdapter Context ctx this.mCtx ctx Open the cars database. If it cannot be opened try to create a new instance of the database. If it cannot be created throw an exception.. return this close return type void public void close this.mDbHelper.close Create a new car. If the car is successfully created return the new rowId for that car otherwise return a 1 to indicate failure. @param..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor what does it show I am developing application for car acceleration tracking. I used standard accelerometer calibrating it in specific position before start than considering phone's.. orientation is not changing logging accelerometer data for specified time and calculating move parameters one of them car speed at the end of test. It works almost good on strait horizontal road few percent mistake. But then I found out that..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? show car positions on the map with markers of different colors private void addMarkersToMap mMap.clear for int i 0 i Cars.size i LatLng ll new LatLng Cars.get i .getPos .getLat Cars.get i .getPos .getLon BitmapDescriptor bitmapMarker switch.. markers of different colors private void addMarkersToMap mMap.clear for int i 0 i Cars.size i LatLng ll new LatLng Cars.get i .getPos .getLat Cars.get i .getPos .getLon BitmapDescriptor bitmapMarker switch Cars.get i .getState case 0 bitmapMarker.. private void addMarkersToMap mMap.clear for int i 0 i Cars.size i LatLng ll new LatLng Cars.get i .getPos .getLat Cars.get i .getPos .getLon BitmapDescriptor bitmapMarker switch Cars.get i .getState case 0 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker..
Overriding Home button for a Car Home replacement app Home button for a Car Home replacement app I have been working on a replacement for the stock Car Home app for a bit and I am completely stumped.. Home button for a Car Home replacement app I have been working on a replacement for the stock Car Home app for a bit and I am completely stumped on how to override the Home button so that my app will be brought back to.. Home button so that my app will be brought back to the foreground whenever the phone is docked. This is the way that Car Home works so there must be a way. It seems that BroadcastReceivers won't work because the intent that is broadcast whenever..
Android Overriding home key I know we can't override Home key event but if you look into emulator of android 2.2 you will see an application Car Home it has overridden the most of the keys like Home end cal. Now the point is how had they done it. I tried to peep in.. share improve this question I agree with @Romain Guy You can't override the behaviour of home button. What the Car Home app does it has defined itself as a launcher. You can also define yours as a launcher and it will be notified when..
Android - How can I disable home button temporarily and recreate what Car Home and Toddler Lock have done? How can I disable home button temporarily and recreate what Car Home and Toddler Lock have done So I'm trying to do what many people have tried before create an app that does not respond.. other than the Application Manifest where it can be turned on temporarily or and turned off when the app is exited Car Home also does a similar thing and actually does it better than Toddler Lock. I'm not sure how it does it maybe it has more..
Android Contacts - Update Note else if type.equals Callback selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_CALLBACK else if type.equals Car selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_CAR else if type.equals Company Main selectArgs2 new String..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way)