android Programming Glossary: captured
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices to the documentation setRotation 90 should rotate the captured JPEG picture takePicture in landscape mode. This works fine..
“Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” - why am I getting this exception from my activity's onResume method? in my onResume to add a caption to the image that was captured. This seems to work ok. I just got a stack trace from the wild..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match I have been trying to get H264 encoding to work with input captured by the camera on an Android tablet using the new low level MediaCodec..
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android..
camera intent data null in onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) in Samsung S3 for Samsung Galaxy S3 Write the Below Code While calling captured image Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
Save image in local storage phonegap imgProfile document.getElementById 'imgProfile' Show the captured photo The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image imgProfile.src..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio questions 1050297 how to get the url of the captured image http 2009 02 android recipes.html..
Dalvik Memory Allocation - How to change the default limits? to develop an application for processing of images captured by the camera of mobile phones using the Android OS. Before..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android method I found every touch event DOWN UP MOVE etc has been captured according to my logView . On the contrary if return false onely.. On the contrary if return false onely the DOWN event been captured. So it's seemd that return false will prevent the event to propagate...
Get Path of image from ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent I don't know how to get the image path of the currently captured image. If any one knows please help. Thanks android camera.. MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA cursor.moveToFirst String capturedImageFilePath cursor.getString column_index_data share improve..
Picture orientation from gallery/camera intent working for gallery images. The following code works for captured images havn't tried with gallery images but i believe it should..
Is there any way to store full size image returned from camera activity in internal memory? the camera activity won't return back after the image is captured. So there is no way to get Full size image from default camera..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card Uri imagePath getImageUri doSomething Get the uri of the captured file @return A Uri which path is the path of an image file stored..
android how to save captured image into phones gallery how to save captured image into phones gallery i have two activity. In one activity.. image to gallery. and After pressing the Select button the captured image sholb be display on 1st activity's ImageView. How can..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera will check all the photo is the gallery and delete last captured and move it to the required folder. public void movingCapturedImageFromDCIMtoMerchandising..
get the last picture taken by user picture taken by user hey I want to get the last picture captured by user through any camera application. I have no idea how to..
Custom camera android
Why FPS is not same as original camera app lower fps preview version of the actual video being captured. Even the built in samsung capture application will only show..
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices According to the documentation setRotation 90 should rotate the captured JPEG picture takePicture in landscape mode. This works fine on a HTC phone but does not work on Samsung Google Nexus S and..
“Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” - why am I getting this exception from my activity's onResume method? callback and based on the value of the flag I start a fragment in my onResume to add a caption to the image that was captured. This seems to work ok. I just got a stack trace from the wild complaining that I was trying to commit a fragment transaction..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match and Camera colorspaces don't match I have been trying to get H264 encoding to work with input captured by the camera on an Android tablet using the new low level MediaCodec . I have gone through some difficulties with this..
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android I'm capturing image and setting it to image view. public void..
camera intent data null in onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) in Samsung S3 have referred below link for solve the issue Camera Solution for Samsung Galaxy S3 Write the Below Code While calling captured image Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE startActivityForResult intent PICK_FROM_CAMERA And Get your..
Save image in local storage phonegap image data console.log imageData Get image handle var imgProfile document.getElementById 'imgProfile' Show the captured photo The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image imgProfile.src imageURI if sessionStorage.isprofileimage 1 getLocation..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio Tutorial Camera_and_Gallery_Demo http questions 1050297 how to get the url of the captured image http 2009 02 android recipes.html http tag android The one I used to get everything..
Dalvik Memory Allocation - How to change the default limits? How to change the default limits I am currently considering to develop an application for processing of images captured by the camera of mobile phones using the Android OS. Before I make the decision to go forth I have done some research and..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android Regarding to the above example if return true in onTouch method I found every touch event DOWN UP MOVE etc has been captured according to my logView . On the contrary if return false onely the DOWN event been captured. So it's seemd that return.. DOWN UP MOVE etc has been captured according to my logView . On the contrary if return false onely the DOWN event been captured. So it's seemd that return false will prevent the event to propagate. Am I correct Furthermore in a OnGestureListener many..
Get Path of image from ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent the path of that image using the onActivityResult method. I don't know how to get the image path of the currently captured image. If any one knows please help. Thanks android camera android camera android camera intent share improve this question..
Picture orientation from gallery/camera intent picture share improve this question Florian answer is working for gallery images. The following code works for captured images havn't tried with gallery images but i believe it should work. Hope this helps anybody. Code public static int getCameraPhotoOrientation..
Is there any way to store full size image returned from camera activity in internal memory? pass its URI Uri.fromFile new File getFilesDir temp.jpg but the camera activity won't return back after the image is captured. So there is no way to get Full size image from default camera application in our activity without using any external storage..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card data if requestCode TAKE_PHOTO_CODE resultCode RESULT_OK Uri imagePath getImageUri doSomething Get the uri of the captured file @return A Uri which path is the path of an image file stored on the dcim folder private Uri getImageUri Store image..
android how to save captured image into phones gallery how to save captured image into phones gallery i have two activity. In one activity I have an image view and an camera button. When I press.. it capture an image. But question how to save this capture image to gallery. and After pressing the Select button the captured image sholb be display on 1st activity's ImageView. How can I do that. Thank u android image camera capture share improve..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera and this is where the method is doing all magic Method will check all the photo is the gallery and delete last captured and move it to the required folder. public void movingCapturedImageFromDCIMtoMerchandising This is ##### ridiculous. Some..
get the last picture taken by user the last picture taken by user hey I want to get the last picture captured by user through any camera application. I have no idea how to do that can any one help me further I want to send that image..
Custom camera android
Why FPS is not same as original camera app smooth the preview callback is only giving you a lower resolution lower fps preview version of the actual video being captured. Even the built in samsung capture application will only show the preview version because that's all the preview interface..