android Programming Glossary: canceling
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress int flags int startId if intent.hasExtra action Set the canceling flag isCanceled intent.getStringExtra action .equals cancel..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog total 0 int count while count data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count ..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? to it incase you want to identify it later for modifying canceling it static PendingIntent getActivity Context context int requestCode..
How to check which notifications are active in status bar in Android Dev? You can't sorry. However you can always simply cancel it canceling a Notification that is not on screen is perfectly fine. Conversely..
How to deal with orientation change with a ProgressDialog showing? in the onPreExecute method of an AsyncTask object and canceling the ProgressDialog in the onPostExecute method. In the doInBackground..
Widget not deleted when passing RESULT_CANCELED as result for configuration activity widgets ids keeps getting bigger and bigger if the user is canceling from the configuration Activity. The API reference says something..
Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm am.cancel P Am I to reset something after canceling an alarm to make it's PendingIntent go away. android android.. android pendingintent share improve this question When canceling the AlarmManager do not use a PendingIntent with a flag of FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT... Instead cancel the PedningIntent explicitly after canceling the alarm am AlarmManager getSystemService getApplicationContext..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change instance via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance Just canceling the task when the activity is destroyed and restarting it when..
HandlerThread vs Executor - When is one more appropriate over the other? the UI and you could really screw up the OS if you started canceling OS tasks. In general if you need a pool of threads or lots of..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress isCanceled @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId if intent.hasExtra action Set the canceling flag isCanceled intent.getStringExtra action .equals cancel return super.onStartCommand intent flags startId @Override..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog sdcard file_name.extension byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress.... if fileLength 0 only if total length..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? set an PendingIntent you're supposed to assign it a unique ID to it incase you want to identify it later for modifying canceling it static PendingIntent getActivity Context context int requestCode Intent intent int flags Retrieve a PendingIntent that..
How to check which notifications are active in status bar in Android Dev? see the notification in the status bar . How can I do this You can't sorry. However you can always simply cancel it canceling a Notification that is not on screen is perfectly fine. Conversely you can always safely call notify again for the same..
How to deal with orientation change with a ProgressDialog showing? with a ProgressDialog showing I am showing a ProgressDialog in the onPreExecute method of an AsyncTask object and canceling the ProgressDialog in the onPostExecute method. In the doInBackground method I am making an HTTP request for user registration...
Widget not deleted when passing RESULT_CANCELED as result for configuration activity bin are not displayed in this list. With time this list of widgets ids keeps getting bigger and bigger if the user is canceling from the configuration Activity. The API reference says something like If you return RESULT_OK using Activity.setResult..
Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm getApplicationContext 0 I PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT am.cancel P Am I to reset something after canceling an alarm to make it's PendingIntent go away. android android intent alarm alarmmanager android pendingintent share improve.. go away. android android intent alarm alarmmanager android pendingintent share improve this question When canceling the AlarmManager do not use a PendingIntent with a flag of FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT. Instead cancel the PedningIntent explicitly.. do not use a PendingIntent with a flag of FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT. Instead cancel the PedningIntent explicitly after canceling the alarm am AlarmManager getSystemService getApplicationContext .ALARM_SERVICE Intent I new Intent getApplicationContext..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change Letting the task survive and updating it with the new activity instance via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance Just canceling the task when the activity is destroyed and restarting it when the activity is created again. Binding the task to the application..
HandlerThread vs Executor - When is one more appropriate over the other? Android gives you access to the main Handler it uses for the UI and you could really screw up the OS if you started canceling OS tasks. In general if you need a pool of threads or lots of power use the Executor. If you just need a nice background..