android Programming Glossary: capitalize
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? textColor #000000 android inputType textMultiLine android capitalize sentences This makes only the first line underlined. Is it possible..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView singleLine True android selectAllOnFocus true android capitalize characters android drawableLeft @drawable ic_search_24 local..
Get Android Phone Model Programmatically model Build.MODEL if model.startsWith manufacturer return capitalize model else return capitalize manufacturer model private String.. manufacturer return capitalize model else return capitalize manufacturer model private String capitalize String s if s null.. else return capitalize manufacturer model private String capitalize String s if s null s.length 0 return char first s.charAt 0 if..
Android - edittext - underline
Android user interface guidelines the textbox widget you have explicitly ask for it with capitalize in the XML layout file. But thats what happen everywhere on..
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView I am currently using a CountDownTimer make sure to capitalize the D if copying from the website they have it wrong . Any code..
Can i control the keyboard from code on android in particular the caps lock share improve this question Try adding add android capitalize characters to the EditText properties. This should display the..
android EditText blends into background id @ id fieldName style @style PlayerDetails.Field android capitalize words And here is the style style name PlayerDetails.Field item..
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? vertical android gravity top android textSize 22sp android textColor #000000 android inputType textMultiLine android capitalize sentences This makes only the first line underlined. Is it possible to make all the lines underlined even if there is only..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView wrap_content android id @ id editSearch android text android singleLine True android selectAllOnFocus true android capitalize characters android drawableLeft @drawable ic_search_24 local MvxBind 'Text' 'Path' 'Filter' 'Mode' 'TwoWay' Mvx.MvxBindableListView..
Get Android Phone Model Programmatically getDeviceName String manufacturer Build.MANUFACTURER String model Build.MODEL if model.startsWith manufacturer return capitalize model else return capitalize manufacturer model private String capitalize String s if s null s.length 0 return char first.. Build.MANUFACTURER String model Build.MODEL if model.startsWith manufacturer return capitalize model else return capitalize manufacturer model private String capitalize String s if s null s.length 0 return char first s.charAt 0 if Character.isUpperCase.. if model.startsWith manufacturer return capitalize model else return capitalize manufacturer model private String capitalize String s if s null s.length 0 return char first s.charAt 0 if Character.isUpperCase first return s else return Character.toUpperCase..
Android - edittext - underline
Android user interface guidelines the text with an uppercase letter. This is not automatic with the textbox widget you have explicitly ask for it with capitalize in the XML layout file. But thats what happen everywhere on the phone... Tell the user when you are consuming his data plan...
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView figure out how to include a timer in each element of the ListView. I am currently using a CountDownTimer make sure to capitalize the D if copying from the website they have it wrong . Any code or sources to point me in the right direction are much appreciated...
Can i control the keyboard from code on android in particular the caps lock and set caps lock on from code on android android keyboard share improve this question Try adding add android capitalize characters to the EditText properties. This should display the keyboard in CAPS. Also FYI this is how you show the keyboard..
android EditText blends into background Here is my EditText in the layout EditText android id @ id fieldName style @style PlayerDetails.Field android capitalize words And here is the style style name PlayerDetails.Field item name android layout_weight 0.65 item item name android paddingLeft..