android Programming Glossary: cart
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock return true case Toast.makeText this Cart 10000 .show return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected..
android: swipe left or right to slide views android gravity left center_vertical android onClick addToCartOrBuy android text Add To Cart android textSize 10dip Button.. android onClick addToCartOrBuy android text Add To Cart android textSize 10dip Button android id @ id buy android.. @drawable button_orange_mid android onClick addToCartOrBuy android text Buy android textSize 10dip Button android..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence singleMenuItem form i have placed a button namely Add to Cart here i want whenever user will click on that button then selected.. on that button then selected item need to show in View Cart form then go back to Listview Select an item show in another.. an item show in another activity again click on Add to Cart button and show all the items selected by user into View Cart..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence Then you can update this database when a user adds to the cart then when viewing the cart you can read from the database. ..
Update tabs from a tab's activity in a Android TabHost products. I would like TabC to act as a sort of shopping cart probably with a ListView of itself. Is there a way to interact..
Add an array of buttons to a GridView in an Android application attributes Each button will essentially add an item to a cart so the onClick code will be the same except for the item it.. code will be the same except for the item it adds to the cart. How can I define an array so I can add a variable number of..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] they are visible. E.g. you could have a list of shopping cart displayed in one fragment and the currently selected cart in.. cart displayed in one fragment and the currently selected cart in detail in another fragment. You then e.g. change the quantity..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock steps stepIntent.putExtra Recipe1 recipe startActivity stepIntent return true case Toast.makeText this Cart 10000 .show return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item class AsyncHttpGetRecipe extends AsyncTask Object..
android: swipe left or right to slide views true android background @drawable button_green_lhs android gravity left center_vertical android onClick addToCartOrBuy android text Add To Cart android textSize 10dip Button android id @ id buy android layout_width 150dip android.. @drawable button_green_lhs android gravity left center_vertical android onClick addToCartOrBuy android text Add To Cart android textSize 10dip Button android id @ id buy android layout_width 150dip android layout_height wrap_content android.. true android layout_toRightOf @ id addtocart android background @drawable button_orange_mid android onClick addToCartOrBuy android text Buy android textSize 10dip Button android id @ id tellafriend android layout_width 80dip android..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence and allowing user to view selected item in another form in singleMenuItem form i have placed a button namely Add to Cart here i want whenever user will click on that button then selected item need to show in View Cart form then go back to Listview.. button namely Add to Cart here i want whenever user will click on that button then selected item need to show in View Cart form then go back to Listview Select an item show in another activity again click on Add to Cart button and show all the.. need to show in View Cart form then go back to Listview Select an item show in another activity again click on Add to Cart button and show all the items selected by user into View Cart Form i just want to show Item's Title and Cost those i am..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence
Update tabs from a tab's activity in a Android TabHost I would like to have an ExpandableListView which will list products. I would like TabC to act as a sort of shopping cart probably with a ListView of itself. Is there a way to interact with the TabHost from the Activity I would like to be able..
Add an array of buttons to a GridView in an Android application array of buttons that will each have different text and other attributes Each button will essentially add an item to a cart so the onClick code will be the same except for the item it adds to the cart. How can I define an array so I can add a variable.. button will essentially add an item to a cart so the onClick code will be the same except for the item it adds to the cart. How can I define an array so I can add a variable number of buttons but still reference each of them by a unique ID I've..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] with them all including communicating with each other while they are visible. E.g. you could have a list of shopping cart displayed in one fragment and the currently selected cart in detail in another fragment. You then e.g. change the quantity.. they are visible. E.g. you could have a list of shopping cart displayed in one fragment and the currently selected cart in detail in another fragment. You then e.g. change the quantity of an item in the detail view and the list view could be..