android Programming Glossary: canvas.restore
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android mImageCanvas canvas canvas.setMatrix mCanvasMatrix canvas.restore UPDATE Below is my class used for ImageView pinch zoom. public.. draw with Canvas is done W canavs_width H canavs_height canvas.restore private float MAX_SCALE 2f private int DOUBLE_TAP_SECOND 400..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming .getBitmap matrix null this.getDrawable .draw canvas canvas.restore non Javadoc @see android.widget.ImageView#setImageDrawable..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? matrix drawable.setAlpha alpha drawable.draw canvas canvas.restore public Layer addLayer Drawable d Matrix m Layer layer new Layer..
Android listview row delete animation 0 mOpenAreaTop mShadowedBackground.draw canvas canvas.restore Layout files LinearLayout xmlns android http
Rotate MapView in Android scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google maps map rotation android mapview share improve..
Rotating a view in android
How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android? applied. super.onDraw canvas restore the old matrix. canvas.restore And this is my XML layout android text..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees positioning of touch events super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent event..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views canvas.translate X 0 background.draw canvas canvas.restore package import android.content.Context..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? ball X Y null Draw the ball on the rotated canvas. canvas.restore Rotate the canvas back so that it looks like ball has rotated... null Draw the ball by applying the canvas rotated matrix. canvas.restore Rotate the canvas matrix back to its saved position only the..
Pinch zoom for custom view mScaleFactor mScaleFactor ... Your onDraw code ... canvas.restore private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener..
Image in Canvas with touch events canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mImage.draw canvas canvas.restore private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination ball X Y null draw the ball on the rotated canvas canvas.restore rotate the canvas' matrix back in the second method only the..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup mScaleFactor mScaleFactor super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore The mScaleFactor is manipulated by a ScaleListener in the same..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mImage.draw canvas canvas.restore private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android canvas for Path path listPath canvas.drawPath path paint canvas.restore public TouchExampleView Context context AttributeSet attrs int..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in mCenterScaleX mCenterScaleY mIcon.draw canvas canvas.restore This all works fine when scaling from ScaleFactor 1 this is..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? mScaleX mScaleY mNyan.setTime mWhen mNyan.draw canvas 0 0 canvas.restore This will basically scale the nyan nyan cat to fit the screen..
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix mImageCanvas canvas canvas.setMatrix mCanvasMatrix canvas.restore UPDATE Below is my class used for ImageView pinch zoom. public class ImageViewScale extends ImageView implements OnTouchListener.. if mDrawable null mDrawable.draw canvas Log.v Log_tag draw with Canvas is done W canavs_width H canavs_height canvas.restore private float MAX_SCALE 2f private int DOUBLE_TAP_SECOND 400 private float CANVAS_MAX_SCALE 2f float rect_x1 50 float rect_y1..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming matrix canvas.drawBitmap BitmapDrawable this.getDrawable .getBitmap matrix null this.getDrawable .draw canvas canvas.restore non Javadoc @see android.widget.ImageView#setImageDrawable @Override public void setImageDrawable..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? matrix int alpha Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG canvas.concat matrix drawable.setAlpha alpha drawable.draw canvas canvas.restore public Layer addLayer Drawable d Matrix m Layer layer new Layer d m mLayers.add layer invalidate return layer public Layer..
Android listview row delete animation 0 0 getWidth mOpenAreaHeight canvas.translate 0 mOpenAreaTop mShadowedBackground.draw canvas canvas.restore Layout files LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android xmlns tools http tools..
Rotate MapView in Android canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google maps map rotation android mapview share improve this question Thanks to pheelicks and Nikita Koksharov..
Rotating a view in android
How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android? 2.0f canvas.rotate 180 px py draw the text with the matrix applied. super.onDraw canvas restore the old matrix. canvas.restore And this is my XML layout android text Score 0 android id @ id tvScore android layout_width wrap_content..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees mForward This is the matrix we need to use for proper positioning of touch events super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent event final float temp mTemp temp 0 event.getX temp 1 event.getY..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views Draw background image at its current locations canvas.translate X 0 background.draw canvas canvas.restore package import android.content.Context import android.os.Parcel import android.os.Parcelable..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? angle X ballW 2 Y ballH 2 Rotate the canvas. canvas.drawBitmap ball X Y null Draw the ball on the rotated canvas. canvas.restore Rotate the canvas back so that it looks like ball has rotated. Call the next frame. invalidate This is just a simple illustration.. Rotate the canvas matrix. canvas.drawBitmap ball ballX ballY null Draw the ball by applying the canvas rotated matrix. canvas.restore Rotate the canvas matrix back to its saved position only the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate..
Pinch zoom for custom view onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor ... Your onDraw code ... canvas.restore private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener @Override public boolean onScale ScaleGestureDetector..
Image in Canvas with touch events Log.d DEBUG X mPosX Y mPosY canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mImage.draw canvas canvas.restore private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener @Override public boolean onScale ScaleGestureDetector..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination X ballW 2 Y ballH 2 rotate the canvas' matrix canvas.drawBitmap ball X Y null draw the ball on the rotated canvas canvas.restore rotate the canvas' matrix back in the second method only the ball was roteded not the entire canvas To turn it towards a..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup Canvas canvas Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore The mScaleFactor is manipulated by a ScaleListener in the same class. It does actually work. I can pinch to zoom the ZoomableRelativeLayout..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? Log.d DEBUG X mPosX Y mPosY canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mImage.draw canvas canvas.restore private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener @Override public boolean onScale ScaleGestureDetector..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android super.getWidth 0.5f super.getHeight 0.5f mIcon.draw canvas for Path path listPath canvas.drawPath path paint canvas.restore public TouchExampleView Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle @Override public boolean..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in mCenterScaleY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor canvas.translate mCenterScaleX mCenterScaleY mIcon.draw canvas canvas.restore This all works fine when scaling from ScaleFactor 1 this is because the initial mCenterX and mCenterY are coordinates which..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? void nyanNyan Canvas canvas canvas.scale mScaleX mScaleY mNyan.setTime mWhen mNyan.draw canvas 0 0 canvas.restore This will basically scale the nyan nyan cat to fit the screen and animate it perpetually. A Live wallpaper manifest looks..