android Programming Glossary: canvasheight
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE int canvasWidth 255 int canvasHeight 255 int newImageWidth canvasWidth int newImageHeight canvasHeight.. 255 int newImageWidth canvasWidth int newImageHeight canvasHeight int marginWidth canvasWidth newImageWidth 2 Convert from YUV.. Draw black borders canvas.drawRect 0 0 marginWidth canvasHeight mPaintBlack canvas.drawRect canvasWidth marginWidth 0 canvasWidth..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if mBitmap null canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE int canvasWidth 255 int canvasHeight 255 int newImageWidth canvasWidth int newImageHeight canvasHeight int marginWidth canvasWidth newImageWidth 2 Convert.. Color.WHITE int canvasWidth 255 int canvasHeight 255 int newImageWidth canvasWidth int newImageHeight canvasHeight int marginWidth canvasWidth newImageWidth 2 Convert from YUV to RGB decodeYUV420SP mRGBData mYUVData mImageWidth mImageHeight.. mRGBData 0 mImageWidth 0 0 mImageWidth mImageHeight Draw black borders canvas.drawRect 0 0 marginWidth canvasHeight mPaintBlack canvas.drawRect canvasWidth marginWidth 0 canvasWidth canvasHeight mPaintBlack Calculate histogram calculateIntensityHistogram..