android Programming Glossary: captureactivity
Android onActivityResult not called / triggered void btnCaptureClick View v Intent intent new Intent this CaptureActivity.class startActivityForResult intent Constants.REQUEST_CODE_CAPTURE.. requestCode resultCode data break public class CaptureActivity extends Activity implements ActivityCallback SurfaceHolder.Callback..
QR code scanner scanning activity like this Intent intent new Intent this CaptureActivity.class startActivityForResult intent 0 In the same activity that.. intent 0 In the same activity that you invoked the CaptureActivity in you can handle the result when the scan completes with the..
Calling barcode scanner on a button click in android application through it. Now this scanner is in another project and the CaptureActivity and I have my app's different project called MyProj all I want.. all I want to do is on click of button in my project call CaptureActivity in another project how do I import that entire project in my..
Embedding ZXing in android app of my project around it. Here's how to do that. Adapt the CaptureActivity in core to be as simple as possible. All you need is the number.. modified Activity Class to work. These files are The CameraCaptureActivity class The CaptureActivityHandler class and the Decode Thread.. work. These files are The CameraCaptureActivity class The CaptureActivityHandler class and the Decode Thread and Decode handler classes...
Integrate ZXing QR code scanner without installing BarCode Scanner also include core.jar file into the ZXing project named CaptureActivity. 3 I have used the CaptureActivity project as a library in my.. the ZXing project named CaptureActivity. 3 I have used the CaptureActivity project as a library in my project named 'QRCodeSample'. Problem.. in my project named 'QRCodeSample'. Problem in including CaptureActivity as a library 4 My code is as below3 public class QRCodeSampleActivity..
Android onActivityResult not called / triggered main.xml @param v View that called that onClickEvent public void btnCaptureClick View v Intent intent new Intent this CaptureActivity.class startActivityForResult intent Constants.REQUEST_CODE_CAPTURE callback for this Activity. Called when an Activity which.. break default break break default super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data break public class CaptureActivity extends Activity implements ActivityCallback SurfaceHolder.Callback PreviewCallback private Preview mPreview private Camera..
QR code scanner source packages into your project. You can start the zxing scanning activity like this Intent intent new Intent this CaptureActivity.class startActivityForResult intent 0 In the same activity that you invoked the CaptureActivity in you can handle the result.. intent new Intent this CaptureActivity.class startActivityForResult intent 0 In the same activity that you invoked the CaptureActivity in you can handle the result when the scan completes with the following onActivityResult method protected void onActivityResult..
Calling barcode scanner on a button click in android application was able to successfully run a standalone barcode scanner through it. Now this scanner is in another project and the CaptureActivity and I have my app's different project called MyProj all I want to do is on click of button in my project call CaptureActivity.. and I have my app's different project called MyProj all I want to do is on click of button in my project call CaptureActivity in another project how do I import that entire project in my project or what do I do it get this working. Thanking in advance..
Embedding ZXing in android app away to just the basic scanner. I then built the rest of my project around it. Here's how to do that. Adapt the CaptureActivity in core to be as simple as possible. All you need is the number returned from the core scanner code. Here's a picture of.. you'll find is that you need to Modify 4 files for your modified Activity Class to work. These files are The CameraCaptureActivity class The CaptureActivityHandler class and the Decode Thread and Decode handler classes. I've hosted these files here ... need to Modify 4 files for your modified Activity Class to work. These files are The CameraCaptureActivity class The CaptureActivityHandler class and the Decode Thread and Decode handler classes. I've hosted these files here . Take these four files and..
Integrate ZXing QR code scanner without installing BarCode Scanner and then go to android folder and open the android folder and also include core.jar file into the ZXing project named CaptureActivity. 3 I have used the CaptureActivity project as a library in my project named 'QRCodeSample'. Problem in including CaptureActivity.. open the android folder and also include core.jar file into the ZXing project named CaptureActivity. 3 I have used the CaptureActivity project as a library in my project named 'QRCodeSample'. Problem in including CaptureActivity as a library 4 My code is.. 3 I have used the CaptureActivity project as a library in my project named 'QRCodeSample'. Problem in including CaptureActivity as a library 4 My code is as below3 public class QRCodeSampleActivity extends Activity Button b1 static String contents..