android Programming Glossary: carefully
AsyncTask called from Handler will not execute doInBackground that everyone involved in threading reads this discussion carefully. AsyncTask switched the Threading model to a serial executor..
How to compile GCC for android? a non trivial task and I recommend you read the docs very carefully. It also contains various values for CFLAGS LDFLAGS etc. that..
Google Maps Android API v2 - Sample Code crashes improve this question Follow the crib sheet very very carefully https document pub id 19nQzvKP CVLd7_VrpwnHfl..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview . Please read all the comments of the both classes carefully. VideoEnabledWebChromeClient class import
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch upside down. In that situation one would need to define carefully what behaviour one wants. public static class OrientationSensor..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] involving the creation of object. P.S Actually if you carefully look at a few mobile games you'll notice that often fonts are..
Android:how to get any KeyPress event with example? was obtained by long press on the Menu key You need to carefully override the following function @Override public boolean onKeyDown..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? message Android library projects cannot be launched. I carefully checked the build path and library everything is OK . And there..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service have a look at my current code. It consists of three carefully commented files that describe what I am trying to do and the..
Problems loading html asset into webview problem you need check the index.html file existed or not carefully also you can clean the project and rebuild it. share improve..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture due to memory consumption. This is one case where I would carefully use a static data member. In my logcat I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.. your goal is to use a full resolution picture throughout carefully use a static data member to eliminate any unnecessary copies..
difference between OnTouch and OnClick Android
jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry that most things will work but you need to test everything carefully. My experience is that changing the DOM is unexpectedly slow...
Android - stackoverflow Error that you check every method that would call itself very carefully specifically conditions that would cause them to call themselves..
AsyncTask called from Handler will not execute doInBackground tvc 2 q AsyncTask in Android 4.0 . Recommend that everyone involved in threading reads this discussion carefully. AsyncTask switched the Threading model to a serial executor again which is not compatible with my approach of having 2..
How to compile GCC for android? included with GNU applications like gcc . This really is a non trivial task and I recommend you read the docs very carefully. It also contains various values for CFLAGS LDFLAGS etc. that you will need to customize and use when configuring and compiling..
Google Maps Android API v2 - Sample Code crashes android crash maps sample google maps android api 2 share improve this question Follow the crib sheet very very carefully https document pub id 19nQzvKP CVLd7_VrpwnHfl AE9fjbJySowONZZtNHzw In particular I think you need to Import..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview must always rely on a VideoEnabledWebChromeClient . Please read all the comments of the both classes carefully. VideoEnabledWebChromeClient class import import
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch are issues that arise as the device gets close to being turned upside down. In that situation one would need to define carefully what behaviour one wants. public static class OrientationSensor implements SensorEventListener public final static int SENSOR_UNAVAILABLE..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] like say Uniwar . And it's fast. Darn fast. Faster than anything involving the creation of object. P.S Actually if you carefully look at a few mobile games you'll notice that often fonts are actually not system Java fonts but pixel perfect fonts made..
Android:how to get any KeyPress event with example? 1. If key was result of the pressing on the soft keyboard that was obtained by long press on the Menu key You need to carefully override the following function @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event switch keyCode case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? be launched&rdquo Now I am totally confused by this error message Android library projects cannot be launched. I carefully checked the build path and library everything is OK . And there is no error in Problems view. However when I tried to run..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service helped tremendously by a CommonsWare Sample Application . Please have a look at my current code. It consists of three carefully commented files that describe what I am trying to do and the difficulties I am having passing data to some other activity..
Problems loading html asset into webview
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture fine solution. Large bitmaps though cause problems that way due to memory consumption. This is one case where I would carefully use a static data member. In my logcat I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError bitmap size exceeds VM budget Heap Size 7431KB.. need or want a full resolution image use setPictureSize . If your goal is to use a full resolution picture throughout carefully use a static data member to eliminate any unnecessary copies of the Bitmap and see if that is sufficient. It might not be..
difference between OnTouch and OnClick Android
jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry the mouseup happens at which point both fire. My guess is that most things will work but you need to test everything carefully. My experience is that changing the DOM is unexpectedly slow. Things that fly on the emulator can drag on the device. You..
Android - stackoverflow Error when there are too many recursive calls so I would suggest that you check every method that would call itself very carefully specifically conditions that would cause them to call themselves an unreasonable number of times a few thousands or cause..