android Programming Glossary: capabilities
How to Send Desktop Screen to Android java using Wi fi I succeed on doing the mouse and keyboard capabilities now I'm having problem on viewing the screen of my desktop on..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements need to understand them. Phonegap can offer some native capabilities like iOS native tab bar or Android native tab bar and so much.. fast enough to smoothly run a hybrid app mobile JavaScript capabilities are bed at best. Android platform is a nightmare page transitions..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] to be before the number. It is also needed to determine capabilities. For example the Droid doesn't report VBO support in its extension..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context currently support this. Using some API reflection to check capabilities it may be possible to make use of this function on supporting..
android: how do i open another app from my app? How to pass parameters to an application or know its capabilities List of Available Intents for Google Applications List of Intents..
Send SMS through PhoneGap on Android SMS through PhoneGap on Android I am exploring capabilities and features of PhoneGap. I have gone through the PhoneGap site...
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device you can look at this article from 2000 about adding MP3 capabilities to J2SE with source http javaworld jw 11 2000..
How to detect android cpu speed? is the only halfway accurate method to determine system capabilities. It looks like a good method is to use SystemClock.uptimeMillis..
ListView inside a ScrollView [duplicate] improve this question Listview so have inbuild scrolling capabilities. Encapsulate it in any other layout like LinearLayout or RelativeLayout..
NFC card emulation Android for the time being. No one knows a thing about SGII SWP capabilities. All are rumors. The same happens with Nexus S which faces several..
android: Determine security type of wifi networks in range (without connecting to them) improve this question You need to parse the ScanResult's capabilities string in the scanComplete method. According to the Android.. to the Android developer documentation ScanResult.capabilities describes the authentication key management and encryption schemes..
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code? lot slower and won't take advantage of newer devices' CPU capabilities. Do take some benchmarks for your particular application but..
How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application? DATABASE_TABLE VALUES null datetime Or the java date time capabilities set the format to sql date time SimpleDateFormat dateFormat..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 high bit always set Connect choose your partner negotiate capabilities public static final byte DISCONNECT 0x01 FINAL_BIT high bit..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? ™t have a built in ImageView widget with zoom and scroll capabilities I tries to create one by myself starting from the google repository...
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text ImageView. TextViews don't have any of the layout engine capabilities you need to figure out where to put images and texts in relation.. RelativeLayout and thus have no internal layout specifying capabilities. If you really don't want to use a webview and all the nice..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager but seems to be what you desire for your application...
Video processing in Android container MPEG4 3GP etc. in real time. It's video capture capabilities are wrapped up tightly into the MediaRecorder which controls..
How to Send Desktop Screen to Android where client is android tablet server is written in java using Wi fi I succeed on doing the mouse and keyboard capabilities now I'm having problem on viewing the screen of my desktop on Android. I don't know wt codes will I use need help guys.....
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements to play with above mentioned languages a bit but you don't need to understand them. Phonegap can offer some native capabilities like iOS native tab bar or Android native tab bar and so much more. Lower budget costs and a huge community of supporters.. metaphorically. Mobile phones even today's tablets are not fast enough to smoothly run a hybrid app mobile JavaScript capabilities are bed at best. Android platform is a nightmare page transitions don't work smoothly not to mention lacking CSS CSS3 implementation...
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] it doesn't follow the specification. The profile is supposed to be before the number. It is also needed to determine capabilities. For example the Droid doesn't report VBO support in its extension list. It does report an OpenGL ES version of 1.1 however...
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context EGL contexts it is unclear how many devices on the market currently support this. Using some API reflection to check capabilities it may be possible to make use of this function on supporting devices. However you would still need to fall back to recreating..
android: how do i open another app from my app? 0 intent.setDataAndType path application pdf startActivity intent How to pass parameters to an application or know its capabilities List of Available Intents for Google Applications List of Intents by 3rd parties @ OpenIntents share improve this answer..
Send SMS through PhoneGap on Android SMS through PhoneGap on Android I am exploring capabilities and features of PhoneGap. I have gone through the PhoneGap site. Is there any possibility or workaround to send text messages..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device may only be decode not sure If those doesn't suit your need you can look at this article from 2000 about adding MP3 capabilities to J2SE with source http javaworld jw 11 2000 jw 1103 mp3.html Native route If you want native performance..
How to detect android cpu speed?
ListView inside a ScrollView [duplicate]
NFC card emulation Android they want to keep the hen of the golden egss for themselves for the time being. No one knows a thing about SGII SWP capabilities. All are rumors. The same happens with Nexus S which faces several problems. Obviously though applications could access..
android: Determine security type of wifi networks in range (without connecting to them) in advance. android security wifi android wifi share improve this question You need to parse the ScanResult's capabilities string in the scanComplete method. According to the Android developer documentation ScanResult.capabilities describes the.. capabilities string in the scanComplete method. According to the Android developer documentation ScanResult.capabilities describes the authentication key management and encryption schemes supported by the access point. You might be able to make..
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code? armeabi will work fine on all devices but will be a lot slower and won't take advantage of newer devices' CPU capabilities. Do take some benchmarks for your particular application but removing the armeabi v7a binaries is generally not a good idea...
How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application? so you can enter a raw SQL query. mDb.execSQL INSERT INTO DATABASE_TABLE VALUES null datetime Or the java date time capabilities set the format to sql date time SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss Date date new Date..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 byte 0x80 public static final byte CONNECT 0x00 FINAL_BIT high bit always set Connect choose your partner negotiate capabilities public static final byte DISCONNECT 0x01 FINAL_BIT high bit always set Disconnect signal the end of the session public static..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? zoom and scroll As the blog says As long as Android doesn ™t have a built in ImageView widget with zoom and scroll capabilities I tries to create one by myself starting from the google repository. The result is pretty nice so I ™m posting here the source..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text to not put the images in your text view. Put the images in an ImageView. TextViews don't have any of the layout engine capabilities you need to figure out where to put images and texts in relation to each other. They're not ViewGroups like LinearLayout.. to each other. They're not ViewGroups like LinearLayout or RelativeLayout and thus have no internal layout specifying capabilities. If you really don't want to use a webview and all the nice layout engine stuff it has you're going to have to figure out..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? high enough to load your desired fragments at all times since you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager but seems to be what you desire for your application. Another approach is to override FragmentPageAdapter.instantiateItem..
Video processing in Android hooks for you to stream frames out into an encoded video container MPEG4 3GP etc. in real time. It's video capture capabilities are wrapped up tightly into the MediaRecorder which controls the process from frame capture all the way to writing the encoded..