android Programming Glossary: card
how to connect android emulator to the internet when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its.. emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN but utterly.. I was on my laptop. So how to fix Simple Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections find your LAN card..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically have a URI of the picture the picture is located on the SD card . Do you have any suggestions android image android intent..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? is the code that allowed my screen shot to be stored on sd card and used later for whatever your needs are image naming and.. your needs are image naming and path to include sd card appending name you choose for file String mPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How to render PDF in Android appropriate Intent once you've saved the file to the SD card. public class OpenPdf extends Activity @Override public void.. @Override public void onClick View v File file new File sdcard example.pdf if file.exists Uri path Uri.fromFile file Intent..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object to launch the image preview load an image off the SD card the application returns from the activity back to the listview..
Find an external SD card location an external SD card location Is there an universal way to find the location of.. an universal way to find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState.. returns path to internal SD mount point like mnt sdcard . But the question is about external SD. How to get a path like..
Save bitmap to location and if the user wishes to keep the image save it on the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an easy way to take a bitmap and.. an easy way to take a bitmap and just save it to the SD card in a folder of my choice My issue is that I can download the.. .jpg Card Image Which works fine to save to SD card but does not allow you to customize the folder. android bitmap..
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application to ARDemo1.apk Then I shipped this apk file to mobiles SD Card and started the installation I got the above error. I googled..
How to test the performance of an Android application? file call myapp.trace in the root directory of the SD Card. As it is written to the SD Card If you're using the emulator.. root directory of the SD Card. As it is written to the SD Card If you're using the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to..
Permission to write to the SD card share improve this question You're right that the SD Card directory is sdcard but you shouldn't be hard coding it. Instead.. to give your app the correct permission to write to the SD Card by adding the line below to your Manifest uses permission android..
How to create directory automatically on SD card Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory for getting the SD Card directory as this might change if a phone comes along which.. a phone comes along which has something other than an SD Card such as built in flash a'la the iPhone . Either way you should.. need to check to make sure it's actually there as the SD Card may be removed. UPDATE Since API Level 4 1.6 you'll also have..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? to pick an image from gallery SD Card for my app in Android This question was originally asked for..
manually put files to android emulator sd card are using Eclipse you can move files to and from the SD Card through the Android Perspective it is called DDMS in Eclipse..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? in this SQLite DB even after being deleted from the SD Card. It's gotten to the point where I now have a collection of about.. a few examples of this code online as a way to scan the SD Card but I'm not having any luck with it whatsoever. Any tips FULL..
Show Image View from file path in android? of path is needed only when your images are stored in SD Card. And try the below code to set Bitmap images from a file stored.. code to set Bitmap images from a file stored inside a SD Card. File imgFile new File sdcard Images test_image.jpg if imgFile.exists..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email to attach a file from SD Card to email I am trying to launch an Intent to send an email...
Save bitmap to location getContentResolver bm barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image Which works fine to save.. bm barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image Which works fine to save to SD card but does not allow..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK Can we upload videos.. SDK Can we upload videos from an Android device's SD Card to a Facebook account via the Facebook SDK If so what are some..
Store Android SQLite level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When you are storing database in external Memory like SD Card.. When you are storing database in external Memory like SD Card then for perfomance application perfomance's will be bit slower..
Do ALL android devices have an internal SD card? PC . But are there any android devices with NO INTERNAL SD CARD on which my app would definitely be unusable android android.. But are there any android devices with NO INTERNAL SD CARD on which my app would definitely be unusable Any device that..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? Toast toast Toast.makeText this SD CARD mounted and writable root.canWrite 5000 if root.canWrite.. e Toast toast Toast.makeText this Problem reading SD CARD 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using.. Toast.makeText this Extract ReadConfigLog.txt from SD CARD 5000 else result String wcefClientCert.get config out.close..
Android: use SQLite database on SD Card (not using internal Android Data Store at all) stored on a SD card Not implementing the OpenHandler. SD CARD info.db I want to use an external SQlite database file not use..
Get free space on internal memory amount of free memory on an Android device not on the SD CARD via the Android SDK If so how android share improve this..
Android: Display Image from SD CARD Display Image from SD CARD This is driving me insane Here's my code I know this file exists..
how to connect android emulator to the internet but here's what worked for me. Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're.. and you have a LAN card installed the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this.. if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So how to fix Simple Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections find your LAN card right click it and choose disable. Now try your emulator...
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically in the Gallery built in app from inside my application. I have a URI of the picture the picture is located on the SD card . Do you have any suggestions android image android intent gallery share improve this question This is a complete solution...
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? similar to use for sharing with social media. Here is the code that allowed my screen shot to be stored on sd card and used later for whatever your needs are image naming and path to include sd card appending name you choose for file String.. my screen shot to be stored on sd card and used later for whatever your needs are image naming and path to include sd card appending name you choose for file String mPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString ACCUWX.IMAGE_APPEND create..
How to render PDF in Android Quickoffice pre installed so it may be as easy as sending the appropriate Intent once you've saved the file to the SD card. public class OpenPdf extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v File file new File sdcard example.pdf if file.exists Uri path Uri.fromFile file Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object that gets launched for result is a map. If I click on my button to launch the image preview load an image off the SD card the application returns from the activity back to the listview activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity..
Find an external SD card location an external SD card location Is there an universal way to find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External.. an external SD card location Is there an universal way to find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState returns path to internal SD mount.. with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState returns path to internal SD mount point like mnt sdcard . But the question is about external SD. How to get a path like mnt sdcard external_sd it may differ from device to device..
Save bitmap to location an image from a web server display it on the screen and if the user wishes to keep the image save it on the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an easy way to take a bitmap and just save it to the SD card in a folder of my choice My issue.. the image save it on the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an easy way to take a bitmap and just save it to the SD card in a folder of my choice My issue is that I can download the image display it on screen as a Bitmap. The only way I have.. getContentResolver bm barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image Which works fine to save to SD card but does not allow you to customize the folder. android bitmap save share improve this question try FileOutputStream..
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application also. I got the ARDemo.apk file Then I changed it ™s name to ARDemo1.apk Then I shipped this apk file to mobiles SD Card and started the installation I got the above error. I googled they say that problem with unpacking manifest file. Can anyone..
How to test the performance of an Android application? to stop tracing Debug.stopMethodTracing This will create a trace file call myapp.trace in the root directory of the SD Card. As it is written to the SD Card If you're using the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to.. This will create a trace file call myapp.trace in the root directory of the SD Card. As it is written to the SD Card If you're using the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to give you app permission to write..
Permission to write to the SD card file to be able to write to it thanks patrick java android share improve this question You're right that the SD Card directory is sdcard but you shouldn't be hard coding it. Instead make a call to Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. If you haven't done so already you will need to give your app the correct permission to write to the SD Card by adding the line below to your Manifest uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE share..
How to create directory automatically on SD card FileOutputStream outputFile Note It might be wise to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory for getting the SD Card directory as this might change if a phone comes along which has something other than an SD Card such as built in flash a'la.. for getting the SD Card directory as this might change if a phone comes along which has something other than an SD Card such as built in flash a'la the iPhone . Either way you should keep in mind that you need to check to make sure it's actually.. a'la the iPhone . Either way you should keep in mind that you need to check to make sure it's actually there as the SD Card may be removed. UPDATE Since API Level 4 1.6 you'll also have to request the permission. Something like this in the manifest..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? to pick an image from gallery SD Card for my app in Android This question was originally asked for Android 1.6. I am working on photos options in my app. I have..
manually put files to android emulator sd card emulator mount sd card share improve this question If you are using Eclipse you can move files to and from the SD Card through the Android Perspective it is called DDMS in Eclipse . Just select the Emulator in the left part of the screen and..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? problem whereby M3U playlists synchronised to the device remain in this SQLite DB even after being deleted from the SD Card. It's gotten to the point where I now have a collection of about 40 playlists showing up in any music app I use despite.. file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory I've found a few examples of this code online as a way to scan the SD Card but I'm not having any luck with it whatsoever. Any tips FULL CODE package com.roryok.MediaRescan import
Show Image View from file path in android? are already laying inside the resource folder This kind of path is needed only when your images are stored in SD Card. And try the below code to set Bitmap images from a file stored inside a SD Card. File imgFile new File sdcard Images test_image.jpg.. when your images are stored in SD Card. And try the below code to set Bitmap images from a file stored inside a SD Card. File imgFile new File sdcard Images test_image.jpg if imgFile.exists Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile imgFile.getAbsolutePath..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email to attach a file from SD Card to email I am trying to launch an Intent to send an email. All of that works but when I try to actually send the email..
Save bitmap to location other option I have is to use MediaStore MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver bm barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image Which works fine to save to SD card but does not allow you to customize the folder... MediaStore MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver bm barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image barcodeNumber .jpg Card Image Which works fine to save to SD card but does not allow you to customize the folder. android bitmap save share improve..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK Can we upload videos from an Android device's SD Card to a Facebook account.. videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK Can we upload videos from an Android device's SD Card to a Facebook account via the Facebook SDK If so what are some simple examples android facebook facebook graph api share..
Store Android SQLite perfomance will be down. So Internal Memory is best till medium level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When you are storing database in external Memory like SD Card then for perfomance application perfomance's will be bit slower.. level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When you are storing database in external Memory like SD Card then for perfomance application perfomance's will be bit slower than Internal Memory. However this can't be recognize while..
Do ALL android devices have an internal SD card? storage device or has not been properly disconnected from a PC . But are there any android devices with NO INTERNAL SD CARD on which my app would definitely be unusable android android sdcard share improve this question But are there any android.. unusable android android sdcard share improve this question But are there any android devices with NO INTERNAL SD CARD on which my app would definitely be unusable Any device that has the Android Market will have at least 2GB of storage at..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? BufferedWriter out null try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Toast toast Toast.makeText this SD CARD mounted and writable root.canWrite 5000 if root.canWrite File gpxfile new File root ReadConfigLog.txt FileWriter.. gpxwriter out.write Hello world out.close catch IOException e Toast toast Toast.makeText this Problem reading SD CARD 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not write file e.getMessage.. All config data logged to ReadConfigLog.txt 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Extract ReadConfigLog.txt from SD CARD 5000 else result String wcefClientCert.get config out.close catch IOException e Toast toast1 Toast.makeText this..
Android: use SQLite database on SD Card (not using internal Android Data Store at all) give me some links tutorials to using SQLite file thatis stored on a SD card Not implementing the OpenHandler. SD CARD info.db I want to use an external SQlite database file not use Android internal data store because I want to frequently..
Get free space on internal memory free space on internal memory Is it possible to get the amount of free memory on an Android device not on the SD CARD via the Android SDK If so how android share improve this question this post might fit well to your question. also check..
Android: Display Image from SD CARD Display Image from SD CARD This is driving me insane Here's my code I know this file exists File imageFile new File sdcard gallery_photo_4.jpg ImageView..