android Programming Glossary: canvas.rotate
Vertical (rotated) label in Android draw Canvas canvas if topDown canvas.translate getHeight 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect.. 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate..
How to add a Marker/Pin on an ImageView Android? scale scaleAdjust canvas.translate x y if rotation 0.0f canvas.rotate rotation if adjustedScale 1.0f canvas.scale adjustedScale..
Rotating an image around a specified point doesn't work! (Android) canvas Rect clipBounds canvas.getClipBounds canvas.rotate angleRotation clipBounds.exactCenterX clipBounds.exactCenterY..
Rotate MapView in Android w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor..
Rotating a view in android @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate 45 appropriate x pivot value appropriate y pivot value super.onDraw..
How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android? float py this.getHeight 2.0f float px this.getWidth 2.0f canvas.rotate 180 px py draw the text with the matrix applied. super.onDraw..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees oldh @Override protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate 270 getWidth 2 getHeight 2 This code will stretch the canvas..
Right to Left ProgressBar? @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate 180 CenterX CenterY super.onDraw canvas canvas.restore This..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? 0 Draw ball Save the position of the canvas. canvas.rotate angle X ballW 2 Y ballH 2 Rotate the canvas. canvas.drawBitmap.. two Save the position of the canvas matrix. canvas.rotate angle ballX ballW 2 ballY ballH 2 Rotate the canvas matrix...
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination method two save the position of the canvas canvas.rotate angle X ballW 2 Y ballH 2 rotate the canvas' matrix canvas.drawBitmap..
Draw text vertically on canvas problem. I can do so if i 10 this_str2 0.00 canvas.rotate 90 190 90 canvas.drawText this_str2 x_guide 50 drawSizes 1.. if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate.. 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate getCompoundPaddingLeft getExtendedPaddingTop..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android return super.setFrame l t l b t t r l @Override public void draw Canvas canvas if topDown canvas.translate getHeight 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight void draw Canvas canvas if topDown canvas.translate getHeight 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight super.draw canvas By default rotated text.. getCurrentTextColor textPaint.drawableState getDrawableState if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate getCompoundPaddingLeft getExtendedPaddingTop getLayout..
How to add a Marker/Pin on an ImageView Android? if drawable null isRecycled float adjustedScale scale scaleAdjust canvas.translate x y if rotation 0.0f canvas.rotate rotation if adjustedScale 1.0f canvas.scale adjustedScale adjustedScale drawable.draw canvas canvas.restore if drawLock.availablePermits..
Rotating an image around a specified point doesn't work! (Android) invalidate @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Rect clipBounds canvas.getClipBounds canvas.rotate angleRotation clipBounds.exactCenterX clipBounds.exactCenterY super.onDraw canvas canvas.restore If you play around with..
Rotate MapView in Android final float scaleFactor float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore..
Rotating a view in android
How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android? text Otherwise it rotates around the origin and that's bad. float py this.getHeight 2.0f float px this.getWidth 2.0f canvas.rotate 180 px py draw the text with the matrix applied. super.onDraw canvas restore the old matrix. canvas.restore And this is..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh @Override protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate 270 getWidth 2 getHeight 2 This code will stretch the canvas to accommodate the new screen size. This is not what I want...
Right to Left ProgressBar?
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? decrease speed. Increase rotating angle. if angle 360 angle 0 Draw ball Save the position of the canvas. canvas.rotate angle X ballW 2 Y ballH 2 Rotate the canvas. canvas.drawBitmap ball X Y null Draw the ball on the rotated canvas. canvas.restore.. matrix null Draw the ball with applied matrix. Rotate method two Save the position of the canvas matrix. canvas.rotate angle ballX ballW 2 ballY ballH 2 Rotate the canvas matrix. canvas.drawBitmap ball ballX ballY null Draw the ball by applying..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination ball matrix null draw the ball with the applied matrix method two save the position of the canvas canvas.rotate angle X ballW 2 Y ballH 2 rotate the canvas' matrix canvas.drawBitmap ball X Y null draw the ball on the rotated canvas..
Draw text vertically on canvas Sorry for maybe stupid question but I can not solve this problem. I can do so if i 10 this_str2 0.00 canvas.rotate 90 190 90 canvas.drawText this_str2 x_guide 50 drawSizes 1 drawSizes 3 i drawSizes 3 10 20 paint canvas.restore But it.. getCurrentTextColor textPaint.drawableState getDrawableState if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate getCompoundPaddingLeft getExtendedPaddingTop.. if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate getCompoundPaddingLeft getExtendedPaddingTop getLayout .draw canvas canvas.restore share improve..