android Programming Glossary: cap
VerifiyAndSetParameter error when trying to record video bucket. I've been using with a little altering the Android capture video intent article . but when the recording is over I.. 2595 Unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value 05 08 10 46 33.705.. 2595 unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value 05 08 10 46 33.705..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling scroll . This happens because the fake drag implements caps on the bounds that the scroll will be effective. You can mimic.. new x positions based on the initial velocity. Impose no cap on the min max x values. mScroller.fling initialX 0 initialVel..
audio and video recording errors in android 31 unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value ERROR audio_input.. 31 Unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value ERROR CameraInput.. 15961 Caught io exception prepare failed. android video capture audio recording share improve this question The camera..
Two questions about max heap sizes and available memory in android share improve this question Early devices had a per app cap of 16MB. Later devices increased that to 24MB. Future devices.. properties of the display device because a larger screen capable of displaying more colors will usually require larger bitmaps.. the earlier annoyances. Recent devices e.g. the Nexus 4 cap the heap size at 96MB or more. A general sense of the app's..
Debugging Android NDK native apps It doesn't get any more informative Traceback screen cap android debugging android ndk share improve this question..
VerifiyAndSetParameter error when trying to record video to create an app that records and uploads a video to a S3 bucket. I've been using with a little altering the Android capture video intent article . but when the recording is over I get a list of errors. I'm using a Galaxy S2 phone so it's supported.. Parameters 2595 SalesCode PTR 05 08 10 46 33.705 E CameraInput 2595 Unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value 05 08 10 46 33.705 E CameraInput 2595 VerifiyAndSetParameter failed on parameter.. failed on parameter #0 05 08 10 46 33.705 E audio_input 2595 unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value 05 08 10 46 33.705 E audio_input 2595 VerifyAndSetParameter failed 05 08 10..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling this alone it won't work though you'll still get only one page scroll . This happens because the fake drag implements caps on the bounds that the scroll will be effective. You can mimic the calculations in the extended ViewPager and detect when.. 0 mLastFlingX initialX setup the scroller to calulate the new x positions based on the initial velocity. Impose no cap on the min max x values. mScroller.fling initialX 0 initialVel 0 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE post this private..
audio and video recording errors in android AndroidRuntime 16055 ERROR thread attach failed ERROR audio_input 31 unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value ERROR audio_input 31 VerifyAndSetParameter failed ERROR CameraInput 31 Unsupported.. ERROR audio_input 31 VerifyAndSetParameter failed ERROR CameraInput 31 Unsupported parameter x pvmf media input node cap config interface valtype key_specific_value ERROR CameraInput 31 VerifiyAndSetParameter failed on parameter #0 ERROR PVOMXEncNode.. 31 Command 13 completed with error 1 ERROR SoundRecordingDemo 15961 Caught io exception prepare failed. android video capture audio recording share improve this question The camera API appears to require that many of the sources are set including..
Two questions about max heap sizes and available memory in android of what is available. Thanks android memory heap share improve this question Early devices had a per app cap of 16MB. Later devices increased that to 24MB. Future devices will likely have even more available. The value is a reflection.. of the physical memory available on the device and the properties of the display device because a larger screen capable of displaying more colors will usually require larger bitmaps . Edit Additional musings... I read an article not too.. data for Bitmaps is now stored on the Dalvik heap avoiding the earlier annoyances. Recent devices e.g. the Nexus 4 cap the heap size at 96MB or more. A general sense of the app's memory limits can be obtained as the memory class from ActivityManager.getMemoryClass..
Debugging Android NDK native apps have debug symbols. Edit3 Here's an image of the stack trace. It doesn't get any more informative Traceback screen cap android debugging android ndk share improve this question Well NDK_DEBUG 1 and debuggable flag in manifest set to true..