android Programming Glossary: caption
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] DO NOTHING HERE else postImgGallery.putString caption finalStatusMessage mAsyncRunner.request me photos postImgGallery..
Post to facebook after login fails Android me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http link http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http parameters.putString method stream.publish.. me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption System.out.println response link link parameters.putString..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) myDialogResult MessageBox.Show My text here My caption here MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel As you can see the call to..
Android Launcher label vs. activity title that is displayed on the startscreen a different shorter caption. It seems the launcher takes its label from the mainfest section..
Android post picture to Facebook wall Bundle param new Bundle param.putString message picture caption param.putByteArray picture ImageBytes mAsyncRunner.request me..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? share intent on Facebook I'd like to share a photo with caption pre filled from my app via a share intent on facebook. I know.. Intent.EXTRA_STREAM examplePhoto set caption shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT example caption.. shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT example caption shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT example caption..
Post on user's friends facebook wall through android application message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString description..
Android gallery with caption gallery with caption I have been following the gallery example here http LayoutInflater li getLayoutInflater v li.inflate R.layout.caption null TextView tv TextView v.findViewById tv.setText.. null TextView tv TextView v.findViewById tv.setText test ImageView i ImageView v.findViewById
Android send a image and save url [duplicate] title new StringBody TITLE reqEntity.addPart caption new StringBody Caption try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall private void uploadImageOnlyToAlbum byte byteArray String caption Bundle params new Bundle params.putByteArray picture byteArray.. params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner.. picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook..
Post to facebook after login fails Android parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http parameters.putString.. http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http parameters.putString method stream.publish.. parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption System.out.println response link link parameters.putString..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android source data.getAbsolutePath httpPost.setHeader message Caption for the photo localContext new BasicHttpContext response httpClient.execute..
Android send a image and save url [duplicate] question Check this code for Sending Image with Title Caption Name etc HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost.. StringBody TITLE reqEntity.addPart caption new StringBody Caption try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap.compress..
Facebook post to wall on Android, message only link http parameters.putString caption Caption parameters.putString description Description String response..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] STRING finalStatusMessage TO THE BUNDLE if finalStatusMessage.equals DO NOTHING HERE else postImgGallery.putString caption finalStatusMessage mAsyncRunner.request me photos postImgGallery POST new PhotoUploadListener null Here mAsyncRunner is..
Post to facebook after login fails Android onFacebookError try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http .. Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http parameters.putString method stream.publish response facebook.request me feed parameters .. postOnWall String link try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption System.out.println response link link parameters.putString link link parameters.putString caption Test Caption..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) what buttons should be available in the popup for example DialogResult myDialogResult MessageBox.Show My text here My caption here MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel As you can see the call to Show returns a DialogResult when a button is pressed in the..
Android Launcher label vs. activity title it again. I want to give my application launcher icon the one that is displayed on the startscreen a different shorter caption. It seems the launcher takes its label from the mainfest section about the main activity's label as here activity android..
Android post picture to Facebook wall api... try to use graph api its simple... Use following code Bundle param new Bundle param.putString message picture caption param.putByteArray picture ImageBytes mAsyncRunner.request me photos param POST new SampleUploadListener According to error..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook I'd like to share a photo with caption pre filled from my app via a share intent on facebook. I know how to share photo or how to share text but how do I share.. set photo shareCaptionIntent.setData examplePhoto shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM examplePhoto set caption shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT example caption shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT example caption.. Intent.EXTRA_STREAM examplePhoto set caption shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT example caption shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT example caption startActivity Intent.createChooser shareCaptionIntent getString..
Post on user's friends facebook wall through android application String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString description A secret message is waiting for you. Click the link to..
Android gallery with caption gallery with caption I have been following the gallery example here http resources tutorials views hello gallery.html.. int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View v LayoutInflater li getLayoutInflater v li.inflate R.layout.caption null TextView tv TextView v.findViewById tv.setText test ImageView i ImageView v.findViewById v LayoutInflater li getLayoutInflater v li.inflate R.layout.caption null TextView tv TextView v.findViewById tv.setText test ImageView i ImageView v.findViewById i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams..
Android send a image and save url [duplicate] StringBody Name reqEntity.addPart Id new StringBody ID reqEntity.addPart title new StringBody TITLE reqEntity.addPart caption new StringBody Caption try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 75 bos..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall FacebookActivity.this Canceled Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show private void uploadImageOnlyToAlbum byte byteArray String caption Bundle params new Bundle params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner.. byte byteArray String caption Bundle params new Bundle params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me photos params POST new.. byteArray String caption Bundle params new Bundle params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request me photos params POST new SampleUploadListener..
Post to facebook after login fails Android try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http parameters.putString.. caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http parameters.putString method stream.publish response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Utility.mAsyncRunner.request.. String link try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption System.out.println response link link parameters.putString link link parameters.putString caption Test Caption http
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android access_token facebook.getAccessToken httpPost.setHeader source data.getAbsolutePath httpPost.setHeader message Caption for the photo localContext new BasicHttpContext response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext bobince thanks this is..
Android send a image and save url [duplicate] .. which is the url of a aspx . android share improve this question Check this code for Sending Image with Title Caption Name etc HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost postRequest new HttpPost You Link MultipartEntity reqEntity.. Id new StringBody ID reqEntity.addPart title new StringBody TITLE reqEntity.addPart caption new StringBody Caption try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 75 bos byte data bos.toByteArray..
Facebook post to wall on Android, message only Listen up parameters.putString name Name parameters.putString link http parameters.putString caption Caption parameters.putString description Description String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.v response response..