android Programming Glossary: cardetail
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method This is the class where asynctask is written public class CarDetail implements Parcelable private String carId private String carName.. private ImageLoadTask task new ImageLoadTask public CarDetail super TODO Auto generated constructor stub public CarDetail.. super TODO Auto generated constructor stub public CarDetail String carId String carName String imageUrl String thumbUrl..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method tell me the right way to stop asynctask's doInBackground. This is the class where asynctask is written public class CarDetail implements Parcelable private String carId private String carName private String imageUrl private String thumbUrl private.. image private Bitmap thumbImage private CarListAdapter carAdapter private ImageLoadTask task new ImageLoadTask public CarDetail super TODO Auto generated constructor stub public CarDetail String carId String carName String imageUrl String thumbUrl.. private ImageLoadTask task new ImageLoadTask public CarDetail super TODO Auto generated constructor stub public CarDetail String carId String carName String imageUrl String thumbUrl String dailyPrice String weeklyPrice String weekendPrice String..