android Programming Glossary: canvas.drawtext
How do you draw text with a border on a MapView in Android? 16 textPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 textPaint super.draw canvas mapView shadow.. 16 textPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 strokePaint canvas.drawText Some Text 100.. canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 strokePaint canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 textPaint super.draw canvas mapView shadow..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] scores and progress using Canvas.drawText . This is bad canvas.drawText Your score is Score.points x y paint because Strings char arrays..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? canvas nothing gets drawn Paint p new Paint Color.RED canvas.drawText PREVIEW canvas.getWidth 2 canvas.getHeight 2 p android camera..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer float descent paint.descent final RectF rectF mOverlayPos canvas.drawText mSectionText int rectF.left rectF.right 2 int rectF.bottom..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.drawText Hello World 5 15 mLoadPaint @Override protected void onLayout..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? selectedMapLocation.getAddress .substring 0 30 .. canvas.drawText name infoWindowOffsetX 45 infoWindowOffsetY 70 myPaintBlack.. 70 myPaintBlack myPaintBlack.setTextSize 13 canvas.drawText address infoWindowOffsetX 45 infoWindowOffsetY 55 myPaintBlack.. Color.CYAN myPaintBlack.setTextSize 11 canvas.drawText Click for more info.. infoWindowOffsetX 105 infoWindowOffsetY..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText framesCountAvg fps 40 70 fpsPaint framesCount if now framesTimer..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? 3 canvas.drawCircle point.x point.y rad circlePaint canvas.drawText My Location point.x 3 CIRCLERADIUS point.y 3 CIRCLERADIUS text..
Combine image and text to drawable paint.setTextSize 20 Canvas canvas new Canvas bm canvas.drawText text 0 bm.getHeight 2 paint return new BitmapDrawable bm To..
Draw multi-line text to Canvas in onDraw I have ... String text This is nmulti line ntext canvas.drawText text 100 100 mTextPaint ... I was hoping this would result in.. to get your text on the next line. So something like this canvas.drawText This is 100 100 mTextPaint canvas.drawText multi line 100 150.. like this canvas.drawText This is 100 100 mTextPaint canvas.drawText multi line 100 150 mTextPaint canvas.drawText text 100 200 mTextPaint..
How to draw text On image? settings... canvas.drawBitmap originalBitmap 0 0 paint canvas.drawText Testing... 10 10 paint NEWLY ADDED CODE originalBitmap.compress..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()
How do you draw text with a border on a MapView in Android? 255 255 textPaint.setTextAlign Paint.Align.CENTER textPaint.setTextSize 16 textPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 textPaint super.draw canvas mapView shadow android google maps android mapview share improve this.. 255 255 textPaint.setTextAlign Paint.Align.CENTER textPaint.setTextSize 16 textPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 strokePaint canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 textPaint super.draw canvas mapView shadow This will draw.. textPaint.setTextSize 16 textPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 strokePaint canvas.drawText Some Text 100 100 textPaint super.draw canvas mapView shadow This will draw a border of 2 pixels around the outside of the..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] priority queues. I also have trouble where I want to display scores and progress using Canvas.drawText . This is bad canvas.drawText Your score is Score.points x y paint because Strings char arrays and StringBuffers will be allocated all over to make it..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? @Override public void draw Canvas canvas super.draw canvas nothing gets drawn Paint p new Paint Color.RED canvas.drawText PREVIEW canvas.getWidth 2 canvas.getHeight 2 p android camera surfaceview share improve this question SurfaceView..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer mOverlayDrawable.draw canvas final Paint paint mPaint float descent paint.descent final RectF rectF mOverlayPos canvas.drawText mSectionText int rectF.left rectF.right 2 int rectF.bottom 2 descent paint else if alpha 0 scrollFade.mStarted..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android 10 mLoadPaint.setARGB 255 255 0 0 @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.drawText Hello World 5 15 mLoadPaint @Override protected void onLayout boolean arg0 int arg1 int arg2 int arg3 int arg4 @Override..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? selectedMapLocation.getAddress if address.length 30 address selectedMapLocation.getAddress .substring 0 30 .. canvas.drawText name infoWindowOffsetX 45 infoWindowOffsetY 70 myPaintBlack myPaintBlack.setTextSize 13 canvas.drawText address infoWindowOffsetX.. 0 30 .. canvas.drawText name infoWindowOffsetX 45 infoWindowOffsetY 70 myPaintBlack myPaintBlack.setTextSize 13 canvas.drawText address infoWindowOffsetX 45 infoWindowOffsetY 55 myPaintBlack Draw inner info window canvas.drawRoundRect infoWindowRect.. 5 5 getBorderPaint Draw the MapLocation's name myPaintBlack.setColor Color.CYAN myPaintBlack.setTextSize 11 canvas.drawText Click for more info.. infoWindowOffsetX 105 infoWindowOffsetY 33 myPaintBlack canvas.drawBitmap bitMoreInformation infoWindowOffsetX..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText framesCountAvg fps 40 70 fpsPaint framesCount if now framesTimer 1000 framesTimer now framesCountAvg framesCount framesCount..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? circlePaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE circlePaint.setStrokeWidth 3 canvas.drawCircle point.x point.y rad circlePaint canvas.drawText My Location point.x 3 CIRCLERADIUS point.y 3 CIRCLERADIUS text Thank you in advance for your help android maps share..
Combine image and text to drawable paint new Paint paint.setStyle Style.FILL paint.setColor Color.BLACK paint.setTextSize 20 Canvas canvas new Canvas bm canvas.drawText text 0 bm.getHeight 2 paint return new BitmapDrawable bm To preserve density you need this constructor BitmapDrawable Resources..
Draw multi-line text to Canvas to write multi line text to a custom View via a Canvas and in onDraw I have ... String text This is nmulti line ntext canvas.drawText text 100 100 mTextPaint ... I was hoping this would result in line breaks but instead I am seeing cryptic characters where.. is. What you have to do is strip the n and then offset the Y to get your text on the next line. So something like this canvas.drawText This is 100 100 mTextPaint canvas.drawText multi line 100 150 mTextPaint canvas.drawText text 100 200 mTextPaint share..
How to draw text On image? PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_OVER Text Overlapping Pattern some more settings... canvas.drawBitmap originalBitmap 0 0 paint canvas.drawText Testing... 10 10 paint NEWLY ADDED CODE originalBitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 out out.flush out.close catch..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()