android Programming Glossary: behaving
Not able disable Home button on specific android devices Does any one have any idea why different devices are behaving differently and what is the best way to handle such scenario... Does any one have any idea why different devices are behaving differently Because they are different devices and the vendors..
How to simulate Android killing my process during testing so that I can ensure that my application is behaving correctly. I want to be able to do this in an automated way..
A strange behavior of Android Activities,Fragments and Intent fragment or I rotate the device once I do that it starts behaving normally and surprisingly when I start the activity B from fragment..
Android: How to do something after user clicks on my EditText to my EditText. But the OnClickListener is behaving wierdly I touch the EditText and then software keyboard appears..
problem with KeyGuardManager when this code is executed later I notice my phone is behaving weirdly. until a I see the following message in the Logcat file..
Why is ListView.getCheckedItemPositions() not returning correct values? is returning an empty array. The method is behaving as if there are no items in the ListView but there are. I can..
Play song during call automatically once playing done... present my application behaving like if i call to anyone once call lifted song is playing but..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change something I'm missing UPDATE Seems like isInLayout isn't behaving as it should currently as well. It returns false if you have..
Media queries not behaving as expected on Android queries not behaving as expected on Android I have 4 media queries. The 1st 3rd..
How to set more than one alarms at a time in android? at a time which is at last position of array why it is behaving like this following is my code AlarmManager alarmManager new..
Android - SQLite Cursor getColumnIndex() is case sensitive? in Android i came to know that the getColumnIndex is behaving case sensitive for example Example Column Name in DB was Rules..
Android compatibility contextual action bar
Not able disable Home button on specific android devices remained enabled. These observations are seems very conflicting. Does any one have any idea why different devices are behaving differently and what is the best way to handle such scenario. As per my understanding till now none of the vendors have.. . If you want to handle the HOME button implement a home screen. Does any one have any idea why different devices are behaving differently Because they are different devices and the vendors made changes. Also in the case of 4.0.4 additional protections..
How to simulate Android killing my process RAM CPU etc. . I need to be able to simulate this behaviour during testing so that I can ensure that my application is behaving correctly. I want to be able to do this in an automated way so that I can test if the application behaves correctly whenever..
A strange behavior of Android Activities,Fragments and Intent dialog after returning until either I navigate to some other fragment or I rotate the device once I do that it starts behaving normally and surprisingly when I start the activity B from fragment a3 it returns immediately and behaves normally. I have..
Android: How to do something after user clicks on my EditText EditText I want to show a TimePickerDialog so I set a View.OnClickListener to my EditText. But the OnClickListener is behaving wierdly I touch the EditText and then software keyboard appears which I don't want . When I touch again OnClickListener.onClick..
problem with KeyGuardManager far no problems the phone is unlocked and all is good. However when this code is executed later I notice my phone is behaving weirdly. until a I see the following message in the Logcat file WindowManagerService.mKeyguardTokenWatcher cleaning up leaked..
Why is ListView.getCheckedItemPositions() not returning correct values? item so the source of the problems seems to be that getCheckedItemPositions is returning an empty array. The method is behaving as if there are no items in the ListView but there are. I can see from the docs that no values are returned when the ListView..
Play song during call both should listen that song and call must be disconnected automatically once playing done... present my application behaving like if i call to anyone once call lifted song is playing but i am only hearing that song but i want to do other person..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change So the question is how to do this correctly or if there is something I'm missing UPDATE Seems like isInLayout isn't behaving as it should currently as well. It returns false if you have added a Fragment to a container manually. Also if you add a..
Media queries not behaving as expected on Android queries not behaving as expected on Android I have 4 media queries. The 1st 3rd and 4th work but the 2nd one doesn't seem to activate. Why is..
How to set more than one alarms at a time in android? to set alarm from array but only one alarm is set and working at a time which is at last position of array why it is behaving like this following is my code AlarmManager alarmManager new AlarmManager 24 for f 0 f arr2.length f Intent intent new..
Android - SQLite Cursor getColumnIndex() is case sensitive? getColumnIndex is case sensitive While working with SQLiteCursor in Android i came to know that the getColumnIndex is behaving case sensitive for example Example Column Name in DB was Rules cursor.getColumnIndex Rules workes fine cursor.getColumnIndex..
Android compatibility contextual action bar